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Manik ran inside his mansion, and called his men. He asked angrily, "How the hell did someone enter our mansion and kidnap Nandani, after such a tight security? What the hell were you guys doing. Answer me God damn it" "Boss our men tried to fire on them, but they killed our men and kidnapped Nandani ma'am", said one of Manik's men with his head bowed down. "I want to see the CCTV footage right now", said Manik angrily. Everyone went to the security room to check the footage. Manik saw Harshad's men, and understood that Harshad is behind Nandani's k********g. Manik was fuming with anger,  when Manik's men John came dragging a man along. Manik inquired, "Who is he?" Boss he is Anthony, Harshad's men. He came to give this parcel and escape but our men caught him", Informed John. Manik caught Anthony's collar, and started punching him on his face. He asked angrily, "Tell me where that bastard boss of yours has kept my Queen " But John didn't reply, and laughed like a psycho. Manik kept on hitting him and asked, "Answer me your bastard, or else I will kill you" "Kill me Manik, I won't beg for mercy. I am faithful to my boss and shall remain faithful to him, till my last breath", said Anthony. Manik was hell angry. he removed his g*n and kept shooting at Anthony. Cabir caught his hand and told, "Manik stop it, he is dead" Manik kept his g*n and kicked his dead body in anger.  "Manik let's check at least what's there in the parcel ?", said Cabir. Cabir opened the parcel and found a DVD along with a note. It read "Manik, till now you would have understood that its me, Harshad behind your Nandani's k********g. And now just look what have I done with her. Happy Holi Manik. Your Holi gift is in the DVD".                                                                                                            -   Harshad   Everybody went to Manik's room and Manik played the DVD, which was sent by Harshad, in his laptop. Nandani's hand and leg were tied and Harshad was torturing poor soul by slapping her, burning her with a cigar and cutting her skin with a knife. Nandani's painful screams, and her condition brought tears in everybody's eyes. Nandani' s painful screams were pricking Manik's heart. Manik threw his laptop in anger. He took his g*n from the room and ran downstairs. Everyone followed him and Cabir caught his hand. Manik yelled, "Cabir leave my hand" "Manik where are you going?", Cabir inquired "To dig that b****y Harshad's grave", said Manik angrily. "Manik get a hold of your feelings, you cannot go like this, to kill him", said Cabir. "Yes Manik , first we need to find out where has Harshad kept Nandani, and than we have to chalk out a rescue plan. Attacking Harshad without planning is inviting death Manik", said Dhruv. Manik knew that Cabir and Dhruv were right. He was feeling so helpless at that moment. He hugged Cabir and cried, "I don't want to lose Nandani,  the way I lost Mom and Sarah. " Manik's men were astonished to see Manik crying for someone for the first time. Cabir replied, "Manik buddy don't worry, we wont let anything happen to our Nandani we will save her. Than everyone went to Manik's room. Manik called two of his most trusted man- Rickie and Gabriel. "Rickie , Gabriel you both are the most trusted men of mine. I want you to find out the information, where has Harshad kept Nandani", said Manik. "Yes boss", they said bowing and took a leave Everyone went to their respective rooms. * CABIR & NAVYA'S ROOM* Navya was crying badly when Cabir entered the room. He hugged Navya. "Cabir what if something happens to Nandani?", Navya cried. "Navya baby, nothing will happen to her, we will save her", said Cabir. *MUKTI & ABHIMANYU'S ROOM* Abhimanyu was sitting in the balcony and there were tears in his eye, Mukti went and sat beside him. Abhimnayu hugged her and poured his heart out, " When Nandani was 6 years old her parent's expired. She used to live with her grand mom, but in a couple of years her grand mom fell sick . Her condition worsened with each passing day ; doctor declared she had very less time. My parents and Nandani's parents were good friend's and Nandani's grand mom trusted them a lot. She called us, and asked us to take good care of her, and always protect her. My parents and I promised her,  and she took her last breath. But look Mukti, I couldn't fulfill my promise" "Abhimanyu don't worry nothing will happen to our Nandani, Manik will rescue her", said Mukti. *MANIK'S ROOM* Manik was sitting in his room on his couch and was recollecting Nandani and his memories. The scene of Harshad torturing Nandani was flashing in front of his yes. Nandani's painful screams were echoing in his ears. "Harshad you have invited your death, you did a huge a mistake by hurting my Star . Now look what Manik Malhotra is going to do with you", Manik muttered dangerously. No one slept the whole night. The next morning after freshening up they went downstairs. They had a few bites unwillingly,  but Manik didn't have a single bite. Everyone were seated in Manik's room when Rickie and Gabriel came. "Boss we have found out where Harshad has kept Nandani Ma'am ", said Rickie "That's great, tell me where that bastard has kept Nandani", asked Manik. "Boss he has kept Nandani ma'am in his bungalow ", said Gabriel. "Have you guys studied the surrounding ?", Cabir inquired.  "Yes Cabir sir, the bungalow is 40 km far from our place, there are 300 men guarding the bungalow, 150 men outside the bungalow and 150 men inside the bungalow", said Rickie. "Also we bribed one of the Harshad's men, and got the blue print of the bungalow and positions of Harshad's men", said Gabriel. "Good job guys", said Manik patting their back. "Thanks Boss", replied Rickie and Gabriel with a bright smile. They handed over the blue print to Manik and took a leave, while others sat down chalking plan for Nandani's rescue.  "Manik there are 150 men guarding the bungalow from outside, divided by 75 in the front and other 75 at the back door", said Aaditya. "Guys, I, Cabir and Mukti with our men will enter from the front door, while Aaditya you, Dhruv and Alya will enter from the back door with our men", said Manik. Everyone nodded. "Zoya, Navya and Abhimanyu you guys will be staying in the mansion , since I don't want to put your life in danger as you all are not trained", said Manik. "Manik but there are 300 men of Harshad in the bungalow we should also take 300 of our men with us", suggested Mukti. "No Mukti, we can't do that if any other rival gets information, that we aren't there in the mansion they might attack, so at least there might be 300 of our men guarding our mansion, since, Abhimnayu, Zoya and Navya are also staying back. We need to take care of our security, we cannot put their life in danger", said Manik. "Manik we are having 500 men in total, and if you are saying that 300 men are staying back in the mansion for protection, that means will we be attacking Harshad with just 200 men of ours?", Alya asked. "Yes Alya", said Manik. "Manik but that's dangerous", said Alya. Manik thought for a while and than replied, "Yes you are right that's why I shall be going alone with our men to rescue Nandani, since I don't want to put your life in danger" "Oh hello hero, you are not going alone. Whether others are accompanying you or not, I am surely going to accompany you. ", Said Cabir "And we will also accompany you ", said Dhruv, Alya, Mukti and Aaditya. "Guys we are going to attack on Harshad at night. Prepare our men for the attack", said Manik. 
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