Chapter 7

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My knees became weak, as I felt some butterflies rumbling inside my stomach. Seifer, who just came to us from his family, I think, cleared his throat. “How about me, man?” He said smirking, however, King Hyde only took a glimpse of him before he put his gaze onto me again. “You're no exception,” He answered while still his eyes are locked into me as if he's studying my face for a while. It was like, I'm being consumed by the storm inside his eyes that caused me to catch my breath even I don't even do a single thing to be breathless, just… staring at him. That's when I noticed, his stormy silver eyes seem darker than before. Is he mad? I couldn't help but avert my gaze and it focused on Seifer as he acted like he's hurting. He placed his hand in his chest like he's catching his breath and grimaces. “That hurts, King!” He said but the King didn't even give him a glimpse. "What shall we do to him, master?" Cornelia said, looking through the escaping back of the man. Her face is still emotionless as her voice is as cold as an ice. I suddenly remembered what the man said. Cornelia is a Princess, so it makes Wilhelmina a Princess too since they're twins. So how the hell they are with King Hyde, serving him when they owned a castle after all? Princesses should stay at their castle, right? "Leave him," King Hyde answered Cornelia yet his stares are focused on me, until now. “Are you okay?” He whispered. I gulped as I slowly nodded, still averting my gaze to his. He, then, finally averted his gaze into mine as he looks through his servants. “Let's go,” He said so authoritatively but instead of leading the place, he came into my aid as he said. “Come,” He whispered breathlessly as I tensed when I felt his hand on my back, guiding me slowly with too much care he's putting like I'm a fragile glass. I could feel it, the way he holds me explains it. Our comrades acted quickly— like they pretend that nothing had happened earlier and began to walk to the nearest table, next to the massive stairs leading to the second floor, and at the ceilings, a huge chandelier that you could see at first glance. You know ready where it is made, and I'm sure it's worth billions in our world. Those diamonds are reflecting lights throughout the whole place and it's the highlight of this palace, I think. Our environment shines in gold. The floor is white that made the surroundings look clean, and the flowers are just the different colors yet they're as if giving life to this elegant place. Cornelia led us again. Wilhelmina's just walking silently like she's on her world while Carmela and Dahlia are now talking about I don't know, I can't hear it properly. What I am hearing is just my heartbeats — fast and loud. I felt Clyde's stare at mine as I gripped my hand with his. I am intimidated by the presence of their King beside me. I bowed my head and just King Hyde pull me. I can feel every beat of emotions that have been thrown at me from people here today. Some wonder why I'm here as if I don't fit in, but most are angry… that I don't know for sure. “Don't mind them,” I could feel my hair on my neck stood up as I heard the King's whisper in my ear. Stooping my head low, I slowly nodded. I can't bear to look at him with his intimidating aura. I admit, he looks more gorgeous than ever with his white tuxedo that really suits his looks. He became more spectacular with his silver storm eyes catches much attention, even he isn't looking at you. I still hold Clyde's hand on my left as if I don't want it to let go because, in reality, that's where I take courage from everything. His little fingers into my hand are where I somehow focused my attention. Out of boredom, I turned to look at Clyde who was still looking at me. I tried to smile… and I wish I had done it better. I still do not know why I am here. I don't know if I should believe what King Hyde said that I'm his date or whether he just said that to save me. Who knows, right? I felt the pressure of someone who's holding on to my waist, at the same time he stopped so I stopped, too. I let my gaze wander to face him as I almost stopped breathing when I see his dark face staring at me. Instantly, I felt fear. What did you do again, Zane Morgan? His jaw clenched when he saw the fear on my face as if the idea that I'm scared of him is making him annoyed. He averted his gaze into mine as he sighed heavily before his face turned emotionless again. “King,” Clyde's voice dominates my side, as I hear some worry at it, and with a little bit of fear? I do not know. As I saw him looking around the place where some of the people's gazes are into mine. But King Hyde ignored it. Instead, he whispered with his dark aura, “Continue looking at her and I'll f*****g rip all your head through your neck,” He said so sharply and instantly, I couldn't feel some of their gazes anymore, yet of course, some people would still have the courage to gawk at me which in their eyes, saying that they'll prey with me later. I