No bailout

2331 Words

 Third Person's POV   James feels like crying. He calls the interior design team and asks if they can help with a quick fix. "We tried to warn you, Mr. Johnson, but neither you nor Mr. Moore wanted to talk to us. There is no quick fix Mr. Johnson. You know the fee we ask, to come in and do a new design, we are not a charity organization, Mr. Johnson we have to pay our people to do the work. We can do it fast, and you will be ready to open by month-end." James is angry and shouts, "I can not afford to wait until the month-end, and I have talked to my sister Isabella Johnson. She says that it is possible to do a quick fix. This is a disaster, and I will tell everyone you did the interior design on this hotel and restaurant." The owner stays calm and says coldly to James, "I suggest you

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