2022 Words

[ A look of triumph comes over her face. She is just about to steal the letter, when phipps comes in.] phipps. The candles in the drawing-room are lit, madam, as you directed. mrs. cheveley. Thank you. [ Rises hastily and slips the letter under a large silver-cased blotting-book that is lying on the table.] phipps. I trust the shades will be to your liking, madam. They are the most becoming we have. They are the same as his lordship uses himself when he is dressing for dinner. mrs. cheveley. [ With a smile.] Then I am sure they will be perfectly right. phipps. [ Gravely.] Thank you, madam. [mrs. cheveley goes into the drawing-room. phipps closes the door and retires. The door is then slowly opened, and mrs. cheveley comes out and creeps stealthily towards the writing-table.

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