shivered at that thought and as if King Hyde heard it when I felt him shifting on his pot, and when I look st him, he licked his lips in anger before he gazes at Clydeus who's at my side. “We'll feast later,” He announced, but I heard some hiding meaning with it that I shivered. I unconsciously turned my gaze into Clydeus who smirked devilishly as I saw an evil glint on his eyes again. “Yes King,” Imagine a child saying that in such a dangerous manner. I couldn't help but feeling the fear for everyone's sake. My hand overlayed with white gloves that went cold. I held onto Clyde tightly and my free hand was held to the side of King Hyde's tux, but I quickly removed it with the thought that it was going to be a mess. It was only then that I noticed that the tension in the environment was changing. Is it just me… but fear is what I could feel through the whole environment? It is a sensation even when others have no facial expression. Fear has swept over this area of judgment. Looking around, I saw others trying to be busy with something just to avoid looking at me with curiosity on their mind yet I could still their fears… the fear for their lives. I was swallowed. I'm scared too, but the curiosity is more dominant in my body. “What feast..?” I asked with little voice, shaking from nervousness. Again, I had King Hyde's attention, but he didn't answer me, and he just stared at me. I quickly shook it off when I heard Clyde's devilishly laugh. "Feast… showers of blood, Zane." I completely lowered my head. By that time, I had finally let go of my grip on his tiny hand. I was consumed by petrified feeling. I… don't want to witness that again. I don't want that to happen… again. That I am the reason for it to… happen. I could not take it anymore. I could feel my tears welling up in fear. I was about to run to the table where the others were when King Hyde suddenly gripped my right arm to stop me from running. Stop me from running away… from him. I heard him cussed when I tried to remove his hand on my arm. Instead, he pulled me to him that caused me to come close at his chest, until I felt his arm on my back, stopping me from running. Now, I know it seems like he's half hugging me. "I'm sorry I scared you... We won't do it." He whispered and I could feel his grip tightening on me. I'm afraid… that he could hear my heart beating so fast… because of his— because of petrified. “Let's now call the debutant,” I heard an unfamiliar voice echoed through the whole place. Because of what he said, some people averted their gaze through us yet some… still, watching what the King would do. I got away from him as I looked through where the voice came from, and from there, I saw a fierce-looking woman walking downstairs. She's wearing a red dress, no. A crimson dress that suits her sexy body. Her black wavy hair, the same as mine, is falling freely behind her back. She's an angel… with an evil stare she's throwing through our place. I gulped as slowly, I walked through where our companions are. And when I came there, they aren’t talking or anything yet. I suddenly felt Clyde's grip on my hand again that cause me to look on him and there I saw him glaring at the girl in front of us. The crowd clapped their hands at the appearance of the beautiful woman in tight long dress. It's hugging the curves through her body and from the distance, I could see her fox eyes as if glaring at everyone yet her skin's so pale like she's an angel. I averted my gaze through the beautiful woman when I saw her gaze stopped in our place for a while before she smiled at other people. That's when I noticed that King Hyde isn't here, so I took that advantage to ask someone besides me, who's Seifer. “Hey Seifer,” I whispered. He stopped playing with his wine and transferred his gaze into mine. He gave me a warm smile that I almost melt. He's a Prince! “Yes, my Lady?” He asked in a manner that a Prince would do. Now, I'm thinking why he's here with us when his family is also here but I just shook my head to that thought. That's his decision after all. “Who's a party it is?” Even I already know who. I just wanted to confirm. “It was organized by the debut of Princess Vivianne from Voltus' clan, my Lady,” He answered such a gentleman as I nodded. But then, it was as if he'll say another thing by closing the distance that I was almost shocked. He smirked, “He's King Hyde's ex, by the way.” He said and watched me as if studying my face. My mouth gape as I nodded, averting my gaze to him as I look at the glass with wine on it. I grabbed it as I played with it in my hand by making circles. “Seems like it,” I added as I remembered the stares she's throwing on me earlier. It was mixed with anger and now I know. “Well… no feelings?” Seifer asked again that caused me to stop as I look at him. My forehead creased as I secretly gulped. “What?” “Oh, nothing.” He said and finally moved away. I just nodded at him as I finally breathe heavily when his attention was focused on someone because they started talking. It wasn't taking a