Chapter 31

3668 Words

 * I peck his lips and stand back then I pull off my shirt and shift into my wolf surprising him. "Beauty!" he says smiling. He takes off his shorts and my eyes go to his member then he shifts as well. "I wanted to get a look at your cute butt" I say disappointed. "You still got a good view," he says chuckling and nuzzling into me. I lick his snout and tell him to let Chet have control as I give Macy control. "It's been, so long!" says Macy. "It hasn't been that long," I say. They run around and play as me and Gael just talk to each other. It is rather relaxing, because, you don't have to use your body and you're only a voice or a thought.  "So where are we going tonight, Lovey?" "Don't ask, it has to be a secret," "Will it be as good as the cave,?" "Not even close, at least not to me," "

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