F i v e

1930 Words
HEAVEN - LEIGH’S POV — I inwardly groan as I pull the duvet with all my might , but Mia was clutching it tightly against her , over her and under her tiny body . If only I f*****g knew how she had so much strength while being asleep . “f**k sakes .” I groan as I flip the little piece of duvet that I had off of me , sitting up as I scowl at Mia’s sleeping form . She’s lucky I love her , otherwise I’d pull this duvet so hard , she might spin in the air before falling on the cold floor . As I get up , I round the bed quietly and make my way into the bathroom , walking on my toes as I bite down on my teeth , why do tiles have to be so cold ? I can’t even remember how we got into bed , the last thing I remember was pulling Mia’s drunk ass up the stairs , giggling and falling around like people who are learning to walk again . Our parents definitely heard us . I silently shut the en-suite bathroom door and my eyes widen as I look at myself in the reflection . My copper hair tangled in my necklace , my mascara smudged around my eyes , I almost look like a f*****g panda . Except panda’s are cute , I look .. not so cute . At least I didn’t have a banging hangover , just a slight headache . I sigh as I strip out of my tight dress that rolled up past my hips , yes - we passed out in our party clothes . I felt sweaty , dirty and sticky . I lean into the shower cubicle , opening the faucet before quickly stepping back . I hate the cold water — the only time I deal with it is when we go to the beach , but our indoor swimming pool is heated . I wait until the water is warm , stepping in and a moaning sigh escapes my lips as the water runs over my skin . Now this is lovely . The bathroom door flying open has me startled , but as I wipe the foggy glass , making it clear , I see Mia running past straight to the toilet . “Sorry , but I need to pee !” She yells urgently and I shrug , this isn’t anything new . “You know its fine .” I chuckle as I push my head under the water , my copper hair looking darker as its now wet and I use conditioner first , my hair was too knotted to just wash it . I hear the toilet flush and a second later , a high pitch scream escapes her lips . “What’s wrong ?” I ask , pulling the shower door open and I pop my head out , seeing her stare at her reflection through the mirror . “Look at me !” She turns and I bite my bottom lip at her appearance as I try not to laugh , her lipstick was smudged , her make up everywhere and her messy bun was hanging loose next to her head . “Just take a shower when I’m done before leaving the room .” I shrug and her eyes narrow into slits as she looks at me . “Well duh ! What if Derek sees me like this or some s**t ?” She scoffs and I bite on my lip , not wanting to tell her that her biggest crush on the planet had picked us up from the club while she was passed out on the backseat , at least she didn’t look like that . She liked him and he liked her too , but he was saving himself for his mate , but it didn’t stop them from making out now and then . “I’m almost done .” I shrug and she sighs , walking out of the bathroom . I rinse the conditioner , wash my hair with shampoo and rinse again before I scrub my body with rose shower gel and a sponge . As I wash my legs , the sponge trails up my thighs and I inwardly groan . Fuck that feels nice . I glance to the shut bathroom door , letting the sponge fall to the floor before I slip my soapy fingers right between my legs . No , stop it Heaven - Leigh , Mia wants to shower too . I quickly turn the warm water off , letting my heated body stand under the cold water , rinsing every bubble of soap off of my body before hopping out . “I’m done !” I yell and I frown as Mia doesn’t answer me . She always has something to say . Strange . I wrap my towel around my body before tip toeing out of the bathroom , not wanting to leave wet foot prints all over the place . As I walk into the room , she glares at me . “What ?” I ask baffled . “Who’s Grayson ?” She asks and I freeze as my heart aches at the mention of his name . Anger boiling through my veins as I remember him protecting her . “Um .. why ?” I ask , not really wanting to explain . She lifts my phone in the air , shaking it . “He said to call him back or he’d come here .” She informs me and I shut my eyes as frustration fuels my body , it quickly turned into anger which turned into fear . I didn’t want him to reject me , but it also seems like I can’t change his stubborn mind . “Who is he ? You never mentioned him before .” She questions me , her eyebrow raising as a smirk tugs at her lips and I knew exactly what she was thinking . “Because I met him last night and you were too drunk off your ass for me to tell you about him .” I shrug “At the club ?” She asks , I see her mind spinning . “No . At the meeting .” Her eyes widen as a smile crosses her face . “Is he cute ?” She asks and I want to cry . Yes he was beyond cute , he was the most handsome man alive , but he was in love with another girl . “Uh , yeah .” I mutter broken heartedly as I walk to my closet . “Go shower .” I tell her , but it came out a bit croaky and I hear her stand up . “Leigh , what’s wrong ?” She asks as she walks up to me . Why can’t she just leave me alone ? “Can you just go shower ?” I snap and her eyes widen in shock . “Uh .. I’ll go shower in my room .” She mutters and I realise my eyes are glowing red as fear was clear as day in eyes . “Mia , I’m sorry .” I sigh , rubbing my temple and as I look up , she’s already out of the room . Fuck sakes , I always forget she’s soft . I pull on a pair of white jeans and a thin strap black crop top that made my breasts look bigger than it is . As I slip my feet into my black fluffy slippers , I frown as someone knocks on my door . I hurriedly walk to it , opening it up . “Hi Lily .” I smile at one of our servants . “Hi .” She bows . “Your father requests your presence in his office .” She smiles timidly and I nod . They probably want to talk about last night’s meeting . “Be right there .” I smile before I walk over to my bed and put my phone on charge before walking up the stairs to my father’s office . I knock , even if he did ask for me , he once flipped because he was on an important call and told me I was to knock like everyone else in this pack . “Come in .” He yells and as I enter the big white office , his eyes find mine , pity and sadness on his face and my mother sat on the couch , a glass of wine in her hand and I notice how she tries not to smirk . She disgusts me . “Hi .” I give my father a smile , I didn’t even dare look at my mum again . “Grayson is on his way .” My father cut straight to the point and I could feel all the blood draining from my face . “What ?” I ask angrily . “He called .” My mother smirks and I turn on my heel . “I didn’t say you can go .” My mother yells and I roll my eyes , slamming the door shut behind me . Fucking f**k f**k ! I run down the spiral stairs , running into Mia at the bottom with a plate with toast with avocado on it . “Where are you going ?” She asks as I make my way to the front door , opening it up and I inwardly scowl myself as I almost run straight into him . “I was about to knock .” He mutters nervously and I could feel my anger building as I grip the door in my hand . “Try again .” I say sarcastically as I slam the door shut in his face . “What the hell Heaven - Leigh ?” Mia asks confused as I turn and our eyes lock . “I need out .” I mutter , my breathing uncontrollable as I knew why he was here . He wants me to reject him , but screw that and screw him . Mia looks around , her eyes flicking to the kitchen and nudges her head to it . “Come on .” She turns on her heel and I follow her as I hear the knock on the door . “You ! Come here !” She calls over the servant . “You tell that man we left , got it ?” Mia says seriously and the servant nods before we leave the kitchen and she drags me up the stairs to my room . “This isn’t the best hiding spot Mia .” I sigh as I shut my door . “But if they think you ran , they won’t come looking in here now , will they ?” She smirks as she sat on the bed , eating . “I guess not .” I shrug . She was smart and this is probably why I will always need her , she always helps me out of my troubles .
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