while before they started socializing. It couldn't be helped since this is their world. Even Dahlia looked at me as if asking permission which I just nodded as I slowly taking sips on the win in our table. It's good, huh? What can I say, I haven't tasted like this in my entire life? Clydeus is the only one who left in our table, with his annoyed face, and right now, he's trying to remove his tuxedo again. I laughed at him as I asked him to come closer. He sat in one of the chairs as I fix his tuxedo and his hairs to make him look handsome. I was busy with Clydeus when I felt the chair on my side move and I thought it's just Seifer. “You're fast—” I stopped at mid-sentence as I saw that it's some unfamiliar yet somehow familiar face. My eyes turned slits, trying to remember where did I saw him. “Hi? Can I sit here?” He asked, grinning before his gaze turned into Clydeus who looks more annoyed now. “Hey there little Hyde,” but then, Clydeus get out from his seat and moved away from that now he's just in front of us. The man laughed at what Clydeus did. “Hey, I don't have a virus, come here and give me a hug!” But Clydeus didn't mind him as he looked at anything aside from the man. That's when I realized where did I saw him. “Ah, you're one of those men who were with Prime Minister!” I said as I even pointed at him. He chuckled at what I did before he winked at me. “Gotcha!” He extended his hand as if asking for a handshake. “I'm Vander, my Lady. And you are?” “I'm Zane Morgan,” I smiled as I answered his handshake, but instead, he grabbed it and brought it to his lips to kiss the back of my hand. “What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman like you,” He said that made my cheeks heating in embarrassment. He knows how to use words perfectly! “Prince Vander,” Our gazes focused on the woman who just came back from our table— Wilhelmina, as she slightly bowed her head to the man whom she called… what? Prince? With eyes widened in shock, I returned my gaze the man who's still holding my hand as he chuckled at my expression before turned his gaze on Wilhelmina as he let go of my hand. “Drop the formality or I'll call you Princess Wilhelmina?” He grinned. I saw Wilhelmina's lips pursed as if she doesn't want to be called one. Wilhelmina didn't answer yet she sits at one of the chairs as she drank a glass of wine on a wine glass as if this party's frustrating her. Vander laughed as I look at him and I saw him placed his arms at the back of my chair. Looking at it, he doesn't act like a prince like what Seifer did. And when he saw me looking at me, he smirked as he brought his body closer to mine. “Want to make a show again?” He whispered as if giving me an idea that I wouldn't regret. My forehead creased. “What—” I haven't finished what I'm saying when I heard the chair at my left being moved, before Vander, who's at my right side, made a sound through the wind as if he's calling a dog. “What was fast, huh? Hey cousin!” He waved at my back using his arms that are on my seat, with a freaking grin on his face. I shook my head. It's really hard to read these kinds of people— “Your arm, Vander, or I'll cut it?” My body tensed at the familiar voice yet Vander just laughed aloud as he raised both of his hands acting as if surrendering. “Hot-headed, are we?” “Cousin?” It was just should be on myself yet I felt their stares into mine. I fixed myself on my seat as I took a glimpse of the man in my left using my peripheral vision. His face is dark while looking at us that made me avert my gaze as soon as I saw it. “Vander Alexander De'Leuther, my Lady.” He said as my forehead creased in confusion again. How did they become cousins? “Draven Zuirius Hyde De'Leuther von Blood,” I heard the King spoke, as Vander laughed aloud but my stare focused on the King as I said… “Huh?” I didn't follow what he said because that's so low and so fast. He sighed deeply. “That's my name,” He said before he glared at the man at my back. “Prime Minister's calling us,” He informed Vander who stood up, still laughing. “I know,” before he looked at me again and before I know it, he's holding my hand again— the other one as he kissed it. “It's nice to meet you, beautiful.” He said and in just a blink of an eye, he's already lost in my sight while I'm still left dumbfounded. I heard King Hyde's deep sighing. “Wilhelmina, bring me a disinfectant.” He commands that caused me to bring back into reality. Wilhelmina, who's alerted, bring out a pad of wipes, I think. “This is the only thing I brought, King. Forgive me,” “That will do.” King Hyde said as he opened it successfully before he grabbed my hand and my eyes widen when he started cleaning it with wipes, exactly where Vander kissed. “Did he hold her other hand too?” And it wasn't a question for me but for his servants. Clydeus answered. “Yes, King. He even kissed it too.” He said so naturally and bored on his seat. My eyes widen at Clydeus, how dare he… King Hyde grabbed my other hand and started wiping it too. “Hey… it's not dirty,” Because