Chapter 2

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Bella's POV Disapproval was etched on my father's face when he learned I was pregnant with Derek's child. Despite his objections, I stood firm, ready to protect and keep my baby at any cost. "You're not having this child," he finally stated sternly. I anticipated his reaction and acknowledged his resistance. But his disapproval couldn't deter me. "I will have this baby, and you cannot stop me," I asserted, determined to assert my independence. "What's wrong with you, Bella? Don't you understand, or are you pretending to be ignorant? You can't have this child, and that's final!" he yelled in frustration. Engaging in an argument seemed futile. He would never change his mind, and I didn't want to waste energy on a pointless confrontation. "Alright then, I'll do it your way," I declared, earning a faint smile from him. "Trust me, it's for the best," he said, planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'll arrange for the doctor to come home tomorrow. We're going to take care of that situation," he added before walking away. As he referred to my own child as a "situation," I instinctively placed my hands on my stomach. "Don't worry, my child. I'll never allow anyone to harm you," I whispered, determined to protect my unborn baby. I realized that escaping from this situation was imperative. Returning to Derek would be pointless; I didn't even know what condition he was in at the moment. Despite my reservations, my father's words held some truth. With the knowledge that Derek's pack would eventually discover my actions and show me no mercy, leaving immediately became the only viable option. I couldn't afford to wait for my father's return; time was of the essence. In a rush, I grabbed a pen and paper and began writing a heartfelt message to my father. I explained that I was leaving and reassured him that he need not worry about me. I made it clear that I had no intentions of ever returning and that I would raise my baby on my own terms. As I packed a small selection of my belongings from my room, I couldn't risk using the main door. Instead, I carefully maneuvered out of my window, ensuring a quiet and discreet exit. I didn't want my father to discover my departure until I was long gone. The night air was chilly, intensifying the unease I felt. Fear crept into my thoughts as the reality of being alone in the world settled upon me. However, I had to remain strong for the sake of my baby. There was no turning back now. I was leaving the city and everything it represented, embarking on a new path as a single mother. As I left my former life behind, uncertainty loomed ahead. Yet, I held onto the conviction that I would protect my child at all costs, forging a new future where we could thrive together, away from the shadows of the past. Three years had passed since Derek's death, a day I never imagined would come. The pain of losing him was still fresh in my heart, but I had found a way to carry on for the sake of our child. Standing in the kitchen, preparing dinner, the echoes of Liam's voice suddenly filled the house. "Mom! Mom!" Liam's urgent and excited voice pierced the air. Startled, I dropped the knife I was using and turned around, my heart racing with worry. Fear gripped me as I imagined all the worst-case scenarios. "Liam! Are you alright?" I asked, my voice trembling. Breathing heavily from his sprint, Liam managed to catch his breath and replied, "Yes, Mom... I'm fine." Relieved but still concerned, I approached him cautiously. "You don't look fine, Liam. Did you leave the house? Are you hurt?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "No, Mom! I only ran from my room to the kitchen," he explained, trying to reassure me. I sighed, a mixture of relief and frustration. "Liam, I've told you to be careful about running around the house. You could slip and fall," I scolded him gently, pointing out the potential dangers. Straightening up and catching his breath, Liam changed the subject. "I remembered that you promised me something. Can I have it now?" he asked eagerly. I pretended not to know what he was referring to, playing along. "Baby, what is it that you want from me?" I inquired, curious to see his response. "You promised me a new toy," he reminded me, his eyes lighting up with anticipation. I paused for a moment, contemplating my decision. "Well, Liam, I don't think I'll be getting you a new toy," I declared, reaching for a napkin to handle the pot on the stove. His face fell, and he began to protest, "But Mom, you promised!" My voice turned stern as I addressed his behavior. "Liam, you don't listen to me. Do you remember wandering off on the street last week? And now you want me to reward you?" I questioned, disappointment evident in my tone. Liam's face showed remorse as he apologized, "I'm sorry about that, Mom. I didn't mean to scare you like that." It was hard to stay mad at my precious son when he looked at me with such sincerity. "Don't ever do it again, Liam. I couldn't find you, and I was terrified," I said, my voice softening. Liam stepped closer and embraced me, his small