CHAPTER 11 Stepsister

1144 Words

  Chase   As I approached home, it was almost noon, a delay I managed after constant threats from Conan. That bastard would've surely shifted and f*****g gone on a wild run if I hadn't arrived right now.   Parking the car, I noticed all the lights in the house were on, signaling Dad's arrival with his new wife. It was his habit to illuminate every corner upon reaching home. I didn't know why he did that until now I believed he did it because Mom used to do it but now I doubted his intentions because he brought a new 'mate' home.   Despite my reluctance, I entered the house, my coat draped over my shoulder, hanging from two of my fingers.   The moment I stepped inside, I froze.   Holy s**t! Was I dreaming?   There she was- Jade, standing in the kitchen, sipping from a glass of water,

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