Chapter Two

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So he moved closer and to his surprise, a baby lay there crying, as he bent to take a closer look at the baby, the baby immediately stopped crying and smiled at him and Finley immediately fell in love with the child, the baby was cute and pretty baby, he just couldn't help but smile back at the baby. The baby seems to give him some kind of relief from the pain he was having because of the loss of his child. Finley looked around again to see if the child's mother or someone related to her was close by but found that it was all empty, there was no one around. ' How could someone be so careless to leave her child in the forest?' Finley wondered within himself, something he had been praying the moon goddess to give him and some would just be careless and leave their child in the forest. " Hello! Who left this baby here?" He asked aloud. Waiting for a response, he called out again again. He still didn't get any response, so he looked around again and asked " Little one, did you fall from heaven," Finley said as he used his hand to stroke the cheek of the baby, the baby held his fingers, and Finley immediately felt a bond with her, it was like she was his duty to protect. This made him look up as if there was someone there he was speaking with. " Moon goddess, is this your answer to my questions? What game is this that you are trying to play with me?" Finley asked while he smiled while picking up the baby and he began to speak softly to the baby. " How did you get here little one?" He questioned the baby who only smiled back at him. " Who left a pretty and cute baby like you in the forest?" Finley asked the baby while he checked to see if there was any form of identity but all he saw written on her wrist was HAZEL. " So my little Princess has a name? Then, Hazel, it is from now on," Finley says smiling at the baby who smiles back at him. " I promise to protect you and give you all the love in this world," He says to the child who looks at him as if she understood what he was saying. He was happy that he found a baby when he was still mourning the loss of his child and believed this was a way the moon goddess wanted to relieve his pain. But he wishes he could get offsprings that come from his loins. He promised to raise her to become a strong warrior who no one would be able to defeat. He vowed that since the moon goddess decided to give him a child this way, he was going to teach her all the tricks of being a warrior. All that has always been required of a warrior in his family lineage, he was going to pass on to her so she becomes great. He moves his nose closer to the baby in his hand to sniff and see if she is human or a supernatural being. After sniffing for a few minutes he discovered that she was not human but a supernatural being from the look of it she didn't have the same smell as the pack he belonged to. Where did she come from? Which pack does she belong to? These questions continue to nag him in his head as he looks at the innocent child in his hands. Meanwhile, in the pack, the news of his wife's stillborn has not been made known to anyone from the pack, even the nurse was not there when it happened, his sister took care of everything so he decides to take the baby back to his house and raise her as if she was his. His sister was a midwife who was the only one that is aware of the death of his child because she was the one who saw his wife through the delivery of the child that refused to live so he decided to mind link her to come over to his house, he wanted to convince her to help him keep the secret of his child's death and so he can claim Hazel as his child. He has great trust in his sister, he knows she would help him keep this secret and he also thinks of a way to tell his wife about the baby and make her accept her as part of their family. Changing back into his wolf form, he held the child in his snort and carried her to his house making sure no one saw him. When he got into the house his sister was already waiting for him at home and his wife was still crying because of the loss of their child. He gently placed the baby on the couch and changed back to his human form. He saw that Eva was surprised to see that he brought a baby into the house and curious to know where the child came from, she stopped crying and moved closer to the baby. This baby was cute and it made anyone who saw her instantly love her. " Fin! Whose child is this?" She asked while stretching out her hands toward the child wanting to carry the child. Finley was reluctant at first but decided to give the baby to her, he was glad when he saw his wife show she was happy having a child in her hands when she held the child. He told them that the baby had a name on her wrist. Eva like himself falls in love with the baby when she sees how adorable she is and holds her close to herself with tears running down her face and he knows she wishes that the baby was hers. Zoe, my sister was also shocked to see the baby and she looked at me for an explanation. " I found her in the forest by the riverbank and she was all alone," I explained to them. " Fin, what is this that you have done? What if her mother comes looking for her or someone from her family? Don't you think it is better to take the baby to the alpha so he can make the pack know that a baby has been found?" Zoe said to me when she saw that Eva had started showing interest in the child, I could see that she was worried and may not be willing to help me keep the baby. I could not control myself, as I growled out in anger and snarled at my sister. " This child was given to me by the moon goddess and no one can take her away from us," I said when I saw that my mate had accepted the child and I didn't need to convince her to accept the newborn. " But, Finley, don't you think you are taking the wrong decision here because I refuse to be a part of this if news goes around that you found a baby and did not make it known to the alpha, it has consequences and I would not want anything bad happening to you, I don't wish to be part of this" Zoe says to me and I was not ready to let go, I just want the child in my house and I was going to convince her to promise not to tell it to anyone. " That is my reason for asking you over, this becomes a secret in our family, no one gets to know that this child is not mine as we are going to raise her like mine," I informed her. I saw Eva look at Zoe and when she observed that Zoe was reluctant to go with my suggestions of adopting the baby, she pleaded with her as tears ran down her eyes, and this broke my heart seeing her sad and helped my determination to keep the baby. " Zoe, please let me feel the joy of having a baby, help keep this secret, you know this is the third child that I have lost in the past two years," I knew Zoe would not be able to deny her because she loves Eva and would not be able to find it in her heart to hurt her so I knew she would agree to the arrangement and, to my surprise she also decided to nurse the baby. " You put me in a difficult situation, alright, I agree to keep it a secret but no one should see the child until she starts walking so they will not be suspicious, the baby will also need some medical care given the fact that she was found near the riverbank to ensure her health is okay and I will be sure to take care of that her," Eva and I were happy that she agreed to help in hiding the identity of the baby. Finley held my sister's hand pulling her closer and hugging her to show my gratitude for accepting to help us keep this secret. " Sis, I promise we will keep the baby away and follow every instruction you give to us, you have made me glad and I will forever be grateful," " Thank you, Zoe, for allowing me to have the experience of motherhood, thank you," I heard Eva say to her while looking at the baby with joy in her eyes. " You are welcome and I hope this will not get us in trouble when the mother of the baby starts looking for the baby," Zoe expressed her concern, she could see that Eva was no longer sad but happy and I prayed no one would come to claim the baby because it will cause her a great trauma if the baby was taken away from her. So we all swore secrecy that no one was going to know the truth about the kid.
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