2022 Words

CHAPTER NINEEllen let Marina stay in bed until long into the following morning. Sir Peter called at the suite at half-past nine and Ellen sent him away, saying that her Mistress was still sleeping. “Please tell Miss Fullerton that I am going to visit some of my French colleagues this morning to find out where the Solange’s residence in Biarritz might be,” he whispered through the half-open door. Ellen gave him a long look that left him in no doubt whatsoever that she was appraising his character and simply nodded her assent. She closed the door and then tiptoed towards Marina’s bed. ‘Ah, but she’s a pretty lass,’ she murmured under her breath, ‘and I can see that I will have to be vigilant if we are going to Biarritz with Sir Peter.’ Ellen knew what her Mistress’s decision would be ev

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