2000 Words

CHAPTER FOURWhen Marie came in with a tray of tea at eight o’clock, Marina did not want to get out of bed in the least. “Goodness. I am so tired,” she said, stretching and yawning. “Good morning, miss,” came Ellen’s cheery voice. “Are you feeling rested?” “No, I am not. I feel as if I have been awake half the night. I am not accustomed to keeping such late hours and as for eating a heavy meal so late –” Ellen wrinkled her nose and Marina realised that her breath must smell of the rich food she had eaten. “I do not care for the food here at all,” stated Ellen, bustling around the room. “Oh, for some simple toast and butter.” “If you ask the chef, I am certain that he will give you some.” “He did, but it wasn’t the bread we have at home, miss, it was hard and hurt my mouth.” Marina s

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