Chapter 33-1

2010 Words

“This is where you use this ship"s weaponry,” Selene called to Surtr. “Fire everything you have at them while I plot an escape vector.” Surtr"s voice in her head remained utterly calm. “I cannot use the weapon; this is not the correct enemy.” What the hell did that mean? Expressions were obviously impossible to read upon the lines of its rigid face, but it appeared to be confused by the sight of the attacking ships. It actually c****d its head from side-to-side, like every pet dog she"d ever owned trying to understand intelligent speech. “What are you talking about?” she flung back. “The correct enemy to fire at is the one firing at you. It"s a simple concept. And what do you mean by weapon, singular? We need to fire high-g missiles, lay down arcs of beam-weapon fire to push them ont

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