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CHAPTER ELEVEN Rebecca called Harrison Sidwell and asked him to meet her at Homicide. When he arrived, the tall, thin manager looked even more nervous than he had the night of the homicide. She led him into the interview room. “Mr. Sidwell,” Rebecca said after turning on the tape recorder and making the opening statement, “why did you tell me that you didn't know Meaghan Bishop.” He rubbed his mustache as if to give himself time to think. “I thought you said her name was Blakely.” “I thought you said you didn't know her.” He eyed her through his black-framed glasses without answering, then his shoulders sagged. “Okay, I did know her, but it was a long time ago. I hadn't seen her in years. I was afraid that if I told you, you'd come after me. I swear I didn't kill Meaghan. I was once i

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