Six. Lies

1647 Words
AERITH’S POV: It felt like I had been locked in the dark cell for a long time and the more time that passed, the more uneasy I felt about being locked here. The time had given me the opportunity to think through a lot of things and I couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment at myself. I had just dug a deep pit for myself and I couldn’t be sure if I was going to get out of it with my life. My heart hurt with anger and despair and I sniffled piteously at my current position. Anger at the fact that I had gotten too carried away and had let myself get caught and despair at how lonely and scared I was locked up in the cell. I thought of different scenarios that could play out the next time the Alpha came down here. He would no doubt try to get information about what had happened in the woods again and this time I had to be more prepared. I needed to have something for him this time or I would just be spelling doom for myself. My biggest fear would gone to realization. The Alpha would sentence me to death or completely ban me from the pack, which would make me a rogue. It would leave me vulnerable to all the supernatural beings that were looking for the next being that had no protection from any pack to attack. Being a member of the Sinister Moon pack came with great benefits. Although, the pack was ruled by the most powerful, ruthless werewolf to exist, its members were always safe from the claws of other beings. It felt like a while now; I couldn’t exactly be sure because the darkness and silence could be deceiving but Elina was yet to come for me. I had hoped that the moment the woman realized I was gone, she would be rushing down here. She had been out for the most of last night and was supposed to be back home earlier in the morning. The darkness of the space seemed to stretch out forever and it made the feeling of being locked in the room even worse. I couldn’t tell where one wall began and where the other ended and it felt like I was blind. Heavy footsteps sounded from the dungeon’s hallway and my heart began to thrum heavily in my chest. The owner of those steps surely did not have any good news for me, because their steps held intent and determination none of which spelt anything good for me. I heard the lock click out of the place and with I hung my head with a bated breath, I heard the person come into the room but my hung head plus the darkness that bath the room did not allow for me to see a thing. Suddenly, light flooded the room and even with my head bowed my retinas still felt like they caught on fire. The light wasn’t nearly as bright as normal but having spent time in complete darkness made the light almost blinding. I let out a hiss, shutting my eyes as tightly as I could to prevent anymore light from entering, after a while I tried again, opening my eyes slowly and when the light didn’t burn my eyes, I let them roam the room. Observing the space that I had been chained in for the first time. The room was bare and surprisingly spacious, it was also really neat for a dungeon. I had expected to be hit by a disgusting smell once I was brought in but that wasn’t the case and now taking a look around the room I could see why. The room had been painted a pale yellow color and the walls had no stains, the least I would have expected was for the room to have blood stains or the sort. In all, it looked more like an empty bedroom than a dungeon. Finally my eyes landed on the Alpha’s perched frame against the door and the moment I met his eyes, a slither of fear ran up my spine. The piercing electric blue eyes of the Alpha seemed unnatural and that was saying a lot since I possessed amethyst colored eyes. He remained quiet and only continued to watch me from his spot. Seemingly searching my features for something. His eyes held a certain focus in them that made me squirm even in my position. And from my position in the middle of the room I could see the Alpha’s eyes flash with anger and something else, something that I couldn’t quite place in the moment. Finally he clicked his tongue, dispelling the silence that had settled in the room, before moving from his perched position by the door to walk in my direction. The Alpha came up to right in front of my face, invading my space and making me shiver with discomfort at the proximity. If I could I would have taken the necessary steps to back out. “Do you have any idea the kind of trouble you’re in?” My heart dropped to my stomach and all the air from my lungs seemed to disappear as breathing became more difficult upon hearing the deep, husky tone the Alpha’s voice had taken. He meant business, that much was evident and I swallowed heavily, darting my tongue out to wet my dry lips. The Alpha’s eyes followed my movement and I watched as his eyes took on a darker shade. He remained quiet though, choosing to watch me with furrowed brows. “I’m going to ask for the last time Aerith and this time I need you to give me something believable.” The Alpha said once more and this time I saw it. Confliction. That was the other emotion that ran through the Alpha’s eyes. Why? That was a question that I was still trying to figure out myself, but he was speaking again before I could go very far. “What were you doing deep in the woods, over a dead body?” I swallowed heavily at the question. I had two options here; I could choose to tell the Alpha the truth about my gift and let him know that I had simply been trying to help the ghost or I could continue lie. The problem with both of the options were the fact that they held trouble any way. They both had grave consequences, but one seemed higher than the other. “You’re not telling me what I need to hear.” The Alpha’s voice came again breaking my train of thoughts. “I was simply searching for herbs when I stumbled on it, I was merely curious and wanted to find out what it was.” I lied. The Alpha squinted in my direction, the anger in his eyes even more evident. “I’m giving you a chance and this is what you choose to do with it?” His voice had taken a deeper growl and I shivered as a result. All I wanted was to give in and confess about my gift but with my very eyes I had seen gifted, elements and witches burnt to the ground or be headed because they were considered dangerous. That was the last thing I wanted, but this other option did not seem to serve me better. “I-it’s the truth Alpha. I got carried away with trying to figure out what it was and that was the o-only r-reason I didn’t reach out for help.” At this the Alpha’s nose flared and he burst out angrily. “Your dress and arms are covered in dirt! When a young girl finds a dead body or what looks like a dead body in the woods they scream for help, and try to get out of the place immediately. They don’t go around trying to dig it out or figure out what it could be. You’re not making much sense right now.” I remained silent with my head bowed and I could feel the Alpha’s intense stare threatening to burn a hole through my skull. “You do realize that I have the power to take your life this very second and I wouldn’t be questioned. If I leave this room, whatever becomes of you will be your cross to carry.” “I had just stumbled upon the body, I swear I-I’m telling the truth.” I tried again, doing my best to avoid the Alpha’s eyes by hanging my head low. I heard him sneer and then finally he retreated, exiting my personal space. An action that made me breathe easier. A few seconds later I heard the light switch flip off and the room was bath in darkness again. The Alpha’s heavy footsteps walked out of the room and then the door was shut and locked. The moment I heard the click sound, the tears began rolling down my eyes with no control. Bring string onto the beam like fish about to be cooked was the most uncomfortable position I had ever being in. My wrists were very sore and my legs felt like they were cramping even when they had been left to dangle freely. The darkness of the room deeply rattled me and the hunger and thirst I felt caused a dizzy spell to wash over me. All I wanted to do was sleep in a good bed and forget the events of these last couple of hours. Succumbing to the exhaustion, I let my eyes fall close and allowed the darkness take over. I would suffer the consequences of my decisions soon whether or not I was prepared for it, the only thing I could do while I waited for it to come was take as much reprieve as the situation allowed.
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