Chapter 6 - Don't Take Me Down With You

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The next day, Momma takes me shopping to buy some pants since it is getting colder outside. We stop at the lingerie store first to look at the bras and panties. Her eyes are drawn to my chest. "You are going to wear a bigger size bra than I do, Georgia May." She hinted. I feel my cheeks flush, and I look around to see if anyone was around that may have overheard. "Momma, don't say that so loud, please?" I beg her as I cross my arms over my chest. She wraps her arm around me and chuckles, squeezing me playfully. I know she is right; I do have a big rack. We pick out a few bras and panties and continue to shop. Next, we stop at the department store to look at the jeans. I pick out a few pairs I like and try them on. Then she helps me pick out some cute tops. She is the best shopping partner. She is so easygoing and laid back. I feel like I can talk to her about most things, except for anything to do with John Luke. I worry she will tell Daddy; she does not keep things from him, so I do not dare say a word. She never asks me about him either. She does question me about the guys at my school and if I am interested in any of them. I always tell her no, and she is content with that answer. She doesn't press me too hard, so I am grateful for that. After our little shopping excursion, she takes me out to lunch. It's nice to have a girls-only day with her. She must have known I needed it. Momma is good at sensing these things. We finish our meal and head back home. Once we get home, I grab my bags to carry them inside. As I enter through the front door, I find Daddy sitting on the sofa, drinking a beer. "Got some pants, Daddy," I call out sarcastically as I pass him. He chuckles. "Thank God. It's about time!" Momma pats him on the shoulder as she follows behind me. He reaches up and grabs her hand, and playfully pulls her onto his lap. I hear her squealing, so I rush to my room and close the door. I get that it's a good thing for your parents to still be madly in love and affectionate towards one another, but still. I rather not see it, so take it to the bedroom, for crying out loud! When I get to my room, I hang my clothes up in my closet. As I am doing that, my cell phone vibrates. I look down and see it's John Luke. (John Luke) I loved the skirt you wore today. You are driving me crazy. (Me) Take a cold shower. X ... (John Luke) Thanks for the advice. When can I see you? (Me) I can't see you tonight; It is a school night. ... Him – Okay, see you at school tomorrow. Goodnight. (Me) Goodnight. I erase the texts so that Daddy doesn't see them and finish hanging up my clothes. I set my alarm for the morning and put some music on before lying back on my bed and drifting off to sleep. The next day at school, Tracy leans in to tell me the latest gossip before the bell rings. "Hey, did you hear that John Luke's Dad caught him and Wyatt smoking pot?" I gasp and cover my mouth. "No! Where did you hear this?" She chuckles. "I overhead them at the lockers this morning talking about it. My locker is right next to Stella's, remember?" "Oh, man! John Luke is going to be in so much trouble." I blurt out. "Yeah, I heard he's grounded." She whispers. "Who? John Luke?" I ask curiously. She leans in and whispers to me. "I am sure Wyatt and Stella will be fine because their parents do not give a s**t. I'm kind of jealous." I look down and shake my head. She can't be serious?! She has the coolest mom and stepdad ever! I have heard horror stories about the Vances. I'm sure she would change her mind quickly if they were her parents. As soon as the bell rings, she turns to face the front. I secretly gaze at her out of the corner of my eye. She's so lean and delicate, almost like a flower. Her long silky brown hair hangs in waves past her shoulders; she has bright baby blue eyes and porcelain skin. Tracy looks incredible in anything she wears. Me, on the other hand, I'm curvy, so I have to be careful about what I wear, or I'll look like a stuffed sausage. I sometimes wonder why John Luke wouldn't prefer her over me. She is so much prettier than I am, in my opinion. She notices that I'm staring over at her, and she leans in quietly. "We will talk more at cheerleading practice." I snap out of my gaze and focus my attention on the teacher. When I get to cheerleading practice that afternoon, I discover that John Luke and Wyatt are not in the bleachers watching us as usual. Well, John Luke is just there to watch me do cartwheels and flips in my cheerleading outfit; he told me so himself. Wyatt is usually just there to tag along. I know he is in big trouble because he never misses one of my practices. I check my cell phone for new text messages from him, but there are none. I'm afraid to text him because I worry his Dad has his phone. I decide to bide my time and wait until tomorrow to talk with him. Once practice is over, we pack up and go our separate ways—Momma swings by to pick me up afterward. Almost immediately after I hop in the Jeep, I get a wild idea that I want to share with her. "Momma, I think I need a car of my own." She glances at me and continues to drive down the road. "I know, dear. I have been thinking about it too." "Can we go shopping for one?" I plead. She sits in silence for a moment. "Let me talk to your Father first. Let's see what he wants to do." I sigh in frustration. Gosh, she already knows what he will do! "Umm... He wants me locked up in my room at home all day and night, Momma!" She howls with laughter. "That's not true, Georgia." I look at the window and pout. "Hmm... keep telling yourself that, Momma." It looks like I won't be getting a car anytime soon.  