Five. In Trouble

1460 Words
Sinister’s POV The clanking of the pen against the table before me, helped to calm my mind and helped me focus on the papers before me. I needed to figure out who was in charge of the attack that had happened last night and all the affiliations that had been involved in it. I had spent all morning working on it but there was nothing coming forth and it was starting to get a little frustrating. Sighing once more, I leaned heavily onto the captain style chairs I was sat on and closed my eyes in thoughts. Then I heard it. Footsteps approaching my door, I frowned in reaction, I had given an instruction that I did not want to be disturbed at all, unless it was an emergency. The footsteps grew closer to the door and I felt it, the overbearing power in the air that usually came with Aerith. A knock came on the door and I shivered in effect from the chilling sensation that slithered up my spine. “Come in.” I called out shakily, clearing my throat once to ease out the hoarseness that covered it. A warrior walked in with a young girl held tightly in his grip. She had her head bowed but she didn’t need to raise it up for me to know it was her. But there was something abnormal about the scene before me. Firstly, the warrior seemed hostile to her and then her entire arms were covered with dirt along with her dress. I furrowed my brows at that realization. “What’s happening?” I asked, once it seemed like no one was going to offer an explanation until I asked. “I found her hunched over a dead body pretty deep in the woods . I can’t be sure what exactly she had been doing but she seemed to have been burying the body and she’s covered with dirt.” Aerith remained silent to the accusations and I continued to watch her carefully, allowing an awkward silence settle in the air and I hoped it was enough to rattle her. “Leave the room. Wait outside.” I instructed the warrior and surprise painted his face at my instruction, but he knew better than to argue. He gave a small bow and exited the room, shutting the door firmly behind him. Aerith kept her head bowed and she wringled her fingers nervously, shifting from one foot to another. I cleared my throat heavily, which startled her for a second. “What were you doing that deep in the woods?” I asked. Choosing to start from the easy questions before building momentum. The warrior had made it clear what she had been caught doing but I wanted to make sure, for some reason I wanted to give this girl the benefit of doubt. If in this moment Aerith had given me an answer that made sense and or checked out in some way then I would have let her go. Maybe it was partial but there was something about her that made me want to do stuff like these, it was the reason I had sent out the guard to make her more comfortable. “I just stumbled upon it, I was trying to figure out what it was when he saw me and dragged me here.” Aerith lied through her teeth but I saw through it and it sent a flash of anger through me. “That’s not what your appearance says Aerith, you look like you were past figuring out what it looked like. It seems like you were very involved here.” I pressed watching as the younger girl squirmed in her spot but otherwise remained quiet. “You’ve got to give me something. You have to convince me. If it’s left to what I’m seeing right now then you’re in pretty big trouble. What exactly were you doing there?” I asked once more, getting frustrated. “Nothing, I just stumbled upon it and I was trying to find out what it was.” Aerith replied, sticking to her story. I clicked my tongue in distaste, upset that she had decided to stick to her shabby excuse even when I had been willing to help her. I called out for the warrior and he came back into the room, his face set in clear distaste about having been driven out of the room. “Take her to the dungeon.” I said in a chilling voice for effect and I could see how it worked, Aerith’s eyes snapped up and this was the first time that I had caught sight of her amethyst orbs since she had been brought in. Fear danced in those depths and it worried me but I steeled my features and only continued to watch her with cold eyes. I gave her a chance, there was nothing else I could do about this. The moment the girl was out of the room, I felt relief rush through me, it certainly felt like I could breath better and the atmosphere felt lighter. I wasn’t completely sure what the deal was with this girl but I needed to get to the very root of it all. There was too much power coming off her for her to be a healer and the fact that she had no scent also made it harder for me to leave it alone. There was something that needed my attention here and I fully intended to indulge it. The last thing I wanted was to have a seemingly innocent maiden killed, but on the other hand, I didn’t want to risk leaving a threat in my pack. I could let her go and then she could turn out to be something else, that would be a stain on my government if that happened and it wasn’t really a thing for me to let go of potential threats, plus I mostly never used to care about how seemingly innocent they might be, especially if they had such a case hanging over their head. I also usually relied heavily on my intuition, if I got the feeling that this person was it then I usually took that feeling seriously and took the measures necessary to get them out of the way. My wolf also helped a great deal with that. But this time none of it seemed to be working, not my intuition or my wolf. Both seemed silent like they were leaving me to figure this out by myself completely. I hugged in annoyance at the extra work. I already had enough on my plate as it was. Enough that I could barely handle, the last thing I wanted was another pile on top of that. I rubbed my forehead with my index and thumb hoping to drive away the headache that had begun to throb behind my eye lids. Closing my eyes, I rested my back against my seat again and allowed my thoughts to run wild. Perhaps I could find something locked up in my head that could help me. ‘Yes, yes. I understand what you’re telling me but trust me it will be very difficult.’ Those words played out again in my mind and the moment and situation that surrounded where I had heard them from came flashing through my mind. Aerith had been seemingly talking to herself in her home. After I had barely managed to escape being caught snooping around her house, I had tried to figure out who she might have been talking to and what it might have to do with this particular case. I came up blank. There were many things wrong about what had happened the previous night. I knew that I had been extra quiet and careful having been trained to perfection in the act of stealthiness, but somehow it felt like she had just known I was there and had approached the exact window that I had been crouched under. There was no explanation that made sense for that, in fact the more I thought about it, the more loopholes there seemed to be with this girl and it seemed never ending. Just when I felt I had this problem to take care of, another popped up and it was beginning to drive me out of my mind. Getting up from my chair, I closed the file that I had previously been working on but had long since forgotten due to my thinking and I put it completely away. My next location was set to the dungeon. I needed satisfactory answers and I was going to get them from the amethyst eyed colored girl. It didn’t matter what procedures I went through to acquire them.
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