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“There is to be a grand ball,” she announced. “You are both invited and there will be music and dancing.” “And lots of charming young men?” asked Monique coquettishly. “Naturellement,” answered Madame Solange, “you may find yourself a good husband at such an event!” As mother and daughter laughed gaily together, Marina pondered whether or not she would like to attend the ball. Being around the Solange’s friends in small groups was one thing, but to be thrust in amongst the cream of Parisian Society was quite another. ‘I should feel like a dowdy mouse in my mourning,’ mused Marina, as the waiter brought them coffee and madeleines. ‘I shall have to feign a headache.’ “I do hope that you will not disappoint Simon and not dance with him,” said Monique, suddenly. Marina almost jumped out o

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