the one he's wiping is the gloves itself. But then, the King glared at me that caused me to shut my mouth. “It has. Vander's virus,” He said as he continued. He didn't even get contented. He asked me to remove my gloves and asked Wilhelmina to burn it. Poor gloves… I looked at him, couldn't believe what he just said. Is he joking? But he's King Hyde, who has exceptions for those who couldn't hear my mind. He glared at me after I thought that one. “I'm serious,” He said that made me grinned. “Yes, you are Zuirius.” I chuckled at my own joke. When I noticed that he's not laughing, my laughers died that I suddenly feel embarrassed. I pouted. “I'll be back,” His gaze stared at Clydeus for a while. “Watch Zane,” He commanded the little child who must've been the only concern is eating! But Clydeus is Clydeus, because he nodded seriously. “Yes, King.” As if he'll do everything he says. And with last glare, I pouted at him with the thought that I'll just stay here for the rest of my night. It was as if he heard it when he said, “You can get some food, enjoy the night.” He said as he looked at Clydeus with the last command before he disappeared. I sighed heavily. That's when Wilhelmina came back. “Oh, where's King?” “At Prime Minister's,” Clydeus said curtly. Wilhelmina nodded as she sat in her seat properly. That's when I noticed… right, the way she moves represent a Princess. Not only her but Cornelia too. When she noticed me looking at her, she looked at my place and raised a brow, “What?” she asked, as if she's mad at the world. I shook my head, smiling a little. Slowly, I could feel like I'm getting to know her more. “Ladies and gentlemen, the hall is yours. Go bring someone to dance with a slow song. Enjoy the night!” Said by the MC and slowly, the light deemed that the only light shining in from the huge chandelier itself. The way the colors reflect seems like we're on some kind of fairytale. Looking at Clydeus who seems so bored, I thought of something. “Hey, Clydé, wanna dance?” What I said caught my attention. He looked at me for a while before he smiled. “Sure! Let's go!” He said so jollily as he jumped from his seat. I look at Wilhelmina for permission but she just nodded at me. Looking back at Clydeus who's waiting for me, I smile as I come to his aid. The kid's height seems only at my waist, or just below my breast, that's why I don't have to adjust since he could hold me at my hand. Now, looking at Clydeus with his silver hair and red eyes, I couldn't help but wonder. “When will your eyes and hair return to normal?” I asked him to have conversations. He shrugged before he looked at me with curiosity. “Why? You don't like it?” “No, I was just wondering what's the color your real hair and eyes,” Thinking about it. Maybe it'll suit him more when he has black hair? And in eye color… anything will suit him. “My hair is black,” He answered and smile. “Do you know why my hair and eyes are like this?” I shook my head. “No.” “Aside from being newborn…” He looked at me dangerously as he smirked. “Bloodlust,” He even made his voice scary but right now, all I see is a cute guy with red eyes and silver hair. I chuckled as I lowered my head to level my face to his. I pinched his cheeks that changed his expressions from trying to be scared into annoyed. “Zane!” He said, protesting from what I did. I laughed. “Couldn't help it. You're too cute,” I even giggled. He pouted, but his gazes passed through me as his eyes glint in joy. “King!” Clydeus said, while I? I got tensed. He's back… that fast? “Clyde, can I dance with Zane?” He even has a gut to ask a child! And Clydeus being Clydeus, he nodded while happily looking at him. “Of course, King!” And even with that, I could see a kid looking up with someone… Now I could say that soon, Clydeus will be a good ruler. I stood up and faced King Hyde. I even almost tripped when I saw his gaze through me. I gave him a little smile. He was about to come to me when we heard the MC announced something again. “King Zuirius von Blood. Please come in front as the debutant is asking for your presence.” Because of what was announced, people started looking at our place again. I sighed heavily. I don't know if it's coincidence… but maybe yeah. I heard him whispered some curses. King Hyde's face darkened from what he heard. The MC repeated those words but after seeing King Hyde's glaring eyes on his place, he stuttered to finish those words. “It's okay, go on,” I whispered to him as I pointed the buffet. “I'm actually hungry. I just danced with Clydeus to have some fun but right now,” I hold my tummy as it made a growl as if it's helping me. “You see,” He sighed heavily. “Alright. Don't dance until I'm not around,” He said like a command that all I did was to nod. King Hyde started walking through the crowd with a dangerous glint on his eyes— as if he's really mad so no one could even move… except me who started moving to our table. That's their problem anymore. And when I came near our table, “Let's get something to eat?” I asked Clydeus since