Chapter 5 - Friendly Friends

2380 Words
TWO YEARS LATER... I lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling when I hear my phone vibrate; it is a text from John Luke. (John Luke) Let's go to the movies. (Me) Want me to come to pick you up? ... (John Luke) Yes, please. I need to get out of this house. Dad is harping on me again. (Me) On my way. I roll out of bed and walk towards the kitchen, where Momma stands near the sink rinsing the dishes from dinner time. "Hey Momma, can I borrow your car to go to the movies?" She looks back at me while holding a dish over the sink, "Sure. Who are you going with?" "John Luke," I reply. She nods in the direction of the key hook next to the door. "Of course, well, you guys be good and stay out of trouble." I walk over and grab the key from the hook. "We will, Momma, I promise." I leave the house and climb in the Jeep to drive towards John Luke's house. When I get there, I pull up and honk in the driveway to let him know I have arrived. After a moment, he opens the front door and struts towards me. I can't take my eyes away from him right now! He looks up and notices that I am watching him intently, so he flashes me a sexy grin in return, runs up to the Jeep, and climbs in the passenger seat quickly. When he shuts the door, I look over at him, admiring how delicious he looks. I inhale, breathing in his cologne's intoxicating aroma; because it is my favorite scent in the entire world, and he knows this. He seems irritated tonight. "You okay?" I ask curiously. "Yep, it's just Dad, and I are at each other's throats again. He hates I'm hanging out with Wyatt all the time." He confesses. "Why do you hang out with Wyatt if he's always getting you into trouble?" I ask. "Because we have known each other for years. He's my best friend, Georgia." He responds defensively. I sigh in frustration because I know where this conversation's headed, but I can't keep my mouth shut. "Well, my parents can't stand his parents, but you already know this." He rolls his eyes. "Oh, I know, my parents don't like them either, but I'm not friends with them. I know they are bat s**t crazy. I am friends with Wyatt and his sister; she's my friend as well." Just mentioning Stella Vance is enough to make my blood boil. She is always hanging around John Luke, and Wyatt like a third wheel. It gets under my skin even though I have no right to feel that way. John Luke and I are not together, technically. We are friends who make out now and then. Well, we never officially worked out what we were yet because if we did make our relationship known, Daddy would flip out and probably forbid me to see him again since he hangs out with the Vances. He looks over at me with those beautiful hazel eyes and notices I'm feeling insecure, "You have nothing to worry about, Georgia. She is like a little sister to me. Not to mention I only have eyes for you." I snort. "Who's worried? I'm not!" He rolls his eyes and smiles ear to ear. "Okay. Whatever you say, baby." I know he doesn't believe me, but regardless, I try to keep a straight face. I have no right to dictate who his friends are. So, I attempt to change the subject. "Anyway, what are we going to see?" He flashes a panty-dropping smile in my direction. "Let's park somewhere and make out instead." He suggests as he casually reaches out his hand and squeezes my shoulder. "Do you have a death wish?" I ask him while squeezing my thighs together. I want to so badly, but I'm terrified of getting caught. What if someone sees us and word gets back to Daddy? Lord, I can tell you I'd be grounded for the rest of my life if that happens. He shrugs and rolls his eyes. "Ugh, your Dad gets on my nerves. Such a c**k block," He says under his breath. "I know, but you know as well as I do, he'd flip out if we got caught making out in public." I remind him. I can sense the irritation in John Luke's demeanor. "It's not fair. I just want you to be my girlfriend, and I want the whole world to know. Even your Dad." I reach out and grab his hand. "I know. I want that too." He leans back on the headrest and turns to look at me. "I like you a lot Georgia." I can feel my cheeks begin to flush. It annoys me that I haven't gotten past this bashfulness with him. We have been inseparable since Tracy's 14th birthday party. Why am I still blushing? Damn it?! I turn to look at him. "I like you too, John Luke." He pulls my hand up to his mouth and plants a kiss on my fingers. I feel butterflies in my stomach when he does that, "You are so cute when you blush." He says softly.  I swallow hard and begin to fidget in my seat from embarrassment. Of course, he can see the effect he has on me. A blind man could see it! We arrive at the movie theatre and walk up to the front to check out the movie times. I tend to shy away from anything romantic to avoid getting too emotional, so we agree on Divergent. John Luke walks up to the counter, pays for our tickets as usual, and leads me to the concession stand to buy soda and popcorn to share. We enter the theatre where the movie is playing and sit down in the seats in the very back as we always do. Once we settle in, two of our classmates enter the theatre and sit down in front of us. Luckily, they don't notice us sitting behind them because the theatre goes dark as the previews start. My nerves get the best of me at that moment, and John Luke senses it, so he reaches out and grabs my hand. I glance over at him and flash him a smile. I just hate it because people love to talk at school, and they already suspect we are more than friends, so I don't want to have attention drawn to us. During the previews, he moves his hand and casually rests it on my knee. Then he leans into my shoulder and nuzzles my ear. I begin to giggle before leaning in to whisper, "You will get us kicked out of here, John Luke." He shrugs as if he hasn't a care in the world. "Well, you should have just parked somewhere. You are so pretty; I can't keep my hands off you." He confesses as he bites his bottom lip. I smile shyly at him. "If you be good here, I will go somewhere and