Chapter 10

1960 Words
The ride back to my apartment was quiet, and I'm thankful for that. I feel like I'm inside my dream and that everything that's happened today is only a dream. Arturo is silent the whole time, but I catch him glance my way from time to time. He seemed agitated, as if he wants to ask me something but debated not to. When we arrived at my apartment, I just mumbled a thank you to him then went out of the car. When I am finally inside my domain, the first thing I did is to lie on the couch. I feel exhausted and totally drained, both physically and mentally. Just a few minutes on my well-earned rest, my phone sounded. I took it out of my purse and checked who sent me a message. From: My Samuel Are you home safe, cara? I stared at my phone for a minute. He's texting me and asking if I'm home safe? What is he, my boyfriend? Don't mind the name I registered under him. He wouldn't know it anyway. I decided not to answer. I told myself not to get too close to him. He is bad news, and I will get in so much trouble if I get too comfortable with him. Then another message came in. So you're giving me the cold shoulder, huh? Not a good idea, tesoro. I rolled my eyes and ignored it again. Hopefully, he will get the hint that I am not playing his game. It was quiet for a few minutes, but suddenly my phone rang. It is him. I stared at it, conflicted. Should I answer or ignore him? But then I remembered his words. He doesn't take no for an answer. So I know that he wouldn't stop calling until I answer. I sighed in irritation and pushed the answer button. " Yes, Mr. De' Luca, can I help you?" I answered politely yet gritted my teeth. " Don't play innocent with me, Cassandra. Why are you not answering my messages?" He barked. It is quite obvious that he is angry. " I am sorry, sir, but I was resting. I must not have heard my phone. And, besides, it's after office hours, sir." I told him in a serious tone. " Don't give me that s**t, cara. I knew you read my messages, but you chose to ignore me. I told you, I don't particularly appreciate being ignored or not getting what I want. I was asking you if you are home safe. Is that too hard to answer?" His voice raised in frustration. " Mr. De' Luca, I am not a little girl for you to check every time. And I am not your property to be monitored every minute of the day. And to answer your question, yes, I am home safe. I wouldn't be talking to you if I was not." I answered him with a voice full of indignation. " Cassandra, baby, the moment I laid my eyes on you, you already belong to me. Whether you accept it or not, YOU. BELONG. TO. ME." His words made my blood boil, from anger and lust. But I'll be damned if I will admit it to him. It will only add to his big ego. " Mr. De' Luca, I don't belong to you or anybody. And I will never belong to anyone. I am not a piece of meat or property to be owned by anyone." I said the words slowly so that he will get the meaning. "Put that in your thick skull, alright? So, if you have nothing more to say. I want to take a rest before heading down to Ramon's Diner later. Goodnight, Mr. De' Luca. I'll see you at the office tomorrow." Then I ended the call before he can even reply. Then a message came in. From: My Samuel We'll see about that, dolcezza. You've made the wrong move of challenging me. You will be mine, bambina, sooner than you think. I screamed in frustration after reading his message. The balls of this guy! Just because he's a billionaire and a gorgeous piece of hunk doesn't mean I am ready to jump on his bed. Well, he won't get this woman even if he tries! I got up from the couch and went to my room. I need a nap before I take a shower and go to Ramon's place. I'm really, really exhausted and so sleepy. This guy is like a vacuum. He takes all my energy every time we argue. I jumped to my bed and went under the covers. Aaahh, my comforter feels like heaven. Soon my eyes dropped, and I fell asleep. It was already dark when I finally woke up. I had a good rest, but I am still feeling tired. I dragged my butt out of bed and went to my bathroom. I'll take a hot shower instead of a bubble bath tonight. I don't have the time anymore to that now. I need to head down to Ramon's to hand in my resignation. After my very relaxing shower, I took out my skinny jeans and a black fitted shirt. I hope uncle John got my car this morning and took it to the mechanic. I really need a car, especially now that I'm working in the De' Luca enterprise. Tomorrow, I need to ask my teachers to give me my exams in advance, so that I won't be behind in my grades. One more month and I'm done with school. I'm sure there won't be any problem with getting the exams in advance. I went out of my apartment, not bothering to put on any make-up. I let my hair down in cascading waves on my back and took my purse. I locked my door and went to the lift. I'll be walking to the Diner tonight since I don't have my car. After