CHAPTER 12 Rising Flames

1137 Words

  Jade   I exhaled softly as Chase moved out of my sight, my senses still heightened and on edge.   I wanted to calm down...but man...   When he came into view- my soul damn near fled my body. I was utterly speechless, especially after the f*****g mess I'd created earlier by mistakenly trying to seduce Devon, thinking it was Chase.   Fuck. The words I used- I had made it glaringly obvious to Devon that Chase and I had a history even if it spanned for only a night, and now I worried about the potential exposure before everyone. To be honest, I didn't fear the outcomes that much, but I certainly didn't want it to happen either.   Just because you don't fear it doesn't mean you want it to happen.   Controlling myself was a challenge. I knew this man could practically see through me, eve

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