Her Reason

1924 Words
*beep beep* Just at the time, Ryu finished his shower after the morning run, his phone rang. Looking at the caller id, it was Ginji, the only one that has Ryu's phone contact. "Answer the call." After giving a command to answer the call, Ryu's phone showed a small hologram of Ginji's face. "Aw, man! You could have dressed first before answering. Why are you showing off your body to me? What if you taint my eyes? Good thing you still have some conscience to wear your boxer." "Why are you calling?" "Man, you asked me to add your ID in-game. I already did and I waited for you the whole night. You aren't even online. How can you trick me like this? I lost some precious hunting time waiting for you." "Sorry." Usually, Ryu will be replying more energetically. As someone who has been with Ryu since kindergarten Ginji notices something is wrong. "What's wrong bro?" Ryu hesitated for a bit before explaining the event with Sayu. Contrary to his expectation of hearing some consolation, Ginji was laughing out loud. "Hahaha. You are one crazy boy. Why are you giving me that look? Are you hoping for me to take your side and console you? Hahaha. You really are crazy." "B-but I didn't think I did anything wrong!" "Oh boy! I'll tell you about where did you go wrong later. Anyway, can you show me Sayu's picture?" "How? I didn't even get her contact, now you are asking for her picture?" "Just go to your virtual reality pod and extract the recording file. The virtual reality pod automatically saves a record of your gaming experience for the last 7 days. It was a precaution just in case something happened. After all virtual reality scamming is becoming more serious." "Oh okay. I'll get dressed and do that. I'll hang up first then." After extracting the recording files, Ryu takes a screenshot of Sayu. It was a picture when he met her the first time in the forest. He then sends the picture to Ginji and not long after he called him again. "Hahaha. I don't know what to say, are you really lucky or unlucky? To think that you tried to get close to that Sayu." "What? Did I do anything wrong? Is she someone famous?" "Alright, before I tell you about Sayu, I will tell you where did you go wrong. Firstly, this is the era of virtual reality. Anyone can change their looks inside the game, it will be unwise for you to take everything for granted. A little girl character that you see can actually be a grandma. A beautiful lady that you see can actually be really ugly. Of course, we're not judging everyone just by how they look but what I'm trying to say is don't believe in what you see in virtual reality." Ryu also realized that he made a mistake. This is his first time playing a virtual reality game so this is something that he needs to learn sooner or later. It's just a coincidence that he learns it the moment he met another player for the first time. "Secondly, don't ever expose your real-life information to another player. Telling your phone number or even your address is a big no. What if someone suddenly come and robbed your house by pretending to be your friend and your parents let them in? What will you do too if your personal data was used to scam other people and you get sued for it? Unless you have met them in real life, you can't trust them. Even after you met with them in real life, you never know their real personality or background. The virtual world is scarier than you think." "Yeah. I didn't think about it before." "I know. You didn't mean any harm but be more careful in the future. Not to mention Green World's influence can already be felt in the real world. In-game currency trading can even be used to make payments in the real world. They already said that the price of one gold Green World coin is already reaching 100$. It can be said it already become a cryptocurrency but as the usage increase also the number of people who are misusing it. There are some professional gold farming studios and even worse, professional PK groups who do it for the money." "Can't the game company do something about it?" "They can, but why should they? After all these people are also obeying rules and 'playing the game' just like everyone else." "Mhm. I will be more careful. I never knew about all of this before. I just want to play the game you know." "Yeah, I know. But you just have to meet Sayu. Hahaha. No matter how many times I think about it, I am amazed by your luck." "What's wrong with Sayu?" "If you met with any other girl, they might just brush off your advance and tell you off lightly. You know, girls are pretty sensitive about playing virtual reality games. They still suffer some prejudice where people think boys play the game better. Also, girls are prone to s****l harassment even inside the game. There is a function to report harassment whenever it happens but still, it will give them a trauma. Never ever try to hook up with a girl inside a game." "But you hook up with girls inside the game!" "Oh well, I didn't say that it is impossible, but the chance is pretty low especially for someone like you. There are steps before you get close to a girl, especially online. Well, I hate to admit it but all the girls I show you, I did that only to brag and entice you to play the game." "I get it already. I definitely won't chase after girls in virtual reality." "Wow, you're really smart to come up with that decision. Now just don't let your lower body