Chapter 1

1721 Words
Bella's POV: "I'm pregnant, Derek," I said, trying to contain my excitement in my voice. Derek stood motionless, not uttering a single word. "Didn't you hear me? I'm pregnant," I repeated, this time raising my voice slightly. Derek's heavy breathing filled the room, and I could sense the tension building between us. I took a step back, suddenly feeling vulnerable and small. "What's wrong?" I asked, panic creeping into my voice. Derek turned slowly towards me, but instead of the loving gaze I had expected, all I saw in his eyes was pure anger. "Bella, you truly have a remarkable bravery," he said, smirking as he walked menacingly towards me. "No one has ever dared to deceive Alpha Derek," he sneered. A lump formed in my throat as I took another step back. "What are you trying to say, Derek? You're scaring me," I admitted, my voice trembling. "Scared?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous. I didn't respond, but fear shivered through me as he advanced. "Tell me how I should be excited about this news. How should I be thrilled that you're pregnant?" Derek's voice turned cold and harsh, and tears welled up in my eyes. His once warm and tender voice had turned frigid and unyielding, each syllable dripping with contempt. Tears streamed down my face, mirroring the storm brewing within my heart. "Please, tell me what I did wrong, and I'll beg for your forgiveness," I stammered, my voice trembling with fear. "I will never have a child with a mere human!" Derek's words cut through the air like shards of ice. The cruelty of his declaration shattered the remnants of hope within me. His fangs and claws emerged, a grotesque display of his true nature. His eyes, once filled with love, now burned with a demonic crimson, a chilling reflection of the darkness within him. Fear tightened its grip on me, its icy tendrils constricting my every breath. In one swift motion, he lunged toward me, his claws slashing through the air, inflicting pain upon my flesh. I recoiled, my hand trembling as I touched my blood-stained face. The reality of his monstrous assault seared through my senses, and the truth unfolded before me like a nightmarish revelation. Never before had Derek revealed his primal form to me, and the revelation sent a shiver down my spine. My heart raced, not only with terror for my own life but also for the life growing within me, our unborn child. His words, a proclamation of disdain for my humanity, confirmed that he had discovered the secret I had carefully hidden. "Derek, please," my voice trembled, my words choked by fear. I inched backward, desperate to create distance between us. But his rage fueled his advance, an unstoppable force determined to destroy me. This was not the Derek I had known, the man I had loved. This was a monster, consumed by prejudice and hatred. "You deceived me!" he roared, each step bringing him closer, his fury overshadowing reason. I scrambled backward, my movements frantic, my heart pounding in my chest. There was no escape, no sanctuary to shield me from the wrath of the one I once held dear. I pressed my back against an unforgiving barrier, my senses heightened with the realization that this was the end. Derek, my love turned tormentor, loomed over me with a feral hunger. In that moment, I faced the grim certainty that my demise would come at the hands of the one who had once meant the world to me. The final chapter of my existence unfolded, shrouded in darkness and despair. Derek, consumed by wrath, poised to unleash his fury upon me, his eyes ablaze with hatred. But fate, in its cruel whimsy, intervened with a resounding blast—the sound of a gunshot tearing through the air. Derek's rage halted, his attention diverted by an unforeseen savior. A chilling growl reverberated from Derek's throat, his snarl a symphony of malevolence. Yet, as his menacing presence loomed, it evaporated upon laying eyes upon the figure emerging from the shadows. It was my father, resolute and unyielding, his hands gripping a weapon of justice. "Stay away from my daughter!" my father thundered, his voice laced with unwavering determination. The gun in his hand pointed unwaveringly at Derek, a symbol of a father's protective resolve. But Derek, defiant and unrelenting, remained undeterred, poised to assail my father, to extinguish the light of hope. In an instant, my father's finger tightened around the trigger, unleashing not merely an ordinary bullet, but one imbued with the essence of wolf's bane—a force to stifle the darkness within Derek's being. The projectile found its mark, penetrating the veil of malevolence, piercing Derek's tormented heart. Yet, even in the face of imminent defeat, Derek's venomous spirit refused to relent. Through gritted teeth, he snarled, his voice dripping with a venomous whisper, "I will never let you get away with this." His words, laden with a chilling promise of retribution, echoed in the void, a haunting testament to the depths of his depravity. Desperation seized my father as he rushed