S i x

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GRAYSON’S POV — After I crawled my aching body into bed , my eyes locked with Emily’s brown orbs , concern filled them as she stared at me but I couldn’t keep my eyes open even if my life depended on it and I fell asleep right away while she was still asking if I was alright . As the sun beams of dawn shined into the room , my eyes fluttered open on instinct , Emily was asleep so I stood up as quietly as possible , pulling on a black vest with my black running trunks and my black nikes and silently slipped out of the room without a sound , I didn’t want to wake her up as I had no idea when she had fallen asleep . I hope I didn’t keep her up all night . I jogged down the steps and right out of the front door , sprinting forward as I begin my jog around the pack lands . After two hours of running , my muscles are tight and my breathing heavy as I make my way up the porch steps and as I enter the house , Emily sat on the little bench , waiting for me . Her little foot was tapping uncontrollably as her fingers picked at each other . “You’re back .” Her lips were pressed in a thin line as she smiles . She stands to her feet and I felt my heart sinking at her beautiful appearance , even if she only wore a silk gown and her blonde hair was hanging down her shoulders . She is the definition of beauty . “Hi .” I breath out , cupping her cheeks and I bring her into my embrace , she stood on her toes , wanting to kiss me but I just couldn’t , so I kissed her forehead instead . I couldn’t kiss her , thinking of causing Heaven - Leigh even more pain , it was hurting me too . She slightly pulls her face in disgust . Was she mad or do I stink ? “I have things to do today .” I sigh as I step back and she frowns , her lip pouting . “Like ?” She asks and I could smell how nervous she is . “You know .” I sigh and her eyes flick down to the floor . “Can I come ?” “No . I can’t risk it . She will kill you . You need to stay here , please .” I take her hand and her lip trembles . She really doesn’t like it when I tell her no . “I don’t like it . I don’t want you to be alone with her .” She fiddles with her silk gown . Jealousy looks cute on her . “I know , but I can’t risk your life . You’re my Luna and this pack needs you , alive .” I try to convince her to stay . “And this pack needs their Alpha alive too .” She argues with me . “And I will be . I am her mate and she won’t kill me , but you ? She’ll kill you out of jealousy and I won’t ever live with myself if that happened .” I cup her cheek with my hand and she leans into my touch , she sighs , nodding her head . Thank god , she usually doesn’t listen . “I need to go shower .” I mutter and she follows me back to our room . “I’ll be quick .” I say as I walk into the bathroom , but I hear her foot steps follow me . As I turn to her , taking off my shirt , her eyes trail over my bare chest and she loosens the rope of her robe and she lets it fall to the ground , her naked body completely exposed to me and I bite down on my lip . Fuck she’s hot . “I don’t have time .” I groan as I take off my shorts and shoes , stepping into the shower . “I don’t know what you’re talking about , I need a shower too .” She smiles seductively as she stalks towards me . She’s looks so innocent , yet plays so dirty . “Okay .” I mutter , opening the faucet and I stand under the cold water , letting it cool me down . “That’s cold !” Emily shrieks and I chuckle as I open the warm water a little bit more , it made the water turn warm faster . She smiles and her arms wrap around my waist from the back , her hands resting on my abdomen and they slid down , her hands wrapping around my manhood and a groan escapes my lips as she twists her wrist and I grab her arm , turning around and I look down at her through hooded eyes . “I said I don’t have time .” I grit out , brushing past her and leaving her dumbfounded . She can be mad right now , but I can’t f**k her knowing I’m hurting my mate . I’ll make it up to her later , when the bond is broken and all of this is over . “Grayson !” She yells angrily but I ignore her , knowing what I’d do if I turn around now and look at her soaked naked body . “What is going on with you ?” Emily asks as she walks out of the bathroom , her towel wrapped around her tiny frame . I sigh as I pull my white sweatshirt over my head and zip up my black jeans . “I’m in a hurry Em . I just need to get this over with .” I explain and I could feel her glare on the back of my head as I pull on my all stars . “No , since you met her , you haven’t kissed me .” Her voice croaks out and I feel like yelling at her . “Because I’m in pain Emily !” I say a little too loud and her eyes start to water . “What pain ? Because you want her ?” She accuses me and my head falls as I look to the floor , shaking my head . I didn’t want her . But it was hard to look at Emily when all I could think about was Heaven - Leigh . “I don’t . Do you know what even happened last night ?” I ask and she bit her bottom lip , shaking her head . “No .” She sighs . “She was spiteful , she f****d some one else just to cause me pain , for revenge ! I can’t let