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CHAPTER EIGHT“Oh, I am so pleased to see you! I cannot believe you are here,” cried Marina, as she withdrew from Sir Peter’s arms. “It sounds as if I have arrived just in time,” he replied, “now, allow me. I shall make sure that you get something for your headache at once.” Within moments, he had rattled off a string of fluent French to the concierge, who then produced two aspirins for Marina. Gratefully she took them and a glass of water that appeared as if by magic. “Would you like to return to your room or do you feel you are able to tell me what has happened?” Sir Peter asked kindly. “If I sit somewhere quiet for a while, I feel certain that my headache will go now I have taken some aspirin.” Sir Peter led her to the back of the hotel where there was a small lounge. “Sit down, I

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