Chapter Three

2014 Words
*** "Sonia Black called me to express her gratefulness for what you did for her son. It seems Victor has already returned home. The scandal was a blight on their family's pristine background, but I am sure they'll recover now that you have cleared him before not only the courts but the press. I must say, your little law firm is making the waves. I was hesitant to refer you to her on account of there being bigger law firms she could consult, but I knew you wouldn't tarnish the Maximiliano name. Your talent speaks for itself despite the fact that you have chosen to waste it at a barely recognized institution." And there it was. A tale as old as time for my mother- my choice to go to Law School once I finished doing what she wanted for me, which was Business School. That was my first act of rebellion- the reclamation of the ten percent of my soul that needed to belong to me. I had received backlash for my decision to venture away from the family business for years now, but it was a sacrifice I was glad to make. It made me happy and, at the end of the day, that's all that really mattered to me. Although her words stung, I had grown accustomed to her harsh approach when it came to the Law Firm I had helped to build from the ground up. With my early graduation from Harvard at the top of my class, my mother had been pleased by my success and although she was not happy about my pursuit of a Law Degree, she had expected that I would join the top law firms in the City- as befitting of a Maximiliano heiress. But my stubbornness had refused to relent. My longing to build something of my own was too great to consider her demands. And so I took the leap, making friends with Levi Price quickly enough through my childhood friend and current DA of New York, Michael Collins, before I made the proposition to help his small law firm grow into what it is right now- a household name. Price, Max and Archer had become more than the small firm that handled family law and small claims cases. We had grown, recruiting brilliant minds that had taken it further than the original dream. We kept the charm that it once beheld, though, as we retained our old clients whilst sourcing bigger clients. Levi had taken a chance on me despite my last name and, together, we had built an impressive legacy. My mother was, however, not as impressed by the insurmountable growth the Law Firm had seen in the last few years, choosing instead to focus on what it was before. She had never forgiven me for going against her and I doubted she would. And so I rolled with the punches, holding back my disappointment and hurt at the fact that she didn't believe in me enough to trust my decisions. "Madre, por favor...You said you wanted to discuss something. I don't think that you summoned me here to tell me how disappointed you are in me. Because believe me, I know. You've never failed to mention it." There was a bite to my words, one I instantly regretted as she granted me a sharp glare at my tone. My self-assuredness dwindled down further as I chastised myself inwardly for making such a rookie mistake. Despite the fact that I was a twenty-five year old living away from her house and rules, I was still her daughter and answering back was a foreign concept to my Hispanic mother. She didn't dwell on it, though, her gaze shifting down to her phone once more, which only heightened my anxiety. This was definitely unlike her and the sudden change in her demeanor and actions sent a shiver of apprehension through me. I'd rather she chews me out and f***s with my self-esteem rather than this...this is terrifying... A small frown graced her lips before she seemed to sit up straighter, her determined gaze turning to my own. She was in business mode now and I didn't know why that made me all the more anxious as I waited for the reason behind my sudden summons. "As you are aware, Aero-Max is in the process of re-structuring and acquiring new business. We are venturing more into other sectors and we have set our sights on a lucrative venture. I would have liked for you to be in that meeting during the discussions for the same but, well, here we are." She paused for effect, letting the words sink in as she reminded me of her disappointment at my less than satisfactory involvement in the family business. As the heiress to the corporation, the fact of the matter was that I would take charge one day- regardless of where I was in life or what I wanted to do. I had resigned myself to that fate a long time ago. I knew there was nothing that I could do to turn away from it and, in a sense, I had prepared for it in my own way- not that my mother had any idea of that. I attended the Board meetings when I could, but my main focus was on the firm. It was my home away from the business world and politics that would consume me soon enough once I took the reins of the business. I wanted to enjoy doing the one thing that I had truly chosen for myself and yet my efforts to juggle the two whenever I could seemed to be unsatisfactory to my blank-faced mother. Releasing a small sigh, I chose to say nothing, watching as she understood my decision before she carried on with the words and conversation that would change my life. "We have set our sights on the Hospitality Industry and are currently in talks for the construction of our very first chain of Hotels. Now, in as much as we can penetrate