that happen again . If people find out , they’ll challenge me , they’ll attack the pack and when I’m in this pain , I feel lost . I wanted to rip your head off last night , that’s how much control she has and I’m not having it . Nobody messes around with me .” I explain and she gulps , nodding her head . “So I’ll see you soon and I promise I’ll make it up to you .” I sigh before leaving the room , not looking at her . I sit in my car in front of the Argent’s pack house , pulling all the confidence I have together before getting out and walking up the patio steps , the guards let me past and I’m glad Alpha Raymond didn’t stop me from coming here . I lift my hand , about to knock when the door flies open and Heaven - Leigh stands in the door way , her face pale . “I was about to knock .” I mutter nervously , her gorgeous green eyes looking as beautiful as the forest as the sun shines on it . “Try again .” she mutters sarcastically and a frown forms on my face , but before I could ask her to explain , she slams the door in my face and I shut my eyes , trying to control the anger that was threatening to explode in my chest . Do I just barge into this house and drag her by the hair or do I knock ? Fuck sakes , this is awkward as hell . I lift my hand , knocking harder and the door flies open , I was kind of surprised when another girl opened up . “Hi , I’m looking for Heaven - Leigh .” I mutter as I try to smile and the girl froze , looking back before her eyes find mine again . “I’m sorry sir , she just left .” She muttered softly and I frown . She left ? That quickly ? “What ?” I bellow angrily , my eyes flicking red accidentally and her eyes widen , looking down to the floor before she bowed . “I’m sorry Alpha . I’ll inform the Alpha and Luna you are here .” She whimpers before scurrying away towards the spiral stairs . Do I go in ? Do I stay outside ? I sigh , stepping inside and I close the door , standing with my hands behind my back , glancing around the white interior . Perhaps her parents chose her name because they like white ? I sigh as I think of her name , it’s so pure and she’s so .. frustrating . “Grayson , how can I help ?” Alpha Raymond comes down the stairs , Luna Gina following suite . “I’m here for Heaven - Leigh , but a little servant said she left .” I grit out , trying to control my anger . “What ?” Luna Gina frowns , pulling out her phone and struts off towards another room . “Well then stay and wait for her , she can’t run around forever .” Alpha Raymond insisted and I nod . “Come , let me show you her room and you can wait there .” Alpha Raymond gestures towards the stairs and I follow him up the steps to the fourth floor . “The only door to your left .” Alpha Raymond nods before giving me a small smile and he walked further up the stairs . How many damn floors do these people have ? I take a deep breath in before walking down the hall , everything smelled like her . I pause as I stand in front of her door , looking at the door knob before I pull it down , pushing it open and I freeze as my eyes meet hers . I felt so angry , but her scent is everywhere and it’s intoxicating . “There you are .” I smirk , I thought she really left . “Get out .” She growls and another girl with light brown hair stands from the bed . “And who are you ?” She snarls and I step forward , wanting to rip her throat out because of her tone , but Heaven - Leigh steps in front of her , her eyes flicking bright red . “Back the f**k up .” She growls and I take in a deep breath , controlling my anger . “Let’s get back to business then .” I smirk and her face pales . “Shut up .” She demands . “No , you shut up and let me do this !” I growl . “What the hell is going on ?” The girl asks and my eyes flick red as I glare at her . Who does she think she is ? “You’re a ..” her eyes widen with fear . “An Alpha , so shut your trap .” I demand in my Alpha voice and she clutches Heaven - Leigh’s hand . Finally . My eyes flick over to Heaven - Leigh and she bites down on her bottom lip . “I ..” I gulp , why can’t I say it ? No , say it — for Emily . “I , Grayson Coffin , future alpha of the ..” I began , but that girl opens her mouth again . “He’s your mate ?” She freaks and Heaven - Leigh sighs , turning to look at her . “Mia ..” she sighs . “And you didn’t tell me ?” She asks offensively . A deadly growl escapes my lips and both their heads snap into my direction . “Shut up !” I growl and Heaven - Leigh snarls at me . “How about you shut up and leave ?” She snaps and a low chuckle escapes my lips . “You know I can’t do that . I have things to do , well someone to do — and I can’t quite do it while I’m bonded with you .” I glare at her and a smirk tugs at the edges of her lips . “Can’t get me out of your head ?” She smirks and I run a frustrating hand through my hair . “I’m about to fix that .” I c**k my head at her and her smirk faded away . I notice her throat tightening as she gulps , her neck is so long , the skin looking so smooth — I had the urge to close the distance between us and crash my mouth to her neck . Wait ? What ? I don’t want to do that . I love Emily .
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