#Chapter 49 – Bosses Meet

1678 Words

  Kent climbs out of the second of three cars that take him and his captains to the meeting. He has shown up in force today, his overblown security force a deliberate message to Alden. Kent is done being pushed around and will rally his superior forces to stop it, if necessary. Climbing the short few steps into the strip club, Kent remembers the last time he was here. When he had followed Fay into the Champagne Room, saw that pig of a man pressing her up against the cocktail table, ready to do as he pleased with her. That moment had set his blood on fire. He had acted mostly on instinct that night, thinking he was helping a pretty young girl who didn’t deserve to be wrapped up in Dean’s particular brand of s****l depravity. Little did he know what a diamond he’d found in this rough spa

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