walking 2 blocks leisurely, I'm finally in Ramon's Diner. A few patrons are sitting at their favorite spot. I spotted Cherry at one of the tables and waved at her. She waved back with a smile and continued with whatever she was doing. I went to the diner's back end to where Ramon's office is located and knocked three times. I heard him shouted, " come in!" Then I went inside. It creeps me out every time I come here because Ramon's eyes are always roaming all over my body. He looked up and had a surprising look on his face when he saw me. He motioned me to come closer and sit on a chair in front of his chaotic table. " What is it, Cassie? Why are you here?" He asked curiously. I stared at him and smiled; at least I think it's a smile. " Well, boss, I'm here to hand you my resignation. I got a new offer, they had good compensation, and I will be able to use what I've learned from school." I started my speech again with a smile but more of a grimace. " A new job? That was fast? I didn't know you were looking for another job. Aren't you happy here, Cassie? Do you need a raise, you know you can always talk to me, and we could make an arrangement." He said with a sly smile and stood up. He went behind my back and held my shoulders. He massaged and squeezed them. Then he stooped down and whispered in my ear. " I can take care of you, Cassie, if you will let me." He said and gave my shoulders another squeeze. I stood up suddenly and faced him with eyes blazing. " The next time you touch me, I'll make sure you end up in prison. You are a despicable son of a b***h!" I spat at him and throw my letter at his face before I went out of his office. I couldn't go too far before he caught up with me and grabbed my arm in a firm grip. I winced in pain because he's gripping it too tightly. " Don't you dare turn your back at me, you b***h! I was only doing you a favor. I know your kind. You are playing hard to get. Come on, tell me how much so that we can go back to my place and f**k your brains out!" He hissed in my ear. Before I knew it, my hand made contact with his face. He was shocked at first, then his grip on my arm tightened, and he was about to strike me when someone spoke behind me. " I'd think twice before you do that, Ramon." Says the steely voice behind me. I knew that voice anywhere. Before I can even turn around, I was pulled back to a solid chest, and his smell surrounds me. " Are you okay, dolcezza?" He asked from behind me. I nodded in shock, not able to form a word. " Mr. De' Luca, we were just talking." Ramon stuttered a little and looked scared. " Is that the way to talk to a woman, Ramon? You were obviously hurting her and was about to strike her. I don't like any man touching my woman, Ramon, you should know that." He said with an edge on his voice. " Yo.- your woman?" Ramon stuttered again. Now his fear is very evident on his face. " Yes, my woman, Ramon. The next time I see you near her or look at her the wrong way, I'll take your eyes out and feed them to you. Do you understand, Ramon?" " Ye- yes, Mr. De' Luca. I am sorry, I did not know. I am sorry, Cassie, and I accept your resignation." He looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked at him in disgust and nodded once. " Ready to go, love?" Samuel asked, and I nodded weakly. I am still too shaken about what happened. I know Ramon is a scumbag, but I never knew he could do or say such things. Samuel held me by the arms and guided me out of the Diner into his waiting car. He was still holding me until we reached my apartment block. He went out and held the door for me. " Thank you, Mr. De' Luca. I can take it from here." I said with a sad smile, wrapping my arms around my body. "I am going with you to your apartment, cara. You will pack your clothes and transfer them to the company's apartment. I will not let you stay here another night after what happened back there." he said firmly. " In our apartment, you will be safe and guarded 24 hours," he added and looked at me with a somber look on his face. I was about to protest, but then I thought he's probably right. Ramon knows where I live. What if he will try to finish what he started? That thought made me shiver in fear and disgust, so I nodded and decided to move. At least I won't be having problems with the rent and crappy security. I saw Samuel's eyes glinted, and he gave a genuine smile. A smile of triumph. ******************************************************************************************************** Hey guys! I am so sorry in advance that this book will now be a 'Pay to Read" book. Since the followers reach 1k, automatically, it is qualified to be in 'Pay to Read." I promise it will be worth the penny, and you won't regret spending your dollars on this book. Thank you so much for your understanding and your support. The next chapters are locked and can only be opened by coins.
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