Chapter 33-2

1700 Words

Was there a hint of wonder there? Regret even? “Yeah,” she said. “It"s surprising what you can do when the alternative is imminent annihilation. It"s odd that your creators gave you the ability but didn"t tell you about it.” “I suppose they feared that I would become curious and experiment,” the entity said. “You know, I think they were probably pretty safe on that front.” Ondo said, “And the really interesting question is, what else are you capable of that we don"t know about?” “Let"s think of a way of finding out that doesn"t involve a Concordance battlefleet throwing everything they have at us,” said Selene. They flew for an hour, dropping repeatedly in and out of metaspace, Surtr becoming slicker with the procedure each time. Selene could discern no hint of pursuit, but she

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