he's alone again, and Wilhelmina's nowhere to be found. Clydeus, whoever is looking annoyed again. “I really hate the debutant,” He said before he jumped on his seat again and started walking where I just followed him. “Let's go, Zane! I want to eat more sweets because I'm really annoyed. Or maybe I'll just get their whole chocolate fountain?” He looked back to get my attention which I chuckled. “Anything you wish, Prince,” I said, smiling. He pouted but didn't even comment as he continues walking through god knows where. It wasn't taking a while before someone in our group came back. Cornelia sat in front of me as she drinks in her cup, while Wilhelmina sat beside her as she gazed around the place. I still wonder about what I heard earlier. Princess Cornelia. Wilhelmina is a Princess, too. I was about to ask some questions when suddenly, a young girl comes into our view. She's crying, and her makeup is a mess. But still, she looks so cute. Her pink gown suits her snow-white skin as her black straight yet curly at the end of her hair falls freely through her back, and I think it's natural. "Lia and ate Mina!" She shouted as she approached us with her eyes full of tears, yet she still looks adorable. The song is either good or loud, or just because everyone else is not paying attention so her voice didn't create a commotion. When Cornelia and Wilhelmina heard her voice, they quickly came to the owner of the voice. Their eyes grew so big in shock that my eyes grew too, complete couldn't believe that I'm seeing the emotion on their face. Both of them stand quickly and approach the crying child while looking as if going to panic any minutes from now. The prim and proper Cornelia and Wilhelmina? What's happening? "Arabella? What are you doing here?" Said Cornelia, using her stern and cold voice, yet there's something in it as if she's carefully saying those words, before massaging her temple while standing, looking at the crying child in front of them. Wilhelmina helped the girl sit in a vacant chair and sat down next to her. "Come back home!" The girl said while crying. Wilhelmina looked at me as if to apologize for the noise the child is causing but I just shook my head and smile a little. She focused her attention on the girl afterward. That's when I noticed they somehow looked alike… oh! Their sister! "You know we can't, Bell." Wilhelmina's replied with carefulness as she sweetly said those words. Yet the girl cried out louder that somehow getting attention from some of the people. Cornelia noticed that and her forehead twitched in annoyance. "Don't cry!" She says violently. The girl seemed scared at what she did and she was even trying to raise her cries so I got up. I caught Cornelia and Wilhelmina's attention as they stared at me in surprise when I walked closer to the girl. I kneel in front of her as I brushed her hair. “Shh, don't cry,” I said as I tried to make her stop crying, and I was surprised when she hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder. “Convince my sisters to come home… please! Please I'll be a good girl. Please!” She begged, and my heart broke seeing a child like her begging someone for the sake of her sisters. “Of course I will,” I said before I looked up to see the twins. Wilhelmina's still emotionless but unlike her, Cornelia's fuming mad. “Are you nuts? I wouldn't ever step my foot in that place!” she said harshly that caused the child to cry more. I brushed her hair as I tried to calm her. Maybe something really happened that's why they're at King Hyde's home. “Then, how about we let her visit King Hyde's home?” I looked at the innocent girl as I brushed her hair using my fingers as I lifted my gaze to the twin when I didn't hear them answer, and now, they're looking at me like what I said is unbelievable. “The King wouldn't allow it. That place is strictly prohibited to uninvited people,” Cornelia's the one who got over first as she said those words. I saw her took a glimpse of the girl who wouldn't stop crying, as in, her eyes, I saw sadness for a bit before it was completely hidden by her cold demeanor. Sighing, I said. “Then I'll try to convince the King,” I said and this time, they really couldn't believe it. They stare at me like I grew another head but I'm serious with what I said. “Are you serious?” Wilhelmina asked, trying to hold her laughers— the one without expressions on her face. “That was like begging for him to keep your life which is… unbelievable,” She added and with what she said, I heard my heart beats fast in nervousness. But I already said it, the child already heard it… there's no turning back. I gulped as I find all the courage to say that word, “Yes,” I almost choked by my saliva because of nervousness. Oh my god! Cornelia rolled her eyes while Wilhelmina chuckled without humor. “Then I would like to see you try,” She said with something on her voice. I sighed heavily. Of course, I will do my best with this one. I just hope that luck will favor me.  
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