arms wrapping around my waist. "I said I was sorry, Mom, and I'll be a good boy from now on," he promised, his eyes searching mine for forgiveness. I couldn't resist his plea, and I reciprocated the hug tightly. "Apology accepted," I whispered, holding him close. "Thank you, Mom. Will you get me the new toy you promised?" Liam inquired, his face hopeful as he pulled away from the hug. Cupping his face with my hands, I smiled warmly at him. He resembled his father so much—those same eyes, nose, and that familiar smile. Memories of leaving my father's house and starting anew flooded my mind, but I knew in my heart that I had made the right decision to protect my precious son. I was never alone with him by my side. "Yes, yes, baby, I will get you the new toy. But remember, you must never wander away from me again," I said firmly, making sure he understood. "Mama, I promise I won't do it again," he assured me sincerely. As I listened to Liam's heartfelt plea, my resolve wavered. I knew I had promised him a new toy, but the fear that enveloped our lives made me hesitant to fulfil that promise. Nevertheless, I shook my head gently, a mix of affection and determination in my eyes. "That's my good boy," I murmured, acknowledging his remorse and apology. "I will hold onto your promise, Liam, to remind you of the importance of staying safe and close to me. But remember, next time, I might not be as forgiving." With those words, I pulled him into a tight embrace, my arms encircling his small frame. I rubbed his back gently, a mixture of love and protection evident in my touch. Though my words carried a hint of warning, my intention was clear—to instill in him the importance of listening and understanding the potential dangers that lay beyond our doorstep. As we stood there, locked in an embrace, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey we had embarked on since leaving Derek behind. It hadn't been an easy road, filled with countless sleepless nights and constant worry. But with each passing day, I had grown stronger, fueled by the determination to provide Liam with a safe and nurturing environment. The threat of Derek's presence still loomed in the back of my mind, a constant reminder of the dangers that awaited us if he were ever to find us. But I refused to let fear consume me entirely. Liam was my anchor, my reason to keep pushing forward. Together, we had forged a bond that was unbreakable, a shield against the darkness that threatened to engulf us. "Promise me, Liam," I whispered into his ear, my voice filled with love and caution. "Promise me that you will stay by my side, that you will remember the lessons we've learned together. Your safety is my priority." Liam nodded, his face buried in my shoulder. "I promise, Mom," he said, his voice muffled but resolute. With a gentle sigh, I released him from our embrace, our eyes meeting in a moment of understanding. I could see the determination in his gaze, the spark of resilience that mirrored my own. "Thank you, Liam," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for being my brave and loving son. And yes, I will find a way to fulfill my promise to you. But always remember, your safety comes first." As Liam left for daycare, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and worry. The daycare was a safe place for him, filled with caring staff and other children his age. I wished I could bring him to my workplace, but the rules of the establishment prohibited it. With a heavy heart, I kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "Please stay out of trouble, sweetheart." Confidently, Liam reassured me, his milky teeth peeking through his smile that had yet to fully mature. "You don't need to worry about me, Mom. I am very strong, and I will take care of myself." Proud of his bravery, I smiled and nodded. "That's my brave boy. Hurry up now, and have a great day." I watched him until he disappeared from sight, trusting that he would be safe in the capable hands of the daycare staff. Returning to my own responsibilities, I headed to my workplace—a humble coffee shop that provided enough income to support myself and Liam. The pay was modest, but we made do with what we had. It wasn't glamorous, but it allowed us to carve out a life for ourselves, away from the horrors of the past. Just as I arrived at work, my manager called me over, reminding me of my duties. I nodded in acknowledgment, ready to fulfill my role. I swiftly made my way to the last table, where a customer was waiting to be served. "What would you like to order?" I asked, my voice laced with a touch of frustration as I noticed the menu obscuring the customer's face. When there was no immediate response, I repeated my question, hoping to gain their attention. To my horror, the customer slowly lowered the menu, revealing a face that I never thought I would see again. Dread gripped my entire being as I locked eyes with Derek, his presence sending shivers down my spine. His smirk was as haunting as ever, etched onto his face as if he relished this unexpected encounter. Derek! Is Alive.
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