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They stood up with a lot of difficulty, and rushed to Manik to inform him. "Boss, that girl Nandani ran away", said the guard. "What?", asked Manik shockingly. "Yes boss", said the guard's bowing their heads. Manik went towards one of the guard angrily, and held him by his collar, "Were you sleeping bastard's when she ran off?" "Sorry boss ", said the guard. "To hell with your sorry ", said Manik pointing his g*n on the guards forehead. "Manik you can scold him or kill him later, but first go and catch Nandani, before she escapes, she wouldn't have gone far ", said Alya Manik was about to leave when Cabir caught his hand . "What happened Cabir", asked Manik angrily. "Manik have a control on your anger ", said Cabir.  Manik left with his guards in the car to catch Nandani. Nandani was running . It was a dark jungle. She hoped to find the way out of the jungle. Manik and his man saw Nandani running, and Nandani also saw them. She ran as fast as she could. While running, she twisted her ankle badly and fell. She couldn't get up. Manik got down from the car and  went towards her. Nandani crawled back in fear. Manik caught her hand but Nandani winced in pain. She wasn't able to stand. Manik bent down and took her in his arms. Nandani struggled in his arms, but Manik held her more tightly. He sat in the car with Nandani. Nandani was crying and sobbing badly. Manik told dangerously, "You committed a big mistake Nandani, by trying to escape" Nandani was hell sacred. She thought, "God, what will he do with me now, please god save me from this monster!" They reached their mansion, Manik lifted her in his arms and took her inside. Cabir, Dhruv , Alya and Mukti saw Manik fuming with anger. Manik headed to his room and placed Nandani on the bed while they followed her.  Manik's eyes were spitting fire. He told angrily, "I want everyone to leave" "Manik...", Mukti tried to say but Manik yelled angrily, "I said LEAVE" Fab 4 left closing the door. Manik went and locked it.He went towards Nandani and asked calmly yet dangerously, "Tell me Love, why did you run?" Nandani gave no reply, which made Manik even more angry. He yelled, "Answer me " She quivered in fear and replied sobbing, "I am sorry" "I asked why did you run Nandani?" he asked, wiping her tears. "I was scared. I don't even know you and you have kidnapped me", she said sobbing badly. Manik saw her bruised elbow and swelling on her ankle. He got up from the bed and took the first-aid box from the drawer. He took a chair and sat in front of her. He cleaned her wounds with an antiseptic, Nandani winced in pain. He applied a pain killer spray on her ankle, and tied a crepe bandage over it.  "Get freshened up and have dinner", said Manik calmly "I don't want to stay over here. I want to go back home", said Nandani "You have no option baby, you have to stay over here FOREVER", he said exerting pressure on the word forever. Manik lifted her in his arms and took her to the bathroom. He handed her the clothes and said, "Change your dress I am waiting outside" Nandani didn't reply. Manik told evilly, "Baby are you changing or should I do the honors " "I -- I am changing", she stammered. Manik smiled and left . Nandani shut the door and changed into her night dress. She washed her face and cried silently in the bathroom. Manik could hear her sobbing. He knocked the door and said , "Nandani if you have finished changing, than come out" Nandani splashed water on her face again and made a silent prayer, "God , please help me to run away from this monster" Manik banged the door loudly and told dangerously, "Nandani are you coming out, or should I break open the door."  Nandani with shivering hands opened the door. Manik lifted her in his arms again and made her sit on the bed carefully with a pillow behind her back. He fed her, Nandani try to deny but Manik's one look was enough to shut her mouth. She completed her food, Manik gave her a pain killer and water. She gulped the tablet with water .  After washing his hands he sat besides her . He held her hands lovingly and told, " Love, my name is Manik.. Manik Malhotra. I am 26 years old and am a mafia king. I am the head of the FAB 5. When I saw you for the first time, I was determined to make you MINE. You also witnessed me killing Aryaman and saw our face, so either I had the option kill you or make you mine. I found the second option more appealing." Nandani was just looking at him not knowing what to say. Manik asked her, "Are you a member of NH3" Nandani nodded in a no. "In words Nandani", said Manik dangerously. "N--o I don't even know what is NH3", said Nandani innocently and cutely. Manik said dangerously, "Are you innocent or just pretending to be so ! Princess if you are a member of the NH3, and if you ever try to cross me, I will kill you, simple as that " Nandani was very scared. Manik made her lie on the bed, and he himself laid beside her. He pulled her closer while Nandani tried to push him with her tiny hands. But Manik, was much stronger, he held her even more tightly and slept hugging her. His tight grip was causing pain on her back , since she had already hurt it. She kept on sobbing and crying continuously, and in no time she slept.  *SCENE CHANGE* Navya and Abhimanyu were very worried. They tried calling Nandani but her phone was switched off. Navya called up Nandani's boss and asked about Nandani, to which her boss replied, "Navya, Nandani left in evening itself" "Okay thanks sir", said Navya and hung up the call. "Abhimanyu , I hope Nandani is fine", said Navya.
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