#Chapter 39 – Obedience

1228 Words

Kent moves around the table, and to my surprise, he takes a key out of his pocket and slides it under the metal table. A mechanism snaps, and I feel a sudden give to my handcuffs as they are released from the table. Before I can pull away, Kent grabs the chain between the cuffs, taking control of my actions. He says nothing as he starts moving towards the center of the room, pulling me roughly along with him. When we reach a spot where a short chain is bolted to the floor, with an open padlock at the end, Kent stops. He slowly brings my manacled hands close to his face, my body pulled close to his. "On your knees, Fay," he says, firm.. My mouth hangs open in disbelief. Why? I try to speak, to question his demand. "I said," he says, his brows knitting cruelly together. "On your knee

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