park after the movie. Is that a deal?" He nods in agreement. "Deal. I'll be good until then. I can't guarantee anything after that." He jokes as he throws some popcorn in his mouth. After the movie finishes, we sit in the theatre and wait for everyone to exit before leaving. We walk out of the theatre doors and over to where the Jeep is parked. We both climb in, and I drive out of the parking lot and turn down the main road. "Since you behaved yourself in the theatre, Mr. Madden, I'll allow you the opportunity to choose where we are going now," I say jokingly. He rubs his hands together and flashes an evil grin in my direction. "Oh, goody! Let's park the Jeep on Madison Street and walk over to the park from there." He suggests. Obviously, he has this all planned out. I don't argue, though, because, in all fairness, I want this as much as he does. So, I nod and follow his instructions. I park the Jeep on Madison Street, and he comes around to take my hand and leads me to the jungle gym where we used to play when we were little. We climb to the top, and John Luke playfully wrestles with me up there. "Here, sit down; nobody can see us up here." He tells me as he lays his jacket down for me to sit on. Thankful that I won't have to feel the cold metal on the back of my legs, I oblige and sit down on his jacket. He plops down next to me and leans over, grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me to him. I don't resist because I'm like putty in his hands, and he knows this. He sticks his tongue in my mouth, and I meet his tongue with mine. He reaches down and runs his hand up my thigh with the other hand. Woah! Not so fast! I grab his wrist to stop him from going any further. He pulls away from me momentarily. "Come on, baby, please?" he begs. I press my forehead to his. "I told you I'm not ready for that." He nods and swallows hard. "I know, I'm just getting worked up. I'm sorry, Georgia. "He says apologetically. "I can't do that with you knowing that we can't be together." I remind him. "Who says we aren't together? I like you, and you like me? What's the deal? I'd say we are technically together since we are rarely apart. We make out all the time and go out on dates but pretend to be friends in front of everyone. I'd call it friendly friends if that makes a difference." He says as he brushes my cheek. I chuckle. "Oh, that's new. We are friendly friends, I see." He laughs and pulls my face to his, and continues kissing me. He laces his fingers in my hair, and I can feel his breathing quicken, so I start to pull back to keep him from getting too worked up. He presses his forehead to mine once more in the heat of the moment. "God, I wish we could do something that you were comfortable with that could ease the storm I have brewing inside of me." He says breathlessly. I pull back to look at him. "What do you have in mind?" He shakes his head. "I don't think you are ready for what I have in mind." I laugh because I know that this is the truth. "You're probably right." He glances up at the sky and growls, then looks down at me with a grin. "I don't care; I'll wait for you as long as I need to." He pulls me close, and we lock lips once more. We continue making out for a while. Once it gets close to curfew, I drive him back home. When I return home and pull up in my driveway, I find Daddy sitting outside on the porch, waiting for me. It is only 9:00 p.m. when I am supposed to be home, so I'm unsure why he is waiting for me now. I approach the porch slowly where he sits. "Where did you go?" he asks casually. "I went to the movies with John Luke," I reply as I try to scurry past him. He takes a swig of beer. "Are you two dating, princess?" I stand there, frozen in place. My mouth drops, and my eyes are wide as fear sweeps over me. "No, we are just friends." I choke out. He leans forward and eyes me intently. "You two spend an awful lot of time together for just being friends." "And? Can't I have friends that are boys? He's been my friend practically my whole life." I ask defensively with my hands on my hips. I wait for him patiently to respond as he sits there, eyeing me suspiciously. "Come on, Georgia. I was a young boy myself. I know what they think about and what they want." He snaps. Taken back by his accusatory tone, I stomp my foot on the porch in protest. "Gross! Well, I'm not that girl!" "Good, I'm glad. I don't mind that you are hanging out with John Luke, but you know how I feel about the Vances. They are trouble with a capital T. Do not under any circumstance get involved with anything they do. I will shut that down quick." He reminds me. I'd never hang out with the Vance's anyway. So, this is no skin off my back, but I'll play along and pretend to compromise with him. "I understand. I will never hang out with them, only John Luke, I promise, but I have no right to dictate who his friends are, Daddy." "Princess, I'm begging you to please be careful. I love John Luke, like my own son, but he is a red-blooded male, and you are a beautiful young lady. I know that is just an accident waiting to happen. It makes me a nervous wreck." He admits. I smirk and roll my eyes at him. I'm getting good at lying to him, I must admit. I walk up and pat him on the shoulder before going inside. "Daddy, we aren't like that. It's fine." "Okay, well, goodnight, Darlin." He says. "Goodnight, Daddy," I respond as I lean over and kiss his forehead and walk inside. John Luke texts me later as I get ready for bed. (John Luke) Goodnight, beautiful. XOXO (Me) Goodnight, Friendly Friend XOXO I hurry up and erase the text, and lay there daydreaming about tonight. I gaze out my window and press my hand against the windowpane. It is my favorite part of my nights lately. While admiring the view and how the tree branches sway in the breeze, I often fantasize about John Luke and those perfect lips. He's the hottest guy I have ever laid eyes on. I am so glad he doesn't rush me into things that I'm not ready to do. He is nothing but a gentleman, and I am crazy about him.
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