Bristol's Bedroom

2213 Words

Bristol snickered at her as she landed on her butt through the window. “We did this much easier when we were teenagers.” “Shut up.” She rubbed her bottom, rising to her feet. “Oakley isn’t here yet?” “No. She did message me earlier to say she was coming but I haven’t heard from her in almost an hour.” “Great.” She wrapped her arms around her belly and started pacing. She felt her heart racing as panic started to envelop her. “What am I doing?” she whispered to nobody in particular. “I don’t know,” Bristol snorted. “If I could get the richest man in the country to propose to me, I’d be on my back with my legs spread.” She shot her friend an annoyed glance. “Seriously?” “I simply don’t see what the big deal is. You get to keep living your life and he’s getting your mom off your back. Y

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