#Chapter 50 – Carnal Violence

1430 Words

“Fay!” Kent yells the moment he walks into his house, storming down the hall. His household staff freeze and then scatter when they sense that something is wrong. Kent is passively pleased by this – they, at least, know their place. Still, Fay doesn’t answer him. Kent calls for her again, heading up the steps at a brisk pace. When he arrives at her room he pushes open her door, not bothering to knock, ready to tell her to learn to come when she’s called. But when he enters the room, she’s not there. The bed is mussed and scattered with books, pens, and paper – as if she had just been sitting there a moment ago. But where the hell is she? Angry, he turns, ready to search the rest of the house. Unfortunately for her, a housekeeper is skittering past at just that moment. “Where is sh

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