Chapter 17

2000 Words

Selene tried desperately to resolve images of the approaching object. Was it a ship or some sort of weapon? It was coming directly at them at high velocity, just as a high-g harpoon might. Could the ship withstand such a strike? The transparent bulkhead looked impossibly fragile. She zoomed in on the object to try and glean more data about it. Come up with some strategy. Then she saw: the object wasn"t a ship, and it wasn"t a missile. There was no mistaking that angled, snouted head: it was the figure that had picked her up in the ruins. It was flying through the void untroubled by the radiation, moving under some form of built-in reaction drive. She relayed what she was detecting to Ondo. “Do you recognize it?” “I don"t … I can"t be sure.” “Well, I think you"re going to find out v

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