Chapter Four

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*** My heart was beating hard, my breaths short and my palms clammy. The thought of seeing Damien Aleksandros again brought back the unbidden anxiety that always threatened to fully consume me whenever I allowed my childhood memories to return. He was a part of my past that I had struggled to bury, to overcome. But the trauma had wedged itself too deep into my soul and so had the absolute terror that always consumed me whenever I happened to glimpse any sort of information on the man I could now sense was standing a few ft. away from me. My mother rose to her feet, a kind but formal smile on her lips as she greeted the man I could not bring myself to look at. My ears were ringing, my body unprepared for this kind of ambush. I was able to handle whatever my mother threw at me. I had taught myself to adapt and survive when facing the force that was Elena Maximiliano. But nothing could have prepared me for this... She's certainly won this think she would bring someone so capable of making me recede to a small girl and not a grown ass woman... "Gianna, Cosa fai? Come and say hello to our guest. Do not be rude." Although she sounded calm, my mother was anything but calm. There was that dangerous element in her voice and I knew the glint in her eyes would be way worse. She never tolerated any form of disrespect, least of all embarassment in front of those in the upper society that we interacted with. Although our family could be considered 'Old Money', we were still an immigrant household and, as such, we were not accorded the same form of respect in many circles as other Old Money families. And as such, Mother and the women who came before her had ensured that we would never be underestimated ever again. They would all look for faults and they would find none. A tight ship was ran as a result and perfection was expected from every single person who beheld the Maximiliano name, most especially the next head of the billion dollar corporation. I had been groomed from a young age to be an impressionable young woman, worthy to stand in high society and be declared perfect. In some ways, they had achieved their objective. Many in High society knew about the Maximiliano women and my name had equally become famous in their social circles. And I had a feeling the buzz would grow even more with the announcement of my engagement to Damien. And so, with a deep breath, I resigned myself to my fate and stood, turning my gaze to my mother with a small, apologetic smile. "I apologize, mother. I must still be reeling from work today." I spoke up, holding her gaze as she revealed nothing of her true emotions to my lie. We both knew that wasn't why I was so out of it. She had done this on purpose. She had ambushed me with this marriage declaration knowing that speaking about it on the phone would not have the same kind of impact. She wanted me to remember my roots and return to the plan that had been laid out for me since before I was born and I was starting to understand the harsh lesson. She really is the most formidable matriach the Maximiliano family has had in years... Taking a deep breath, I expelled it slowly just as I turned to face the man standing at the threshold of the room, a chill traveling down my spine at the sight of the stormy gray eyes that stared back at me and haunted my dreams and fueled my nightmares. Damien had always been incredibly handsome even whilst we were younger. It was one of the reasons why I followed him as a young girl, like a lovesick puppy. I was enamored by everything he was and I had learnt the hard way the consequences of my actions. Here and now, though, his handsome features were enough to literally knock the deep breath right out of my lungs. He had grown, changed and become a formidable man, worthy of the reputation he beheld as a protege and one of the most successful CEO's in the business world. He had broken barriers and surpassed many of his peers at an incredibly young age. His name was synonymous with outstanding achievements and had managed to elevate his family's business, Adetos, to a whole new level of success. Although his business milestones were impressive, I was stuck on his physical growth. The years had been kind to him, granting him a rugged handsomeness that was an echo of our childhood. Apart from his piercing gray eyes that were still as inscrutable as ever, he was painfully handsome with that angular, manly jaw that was clean shaven and a well build body that molded perfectly with his tailored suits, the black three piece he had on currently leaving me breathless at the sight of it. He had always been taller than most kids his age back then but now, it was clear it was a foreshadowing of what was to come. Six ft two and big, I paled in comparison with my five ft two- three if I was wearing the heels I currently had on. His gaze would have been enough to intimidate me but his hulking form was no help at all. Steel your spine, Gia...You're not the clueless and lovesick little girl you once were. No, you're different, stronger. You have faced off with formidable opponents in court and even more dangerous men as you fought for justice for those around you. You are more than capable of handling your soon to be husband... I reasoned with myself, taking courage from my words but the determination was not as cemented as I would have liked, especially with the way his gaze followed me as I stepped forward and outstretched my hand in greeting. "Good Evening, Mr. Aleksandros. It is good to see you again after a long time." I was as formal as I could possibly be, erecting barriers between us from the get go. Having myself tied to this man was my worst nightmare come to life but I would make it work. I would shield my heart, protect myself from him and find a way to survive. Knowing him and how much he detested me, I had no doubt that we would be tied to each other if only by our marriage certificate and nothing more. As soon as the deal with Adetos is finished, I will find a way out of this arranged marriage and as far away from him as possible...I refuse to be at his mercy...ever again... "Miss Maximiliano...the pleasure is all mine." He spoke and although his respectful countenance was enough to blind my mother enough to rid her of the confused look at our formality no doubt, I could see through the man before me. There was a dark undertone to his words, a form of sarcasm that I couldn't miss. I had learned to read people, to know what makes them tick in order to break them apart or help them succeed. That was my job and I was finding it a tad easier to understand