control your brain and you'll be fine." "What do you mean by saying that? My lower half is a good boy." "Yeah right, Mr. a-night-with-a-nurse." "W-w-ait, how did you…" "Cute-neighbourhood-Lolipop-l*****g-loli" "Ugh." "Zombie-Onee-san-will-teach-you-everything." "Stop." "Okay, Mr. turtle-b*****e-in-the-park. Anyway, what I am trying to say is, there are steps to get your dream girlfriend but doing it inside the game will be harder and trickier. Now, do you still want to hear about Sayu?" "Yeah, what about her?" "There are several reasons a girl will be famous inside the game. First, their beauty. This isn't after they edited their appearance but their character inside the game is the same as how they look in reality. The second reason is if they are good at gaming. Last but not least is if they are an heir of a famous corporation or very rich, you can call it the dream girl for many as getting the girl are the same with having your life set in luxury." "So, which one is Sayu? It should be the second, right? Her arrow shooting isn't that bad." "You're not wrong but not right either. Sayu actually fulfilled all the criteria. There are seven well-known women inside the game and they are called the seven fairies. Sayu is one of them." "If what you're saying is true, then shouldn't she be higher level because of her gaming skill or have some people guarding around her sent by her family? There might even be some stalkers that are fascinated by her beauty." "Yeah, stalker just like you. Now, you see why she call you a creep." "Ah come on! Please be serious." "I am serious, what you're doing inside the game, trying to get closer is border-like stalker by asking for her address or contact info. Remember bro, prejudice is everywhere, an ugly man asking for a girl number is stalking while a handsome and rich man asking for a girl number is called picking up girls. I didn't say that you're ugly but trying to get her contact just on the first day you met can only be done by a prince on a white horse." "Did you really have to keep on rubbing salt on my wound?" "Haha, so you do realize I like to pick on you Mr. step-on-me-mistress. I am just fulfilling your M desires." "Enough of that. Aren't we still talking about Sayu?" "Right. So, here's the thing. As you have met her, she is really gorgeous and pretty in reality too. Sayu used to be a top player and the heir of a famous company that produced flying cars. The problem is exactly because of that. One day inside a game, she met with another player called Gion. He is also an heir of another big company that has branches worldwide. The thing is, he pursues her in-game as well outside the game. She didn't know how Gion always know where she is in real life till the point it annoyed the hell out of her. Basically, Gion is a stalker prince on a white horse that Sayu couldn't chase away." "No wonder she hated me when I asked for her contact info. Wait, how come she is level 6 when I met her then?" "To put it short, she made a bet with Gion. If she could gain back all the level she lost after she reset her character in a year without the support of her family and friend, Gion will leave her alone." "How can she make that kind of bet? What is her original level anyway?" "She used to be a level 210 [High-wind Archer]." "Whoa, level 210! Did you think she will be able to do it?" "I don't think so. Reaching level 210 in a year is really hard. It is almost two full years after the game first launched and the top players are now somewhere in the 200-250 level range. Just leveling up normally is hard, not to mention if Gion did something behind the stage to sabotage her." "Then why did she agree?" "It's because her family actually giving Gion approval to pursue her. If they get into a marriage one day, it means that two gigantic corporations will be one family and the future prospect is looking really good for them." "Wait, from what you said, that Gion guy seemed to be really perfect. Why would she refuse him then? Is it because he is ugly?" "Not because he is ugly. But because he is actually a son-of-a-b*tch that has ruined countless girls. The rumor won't be openly discussed because of his family background but it still spread among the player. He also has a sly and nasty personality that enables him to get Sayu's family to approve of him. Not to mention Sayu's brother who is now completely in the same boat as Gion." "Phew. For some people life sure is hard. After hearing all of that, I think I can understand now why Sayu acts like that." "So, are you feeling better now?" "Yeah. I want to apologize to Sayu if I get the chance to meet her again." "Wow, you don't hate her even after all of what she said to you and even want to apologize to her?" "Yeah, is there something wrong? I even want to help her to level up if I could." "Are you sure you won't be dragging her down with you instead? Mr. two-day-pro player?" "Ugh, enough teasing me! Just wait until we met inside the game and let me make some air holes on your head with my arrow." "Wow, I am totally scared now. Mr. level-seven-gold-medallist. Catch up to my level first if you can. Your arrow will barely make me itch due to our level, stats, and skill differences." "Tch. Fine, I will work hard to level up and catch up to you so I can kill you." "Nice motivation you got there. See you in the game then." "See ya."  
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