to my side, urging me to flee. But I refused to leave the man I loved alone. "Let go of me, Dad!" I fought against his grip, my voice strained with determination. I yearned to remain by Derek's side, convinced that my presence would rekindle the love he once had for me. The conviction in my heart overshadowed the imminent danger that lurked within these walls. "Snap out of it!" My father's voice reverberated through the air. "We must escape before it's too late! He doesn't love you! He's nothing but a savage beast!" His words echoed in the depths of my soul, a resounding warning that clashed against the unwavering faith I held in Derek's love. Yet, my resolve held strong, unyielding against reason and caution. I refused to abandon Derek, to forsake the man I believed in. Before I could articulate my defiance, a sudden blow crashed upon my skull, a cruel strike that robbed me of consciousness. Darkness enveloped me, a shroud that swallowed my awareness and muted my cries. In this void of unconsciousness, I teetered on the precipice of fate, uncertain of the outcome that awaited me. As I struggled to regain consciousness, waves of searing pain washed over me, blurring my vision and distorting the figure standing before me. My eyes strained to focus, attempting to pierce through the haze that clouded my sight. "You're finally awake," the figure whispered, tears streaming down their face. "I'm so sorry for hitting you, but it was the only way to save you from that monstrous being. I can't forgive myself if anything happens to you." Their voice quivered with sorrow and regret. Confusion enveloped me like a suffocating cloak as I mustered the strength to speak. "Where am I? How did I end up here?" My words emerged as a feeble whisper, laced with uncertainty. "You're back home. You're safe now," they reassured me, a faint smile tugging at their lips. A surge of curiosity coursed through me, and I inquired, "Where is Derek?" The reaction on my father's face transformed from sorrow to bitterness, and anger ignited within his eyes. "Don't speak that name here. He's a monster, and you shouldn't associate yourself with him anymore," he spat out with venomous disdain. A cascade of questions flooded my mind, and I pressed on. "What happened? Where is he?" I implored, desperate for answers. "Why must you be so stubborn? You should never speak of him again," he seethed with aggression. "I don't know what would have become of me if you had lost your life at the hands of that monster," bitterness and profound regret infused his every word. The weight of his words settled upon me like a crushing boulder, realization crashing over me in relentless waves. Derek had indeed posed a threat to my life. Derek had sought to end me. "Dad, he knows... He knows everything," tears streamed down my cheeks, voice trembling with terror. "He knows about my deceit, about how I tried to hide my true identity from him." The fear within me surged, threatening to consume every fiber of my being. "Don't worry. He won't harm you," my father offered reassurance, his voice strained with a mixture of concern and determination. What did he mean? Did he harm Derek? "What do you mean? Did you do something to him?" I pleaded, desperation clinging to my words. Silence echoed in response, amplifying the dread gnawing at my core. "Please, answer me! Did you do something to Derek?" Panic saturated my voice, threatening to suffocate me. "It was for the best. He tried to kill you," my father uttered callously, devoid of remorse. "Dad, please tell me you didn't kill him," my words trembled with nervous anticipation. "Answer me!" I cried out. "Yes! I shot him. I should have done it long ago," he bellowed, his words landing like thunderclaps upon my fragile heart. In that moment, my world crumbled, my heart ceasing its beat for a painful eternity. I could not form coherent words, trapped in a realm of denial where Derek's existence persisted. "You're lying. Derek can't just die like this," I whispered, my voice strained with disbelief. Defying my weakened state, I rose from the bed, determined to find him, to defy the reality that threatened to consume me. "Where do you think you're going?" My father's voice dripped with concern as he attempted to restrain me, to keep me imprisoned within the confines of our home. "I'm going to Derek. He needs me now," I mustered a feeble response, desperate to break free from his grasp. "You can't keep me here forever!" I cried out with a voice laced with defiance, my desperation piercing the air like a shattered melody. My father's face contorted with a mixture of concern and determination. "I will do whatever it takes to bring you back to your senses," he declared, his words carrying a weight of unwavering resolve. In an attempt to break the iron grip that held me, I mustered the strength to unveil my most vulnerable truth. "I'm pregnant," I whispered, my words falling like fragile petals upon the ground. My father's eyes widened.
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