Chapter 4-out of the blue

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It has been two days since he is gone for a business trip and I can't just stop thinking about him. They could be together this time, celebrating because they just easily fooled me. Liam if you only knew that I am suffering from your betrayal. This emotional pain is unbearable compared with the physical pain that I'm feeling today. I decided to have a short walk outside our mansion. There's a park nearby and I feel comfortable seeing group of kids playing around the park. Somehow, hearing their laughters made me smile. "Hey, Leo. Please prepare the yatch today, I wanna have a short vacation on the island while Liam is not yet home. I'll be there at three in the afternoon." Leo is the our private yatch navigator. Liam has a private dock exclusive only for Montealto's clan. And the island that I'm going to visit is his gift for me on my 24th birthday. He named the island " Amaiah". It is engulped with white sands and sorrounded with mangroves and coconut trees. After preparing all my stuffs for my island trip, I already take a eide towards the Montealto's dock. The ocean is one of the theraphy that I need. Its calmness gives me inner peace. "Ready ma'am?" Leo ask me when I already ride on the yatch. Its a multi- million luxurious yatch that everyone dreams of. "If everything is settled then we must go!" Sailing to the island is a little bit risky because it took several hours to arrive there. Gettin' to that island is not very easy especially when the weather is not good. Lucky us, the weather seems to cooperate with us today. It was a smooth sail when I saw the boat men running towards me and yelling that we should jump off the water. At first I hesitated but the moment I heard an explosion inside the captain's deck, I didn't think twice but to jump off the yatch and suddenly everything turn blurry and dark. --------- I tried to open my eyes but everything isn't clear. I slowly turned my head and tried to recognized the sorroundings but the more I tried to focus, I felt the pain inside my side crushin' deep to my skull. I closed and once again opened my eyes, this time I realized that I am inside a small hut lyin' in bed. I saw an old lady anxiously lookin' at me. I crossed my eyebrow tryin' to recall what happened and how did I ended up inside this hut with a stranger infront of me. " Atlast you woke up, you've been asleep for almost a week now." The old lady tap a wet cotton on my lips. "Are you hungry?" I nodded. I've been asleep almost a week now? I tried to ask myself in disbelief. " Where's my companion? Is he alright?" I ask with a trembing voice when everything flashes back in my memory. I gave a deep sigh and tears flooded on my face as soon as I remember what happened in the middle of our sail. The explosion, how did it happened? " Dear, I'm sorry but you we're alone when my grandson found you. The yatch, it is totally destroyed." "Where am I then?" " This is a hidden island. No man can find this island except for people who knows this place. Sailing on this island is suicidal." I cried heavily. I need to go back to our house. I need to see Liam. I know he is so worried about me. " C'mon dear, you have to fill in your tummy first then you and my grandson should talk! " The lady held my hand and assisst me towards a small table with three bamboo chairs around it. I sat on one of those chairs as I saw her filling my plate with rice and lots of soup. " You need to eat. By the way, what's your name dear? " " I- I am S-serena!" I don't know why I lied. There's just an instint tellin' me to hide my identity.Just like the movies, not everyone should be trusted especially when you just met them. "I am Lucy." I smiled and thank her for watchin' me out. After eatin' I decided to have some air outside. As I walk out from the small hut, I can't stop myself to be amazed with the scenery outside. It is a heaven-like place on earth. I have been to many places, beaches but this place is different. The small hut is juts along the coast. The pink sands are like crystals wavin' and welcoming me on this place. I took a long deep breathe and closed my eyes. I am alive? Or I am now walkin' in paradise? I pinched my face twice thinking that this was just a beautiful dream and in no time I will be awaken. " You're awake." I frowned as I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me. " Greek god?" I called him but he just laughed at me. I am crazy, really crazy thinkin' that this men behind me is a greek god. I think I was'nt able to breathe seeing those black almond eyes, manly brows, perfect nose and red thin lips. "Miss, I'm not a greek god. I am more handsome than the greek god on your imagination!" I took out a deep breath. I tried hard not to chuckle hearin' him said those words. "I'm Claime,by the way!" "S-Serena. I'm Serena. By the way are you Lucy's grandson? Are you the one who save me?" "Mmm yeah." I embraced him tight. "I'm thankful, so thankful that you saved me. Thanks you, Claime." "Don't mention it. Anyone would do the same." He grasp my hand and we walked along the sea shore. "You see Serena.I saw when your yatch exploded. I think it is planned,the explosion is not a an accident. Do you have an enemy? Does someone wants you dead?" "I-I don't know. Why would someone wants me dead? Listen Claime, I am dyin'. I have a cancer and it's terminal already." He hold my hands tight.Tryin' to say that he is sorry to hear it. "I decided to have a short vacation on the island that my husband bought for me. I want to unwind, I want to be free from stress. I thought the illness I got is the most painful reality but knowin' bout my husband's affair with his childhood bestfriend is more painful. " " What's your plan now Serena? " " I want to stay here Claime. I want to die here. I want Liam to think that I am already dead.I don't want him to carry this burden anymore. Help me, Claime. Help me forget him just until I die. " " Are you sure? But you still don't know us. You still don't know me yet especially this island. " " The moment you save me Claime, I knew that I could trust you. You will not save me if you don't have goodness inside you. " " S-Serena, we are enemy of the state. We are assassins. People pay us to kill people. We train people to be bad,you don't belong here Serena. " " Please Claime, help me. I want to work here,I want to be a part of this island's organization. " " Are you sure you will survive the training? " " Survive or not, I'll just die anyway. Just please let me try. " " O-okay. I'll talk to my father tomorrow. For now, you have to rest. " " Thanks Claime. " I smiled at him. There is this instinct tellin' me that Claime should be trusted. At night I can't stop myself from thinking about Liam.News should have been spread by now. Is he worried about me? Or he is celebrating with his mistress? It has been almost a week. Is he searching for me? Did he even waste a single tear thinking that I might be dead by now? I silently cried. Trying to hide the sobs underneath the blanket.Life is unfair. In just one snap, everything is gone. My husband, my identity and my life. Wait. A day had passed without drinking my medication and why do I still feel so active? When I was in our house, there's not a day that I don't get dizzy. How come, a day in this island made me feel so normal. Just like the way I felt before I was diagnosed with cancer. Is there something wrong? Or I am just really naive to feel the pain, the physical pain because emotionally I am so drained.
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