Daddy gets home after we do a bit later. Once we are all seated at the table for dinner, I anxiously push around the food on my plate. Daddy notices that I am uneasy. "Is everything okay, princess?" Little did he know that my anxiousness was a result of silently fretting over John Luke. "Yeah, I'm fine," I respond quietly. Momma chimes in. "Georgia and I were talking today. I think she is ready to have a car." Daddy eyes the two of us suspiciously, "Oh, is that so?" Momma continues. "Well, yes, honey, I think she deserves it. She has good grades, and she's a good kid..." Daddy nods his head while studying me very closely. "Well, I suppose we could start looking as long as Georgia can keep her grades up and stay out of trouble. Her little buddy John Luke can't seem to stay out of trouble lately." He mumbles under his breath. Surprised by his bluntness over the matter, I decided to dig a little deeper to find out what he knows. "What happened?" Daddy puts down his fork and points his hand in my direction. Uh oh! I know he means serious business when he does that. "Your buddy and his little friend got caught with weed. You know if I find out you are smoking weed with them, this little dream of a car will be nothing more than that; a dream", he says sternly. I throw my fork down on my plate in frustration. "Ugh, Daddy! I swear I am not smoking weed. I have never smoked weed, nor will I ever!" "Good girl. Maybe you should stay away from him for a while." He suggests. Well, that won't do! Who does he think he is?! "That's not fair. He is my friend, Daddy. I have known him for nearly my whole life. You can't expect me just to stop being friends with him!" I cry out in protest. "Well, he needs to get his act together. I don't know what Seth is going to do with him. He probably needs to join the military or something. That will straighten him up fast. It will keep him away from the Vances at least." He mumbles. I roll my eyes at him. He is so hard on John Luke! I wish Daddy knew how wonderful he is and how much of a gentleman he has become. He never forces me to do anything I don't want to do. It's so upsetting! What is Uncle Seth putting in Daddy's head about John Luke to make him want to keep me from him? I don't understand. I know Daddy and Momma had smoked weed before when they were younger. I feel like Daddy is such a hypocrite right now. Benny interrupts our conversation. "So, when do I get my car?" Daddy chuckles. "Not until you are old enough can maintain your grades and stay out of trouble," Benny starts laughing. "Guess I won't be getting one, will I?" Momma and Daddy roar with laughter. I just shake my head. I swear he is an animal. Daddy directs his attention back to me. "We will go this weekend and start looking. That doesn't mean we are going to buy just anything, Georgia. You need to look around first, not buy the first thing you see." Well, at least there is some sort of silver lining to this mess. I can have my own car at least and avoid relying on Momma to take me everywhere or borrowing her Jeep. After dinner and homework, I get ready for bed. I never got a text or a call from John Luke the entire night. Needless to say, I went to bed that night with an uneasy feeling. The next day at school, I see John Luke in the halls, and he is walking with his head down. I march up to him and pull him off to the side. "What is going on?" He leans up against the lockers. "I got in trouble with Dad. He found weed in my room." He says quietly. I cross my arms and lean into him. "Oh, I heard your Dad busted you smoking weed?" "Who'd you hear that from?" he asks. I shake my head. He's always telling me to take what Tracy says with a grain of salt; I should already know it was exaggerated, "Never mind. Stop whatever you are doing. My Dad is trying to get me to stay away from you." I warn him. His face drops. "Why?" I press my hand up to his chest. "Because you are getting yourself in trouble. Do you want to ruin everything we have?" He leans in closer, and I breathe in the intoxicating scent of his cologne. "What do we have, Georgia? Answer me that? We have nothing but a f*****g secret. A relationship that nobody knows about except for us!" He blurts out Tears begin to well up in my eyes. "Well, even that is on thin ice if you don't stop messing with drugs," I say tearfully. He reaches up and rubs my cheek. "Please don't cry. I don't know what my problem is lately. I'll stop; I promise", He says apologetically. "Well, I hope so. I'm going shopping for a car this weekend. Daddy says I can have it if I keep my grades up and stay out of trouble. Don't take me down with you, John Luke." I warn him. He nods his head. "Okay, I got it." He says. "How long are you grounded?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I don't know. Dad hasn't decided." "Well, I won't text or call you until you are ungrounded. Let me know whenever that is." I tell him. "Alright, Georgia." He smirks. I squeeze his arm gently, "See you later?" I ask. "Yeah, see you after seventh period." He says as he secretly grazes my hand with his fingers. I casually walk past him and look back to find he is watching me as I walk away. I run into John Luke once more in the halls after seventh period. We talk at his locker for a few minutes; then, I rush to class before the bell rings. I have eighth period with Tracy. She passes a note over to me; I open the note and read it. I know someone who has a crush on you. I look up at her curiously and write on the paper. Who? Then I casually stretch and hand it to her. She reads it and then writes something down and passes it to me. Daniel Arlington I gasp as I read it. Daniel Arlington was the most popular guy in school. His Daddy owns the steel mill in town. He would be the guy my Dad would love for me to date. That makes me want to gag. So, I write: No thanks, too full of himself. Not my type. I hand it to her. She writes something on the paper and gives it to me. I read it. Then who is your type? All you do is hang out with John Luke or me. You have not dated anyone. What is up? I shake my head and look at her. I write in the note and slide it back to her. I am saving myself for Nick Jonas. We both giggle out loud as she reads it. Suddenly, we are interrupted by the teacher as she clears her throat. I look over, and she is staring at us. "Would you two care to share what you are writing in that note?" she asks. I shake my head. My cheeks get flushed as I notice everyone in the class is looking directly at us. "Ummm... sorry, Mrs. Marsh. We will stop." I respond nervously. She nods in our direction. "One more time, and you both get detention. Pay attention; this is on the quiz Friday." She says sternly. For the rest of the period, we stay quiet until the bell rings. At that time, I gather my things and head out. Daddy ended up taking me out that weekend and bought me a 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse. It was a maroon color, just what I wanted. I never dreamed he'd let me buy the first car that I test drove, but he said it was a good deal, so who am I to argue? I think he noticed how much my eyes lit up when I saw it for the first time. I offered to drive everyone around town after that to show off my new car.
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