Chapter 16-2

2692 Words

“No people?” “None that I"ve been able to find, although I haven"t been down to the surface. Perhaps there might be one or two holed up somewhere, eking out dwindling supplies, but I doubt it. It"s been nearly a year since your escape and the planet"s biosphere was already at a tipping point when you left. It also appears some areas of the surface have been scoured by Concordance planetary destruction weaponry: seismic devices and air-burst nukes.” “Which areas?” “Specifically, the ship crash site your father was excavating. That"s been utterly demolished.” Now that she studied the pictures, she could see that it was, indeed, her home. They were looking at Caraleon, the capital city, streets and plazas she knew well. If she tried, she could overlay the shattered ruins with memories

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