#Chapter 40 – Release

1532 Words

A sound cracks through the air and I flinch, realizing – Shit, was that a whip? I gasp and whimper when I hear it again – snap, snap – “I didn’t want to do this, Fay,” Kent says, his voice low and – my stomach twists at the realization – pleased. “But you made me. If you’d only been obedient, I could have spared you this.” There is silence now, and my breath comes quick and ragged, my arms trembling as I wait – SNAP. I let out a piercing shriek as I feels the leather whip smack against my ass. I falls forward so that my face presses against my clasped hands. I pant, my eyes flying open in shock – The right cheek of my ass smarts and stings – Holy f**k – did Kent seriously just – “Get up,” he commands, but I don’t. Instead, I stay precisely where I am, staring at the floor in shock

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