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mrs. cheveley. Thanks. I never smoke. My dressmaker wouldn’t like it, and a woman’s first duty in life is to her dressmaker, isn’t it? What the second duty is, no one has as yet discovered. lord goring. You have come here to sell me Robert Chiltern’s letter, haven’t you? mrs. cheveley. To offer it to you on conditions. How did you guess that? lord goring. Because you haven’t mentioned the subject. Have you got it with you? mrs. cheveley. [ Sitting down.] Oh, no! A well-made dress has no pockets. lord goring. What is your price for it? mrs. cheveley. How absurdly English you are! The English think that a cheque-book can solve every problem in life. Why, my dear Arthur, I have very much more money than you have, and quite as much as Robert Chiltern has got hold of. Mon

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