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The next morning Manik freshened himself up, and went downstairs in the living room where FAB 4 were seated. "Good Morning ", said FAB 4 "Good Morning ", Manik replied. "Manik, I am feeling hungry lets have breakfast ", said Cabir. "Cabir when are you not hungry", said Manik sarcastically. While having breakfast Manik inquired from Cabir, "Any information or movement by our rival " "No Manik, Harshad has gone underground.", informed Cabir.  Manik completed his breakfast quickly and got up from his chair and told, "Guys after completing your breakfast, I want you all in my room" "Okay", said the FAB 4 He went to his room and sat on his king-sized bed. Suddenly his phone rang.  The person said, "Boss, Nandani Ma'am has left for her office !" "Alright Andrew, keep a watch on her ", said Manik and hung up the call The FAB 4 came to his room.  "Yes Manik, why did you call us", asked Cabir. Manik got up from his king-sized bed and turned on his projector. He told, "Guys today we are k********g Nandani in the evening when she will be returning back from her office. There is an isolated street on her way home, where she had witnessed us killing Aryaman. We shall be waiting for her over there. I have appointed one of our man Andrew to keep an eye on her. When Nandani will leave from her office, Andrew shall be informing us. I want her today at any cost,  guys am I clear" "Yes " , replied FAB 4 *IN EVENING at 5:00 PM* Nandani completed her office work, cleared her desk and after informing her boss she left. She caught a cab. Andrew clicked the picture of the cab's number plate and  informed Manik. Cabir, Dhruv and Manik went to the desolate street and waited for her. Finally, the cab came to that desolate street. Manik overtook the cab and stopped his car in front of it. Cabir, Dhruv, and Manik took their guns and stepped out of the car. The driver got scared looking at them. He removed his phone to call up the police, but before he could dial Manik shot him dead. Nandani screamed in fear. Manik pointed his g*n on her head and told dangerously, "Get out of the cab" "Please let me go what have I done to you", she cried. Manik opened the door of the cab and pulled her outside. Nandani begged of him, "Please let me go". But Manik pushed her gently against the car and came closer to her. He traced his g*n on Nandani's jawline and told huskily, "I won't let you ever go away from me". He than dragged her to his car and told, "Get inside the car, Love ". Nandani pushed Manik with all her might and tried to run, but Manik caught her hand and pushed her against the car so harshly that she winced in pain. He told dangerously, "Not this time Love, I am not going to let you escape" Nandani started to scream for help and tried pushing Manik with all her might. Manik loved the way she was fighting back with him. With a smirk on his face he uttered, "Nice try Baby girl,  but you can't escape from me". Nandani tried to kick him on his balls, but Manik caught her leg and jerked it down. He removed chloroform from his pocket and made her smell it. Nandani kept on struggling, but in a few minutes, she fell unconscious in his arms. Manik picked her up in his arms and made her sit on the back seat, taking her in his arms. Dhruv sat on the front seat, and Cabir drove the car. Manik threw her cellphone on that desolate street, so that no one could track them. He caressed Nandani's cheeks and face and wiped off the tears from her face. They reached their mansion. Manik took unconscious Nandani in his arms. He took her in his room and laid her on the bed carefully. He covered her with a blanket and pecked her cheeks and went downstairs. "Manik is she fine?", asked Mukti "Yes, she just fainted, because we made her smell the chloroform ", said Manik and left for the shooting range, to practice shooting.  It was 9:00 pm now, Nandani gained consciousness. She opened her eyes, but shut it due to sudden light falling on her eyes. She tried to get up from the bed,  but winced in pain since she had hurt her back badly. Mukti was going downstairs, when she saw Nandani sobbing. She went inside and asked, "Nandani, are you okay?" Nandani was scared and she pulled the blanket near her and cried.  Mukti called Manik, Dhruv, Cabir & Alya. They came and saw Nandani crying. Manik sat beside her and told huskily, "Hey Love" "Please let me go", she said crying in a low voice which was barely audible. A servant came into the room with dinner, since Manik had asked for it. Manik asked him to keep it on the bed-side and leave.  Manik forwarded the plate to Nandani and told, "Have dinner" "No-- Please let me go", she said sobbing. Manik tried to hold her hands but Nandani pushed it aside. He was very angry, and thus caught her waist tightly and pulled her near him and told angrily, "Stop testing my patience Nandani. I am not here to take any of your tantrums. I am giving 10 mins to you, to finish your dinner, until I am back,  and if I see that you have not finished your food you are gone baby " He got up from the bed and left. FAB 4 also followed him and left shutting the door behind. Nandani got up from the bed, and tried to search for some way, to escape. She saw the window and 2 guards standing outside it. Nandani jumped off the window, but those guards saw her and caught hold of her. Nandani kicked them on their balls. They fell on the ground and winced in pain, while Nandani escaped. 
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