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CHAPTER TEN The kinds of things people put on f*******: never ceased to amaze Rebecca. As a cop, she would never consider revealing about herself one tenth of the personal information people thoughtlessly posted about their lives. Shay, she discovered, had a particular talent for digging through f*******: for data. He found a woman named Sheila Chavez who tagged a number of photos with the name of her good friend, Meaghan Bishop. Sheila Chavez also told the world she lived in Daly City. That made her easy to find. Rebecca rang the doorbell to the small, cookie-cutter house. A dark-haired, dark-skinned woman opened the door. She was dressed in a grubby, oversized T-shirt and jeans with holes. “Sheila Chavez?” Rebecca asked as she showed her badge. Chavez's dark eyes grew wide with worry

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