the market through this approach, I'm afraid it will not be satisfactory and efficient. But if we had backing from one of the top Hotel Chains in the world, then things would be different. However, in such a scenario, lasting relationships are expected to be made in order for such a lucrative business deal to be carried out. A partnership between billion dollar corporations cannot be made through contracts alone. That is too fragile a union. It needs to be something more...permanent." The wheels were already turning in my head, the implications of her words threatening to push me off the deep end. My heart was beating hard in my chest, the blood in my veins frozen despite the heat in the room. I knew she could see my panic but she soldiered on, choosing to ignore it instead, despite the fact that she was bringing my entire world to a stand-still. "As you are aware, Adetos is at the top of the Hospitality Industry and their endorsement would do wonders for our business endeavor. It also helps that the foundation has already been laid. The Aleksandros family was bound to our own years ago through your betrothal to Damien Aleksandros. And now, it is time for you to carry out your duty not only to the Maximiliano name but to the Aleksandros family as well. You are to marry Damien and secure the relationship between our families. The wedding is to take place as soon as possible for the deal to take off..." " can't be serious. Betrothal is an incredibly archaic concept. Yes, the agreement may have been made back then but this is a new day and age. You can't expect me to marry a man I do not know. He and I have barely ever met for the last ten years and I feel nothing for him. At least not enough for me to commit myself to him for life- all for a business deal. Additionally, I doubt that he has any interest in me judging by the fact that we haven't interacted in a long time. Are you even sure he wants this or is this a decision that you as parents have made without any consideration for our feelings?" I couldn't stop myself from interrupting her and, although I knew I was being rude, I couldn't really bring myself to care. Not when she was making an executive decision over my life- a decision that would change me forever. Yes, Damien and I had been betrothed earlier on in our lives but never had I expected our families to go through with it. I can't do this...Especially not with him...Anyone but Damien, please... "You are a lawyer, hija. You know all about agreements and I am sure you have not forgotten ours. We made a deal, Gianna. In exchange for your pursuit of a life away from the family business, you swore that when the time came, you would return home and claim your birthright as is expected of you. That is the only reason why I have not interfered in your life thus far, despite your questionable decisions. You have a responsibility not only to the Maximiliano name but to our legacy. The time has come for you to return to your true roots." "As to your other inquiry, this decision was not made lightly all those years ago and even now. A lot of thought was put into it and the union between our families was agreed upon so as to strengthen our bonds and position in society and business. Damien Aleksandros understands this. He knows his duty and will carry it out all the same. It is why he is here, right now, to discuss further details entailing the date of the wedding and more. I trust that you will carry yourself with the respect and grace that I have ingrained in you. This is happening, Gianna, whether you want it to or not. I trust that you will not go back on your word?" My heart stuttered in my chest at the mention of Damien's close proximity. The thought of meeting him again threatened to make me spiral, the synapses of my brain freezing momentarily before a flood of tension and anxiety returned with a vengeance. My mother's stern gaze was on me, awaiting the answer she knew I would give her. Despite my reservations, we both knew that my loyalty to my family was true. I had made her that promise and I intended to keep it. Even if it means losing a part of myself in the process...I am a Maximiliano and my life was already decided for me before I could conceptualize a future for myself. I should be grateful for the years that I was allowed to do something that was inherently my own... "No, mother. I understand what is expected of me and will carry out my duty to the Maximiliano name." My words sounded foreign, cold and unfeeling as I recited them and broke my heart all the more. If my mother noticed my changed demeanor, she did not mention it and chose instead to focus on the knock on the door that I now knew was announcing the arrival of my betrothed. "Don't worry. I am sure you will have more than enough time to catch up once again. It will be like all the years you fell out of touch never happened." My mother's words of reassurance settled like a stone in the deepest depths of my gut, unfurling an ache there that threatened to make me cry. I held my tears at bay, knowing well enough that it would be unwise to show the man beyond the double doors any sort of weakness. That's where you're wrong, mother. If it were up to me, I would never have come face to face again with Damien Aleksandros. That's why I made efforts towards keeping as far away from him as possible... ***
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