Chapter 6

1497 Words
BELLS POV Its now the weekend thank god i cant handle seeing dom or dem. I know i shouldnt be mad at dem but he sat there and let it happen plus goddess know dem didnt say anything to dom. Why does having two mates suck but im not one to question the moon goddess i really dont want to piss her off. Come on its been a few days dont you think you should for give dom Lu Im really not in the mood for this right now honestly B come on ive talked to his wolf hes sorry Maybe his wolf but i know for damn sure he isnt im not submitting im a strong headed person why do they need to be stuck in the 1900s I slammed my fist on the table. My mother looked at me "sorry i was talking with my wolf" i muttered i stormed off and went to my room i called randi "hey b whats up" "Hey wanna meet me at the edge of you pack land and go for a run" i asked "b you know theres rogue land close to you right" i rolled my eyes "you forget whos my mother right i no how to fight ill be fine i meet you on the eastern side in 10 minutes" "10 minutes shouldnt it take 30" "Randi you forget if i wanna get somewhere i rush right" she laughed "ok see you in a bit" "Ok see you soon oh and dont tell your brother please they are the last people i wanna see right now" "ok b i got you" then i hung up ready for a run lu Oh.My.Wolf yes ive been dying to get out but you know, YOU wont let me. i laughed im not giving you full control but keep your senses up for me "Xander im going to meet Randi ill be back later" i linked him "ok be safe" I went to my window and jumped shifted mid air. i shock out my fur then took off east. I walked most of the way taking in the fresh air along with all the animals around me i smirked when i seen a little dear run to its mom. It stumbled to walk so small so cute. I stopped by the lake to get a drink it was almost sunset i enjoyed watching the sun set over the water made it sparkle a bit. I started walking about i sniffed the air, the smell of garbage came to my nose Nasty i agree Lu we are close to the rogues. But he ready to run. I sat for a second as i reached the edge of my pack the rogues never had good land it looked dead in a way some plants grew but it really looked dead. How close are the rogues From what i can sense they are far away mostly north They dont have patrols so we should be fine Just keep a guard up lu i dont need s**t from them right now plus i really doubt i could hold you back much, just work with me here Lu just barked here does nothing. I stepped onto their land i turned my head to see the take with a bit of light from the pack house along with other houses of the pack. I took off running as fast as my paws would take me. I knew being in here i be smelled, i didnt smell like s**t and i didnt need to those nasty rogues are disgusting. I was running for maybe 5 miles when i came across a rogues just great im close to the royal lands they are in eye distance. I slowed down and hid in the bushes fuck how many do you sense lu Atleast 4 the alpha for sure then a beta and 3 others Shit. I lowered my self to the ground i seen the alpha he was mud brown with red eyes. Charlie lu growled I know lu. ugh beta Aaron i looked to see the beta aka aaron he was A light brown with red eyes. These rogues called them selfs the red eyes, Anyone who joins this rogue pack their eyes turn red. I looked around to see the other two i didnt know them, two were a dirty blonde. One was a girl i could tell that much. I turned my head towards the royal lands an see Randi waiting for me i slowly backed away the rogues soon turned in the other way away from me. I took off running i knew once i reached Randi i was safe just one more clearing them in sky free. But as the moon goddess likes to have it, it wasnt going to be easy with out a fight. I was only a few meters away from randi when she Howled and i knew the rogues were behind me. Fuck I was blocked by one of the dirty blonde wolfs. I growled showing my canines. and it snarled back. "well well well Bella Collins" i turned to see charlie he linked me "Charlie its been a while" "you know i can kill you for coming onto my land" he growled "your land oh please your just a mutt my father through out cuz you wouldnt listen to your alpha" i growled back "ENOUGH" The others started to circle me i tried looking for away out but there wasnt any i seen randi was gone. f**k i hope shes not doing anything stupid. "so what are you waiting for come get me" i growled at charlie he pounced on me as i watching Aaron he was ready to pounce as well. Charlie knocked me over and growled "awe whats wrong lil alpha cant fight" I snarled at him at he was about to claw me i kicked him sending him flying. The others watched they knew not to get into this till their alpha told them. I lowered my self to the ground digging my paws into the dirty then pounced on charlie and bit his neck but he clawed me a crossed the face. i yelped out as i was thrown off him. I landed with a thud, I felt blood coming down my face "oh look she bleeds" I growled "youll be next" I clawed at his side making sure my nails dug in good then i turned and ducked kicking him over. "oh look he bleeds" i growled mocking him i smirked he had claw marks on his side now. thats when he howled for the rest to join in fuck lu we are out numbered now no s**t keep going im doing what i can the darker blonde charged me and missed i bit down on his neck but aaron bit my back leg. I growled out in pain then turned and snapped at his face catching him with my teeth. I looked quick to see my bloody left leg. i put it down but it hurt. Three legs it is then, I turned back to aaron he was pawing his face i got him good i charged going for his throat but charlie knocked me off my paws. and bit my stomach i yelped out B i cant heal you any faster they are doing more damage then what i can heal i have to shift you back im becoming weak Lu i cant im be more of a target for them. she didnt answer i felt my bones starting to shift back i cried out as i held my stomach. "f*****g asshole" i growled as i tried to stand up "what gonna fight me in wolf form now" "ahah easier to kill you" charlie growled he stalked towards me and put a paw on my neck cutting off my air way and dug his claws into me i scared out. I started seeing black dots when i heard two very enraged growls i looked to see a blonde wolf with the royal crest then to the left was a red and blonde wolf mix with a crown with a wolf as well both had yellow eyes i knew it was dom and dem but i didnt know who was who. They charged for charlie i seen Randi behind them she didnt move, randi wasnt much of a fighter but to my surprise randi started running towards me. the blonde wolf knocked charlie off me while the red one stood over me in a protective way. The blonde wolf had charlie pinned slowly killing him with a few other wolfs from the royal pack killed the others. I looked up at the red wolf i could tell he was calming down. He bent down to lick my stomach then my face, i knew i was gonna have a scar on my face, thanks to that asshole. i started feeling tired and passed out.
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