Chapter 30

3985 Words

* We are out of school this week, which is why we stayed so long at Gael's father's house. So the next morning we woke up and watched television. "Are you hungry, Lovey," I ask as we cuddle with me sitting between his legs. He grabs my breasts and squeezes lightly "Got any milk in these,?" he asks laughing. "You could check" I say lifting my shirt. He stops laughing and lays me back and climbs on top of me. He sucks my n****e and pumps them as if he's trying to extract milk. "Finding anything,?" I say as I try not to moan. "I think I'm starting to taste something, I'll keep trying," he says as he lightly bites on my n****e causing me to moan.  After he figures out that no milk is coming from my breasts. He decides to go to where he know there's plenty to eat and sucks on my p***y, until I

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