the man before me. He has layers and layers of protection, walls I could never be able to break down but...I can see more than I did back then and it will have to be enough to help me survive him until I can escape him... "Come, dinner has been served. We shall talk more over the meal." Mother urged, pulling us from our stare on as I pulled my hand out of his firm but in no way painful grasp. I had expected a physical reaction to my presence, to seeing me again after the way we left things. I expected cruelty, anger and maybe even more but what I hadn't expected was his warmth and the way he held my hand in his in an almost contemplative way. I, however, refused to read into it and instead, turned to follow mother out of the room. I could feel his presence behind me, following me and a chill crept down my spine at the thought and feel of his eyes on me. He was watching me, almost like a predator studying his prey and although the mere thought bloomed unpleasant goosebumps on my skin, I chose to focus on the task ahead and surviving the night. If he senses any sort of weakness, he will use it against me and that will be my end. I have to be strong...I must... ** Dinner was over almost as quickly as it begun and although Mother had spent the better part of it talking of flower arrangements and venue, I had barely managed to keep up with her or rather keep any food down. Although Maria's food was as delicious as ever, my appetite had disappeared the minute the man opposite me had walked into my home. The man who had not taken his eyes off of me for the course of the meal. It had been unnerving in a way I could not fully explain and the sound of his voice every time he politely but coldly responded to my mother's conversation was enough to send a ricochet of anxiety through me. The end of the meal had been a welcome reprieve and although I was brimming with the need to run as far away from here as possible, I knew fate would not be so kind. She had abandoned me to this outcome after all... "I believe it is time for me to take my leave. Thank you for having me," Damien's words were a respite from the dark cloud looming over me and hope bloomed in my chest as I watched him bid my mother farewell. She granted him a warm smile, an uncharacteristic reaction from her but I did not dwell on it too much. I wanted him gone and the sooner he did, the sooner I could get the hell out of here and process whatever the hell had just happened. "Of course. We shall be family soon and as such, you are always welcome here. The doors of Casa Maximiliano will always be open to you...Gianna, my dear, how about you see him off, hmm?" Her words broke me out of my haze and I found myself itching to refute my mother's request. To tell them all to leave me the hell alone but I knew well enough that the move would be unwise. I could use it to my own advantage. My mother and I had nothing more to discuss and I didn't intend to stay for any longer than I had. "Yes, mother. I will take my leave as well." I responded, granting her a hug that would have seemed warm and comforting to anyone on the outside looking in but the two of us knew. There was a cool detachment between us that had always existed and it seemed to have grown further with the news of my upcoming nuptials. I turned away from the woman who had sealed my fate to a man she barely understood, refusing to assess her any further. Instead, I gestured for Damien to follow me back to the living room where I took my bag before we made our way down the hall where Maria was waiting with a black bag and a warm smile that I returned in equal parts. "Here, my dear. I know you didn't eat well so I packed some food for you for the week. I made your favorites. Enjoy and please take care of yourself." She muttered in spanish, granting me a quick but reassuring hug before she nodded formally to Damien as she opened the door for us. "Thank you, Maria." Her kindness was enough to thaw some of the turmoil-filled emotions coursing through me as I went down the front steps and begun to walk towards my G-Wagon. A sleek, black Range Rover was parked next to it, the car no doubt belonging to the man beside me. It fit him, a serious car for a serious man who spoke up and instantly froze me in my tracks. All conversation between us had been filtered through my mother and yet now, for the first time in years, we were finally alone together and on speaking terms. His words, however, were enough to take me aback and awaken a part of me I had tried so hard to extinguish as did the pain. "I imagine you must be pleased at having finally gotten what you wanted." It was weird that although his words hurt in a way, I was glad for them. He was finally being himself, being real with me and that meant more than the farce I had put up with for the last two hours. It was familiar and it brought a sad smile to my lips as I turned and faced him. There was no inkling or crack in his ever perfect demeanor but his eyes, those beautiful stormy grays, spoke more than ever. He was irritated but not as angry as his words made him out to seem. And that observation piqued my interest considerably. "I am many things, Mr Aleksandros, but pleased is certainly not among the emotions coursing through me at the moment. Believe me, if I had it my way, you and I would never have met face to face again. I have gone to great lengths to ensure I stay as far away from you as possible but alas, I guess my shitty luck has brought me right back to you." I shrugged nonchalantly but I was anything but. I was struggling to keep myself together, especially with the way his entire body seemed taut with tension and his gaze darkened even further. He took a step toward me, one that awoke my short circuiting brain and had me stepping back, an action that confused him momentarily before he restored his mask of indifference. I wanted to chastise myself for showing him that he was still so deep under my skin, I would never be able to truly pull him out, even if I wanted to but alas, my body had a mind of its own and reacted automatically to the threat of his presence. And it irked me, knowing that all the work I had tried to do to be stronger in the face of dangerous, overbearing men had fallen through the cracks when it came to the one man I trained for. He was my kryptonite and it pissed me the hell off. "Look, you've never wanted me. Not once in the time we were children and informed of our betrothal. You made your views on that clear enough. So why go through with this sham of an arranged marriage? If we put up a united front before our families, I am sure that they will abandon this stupid idea and we can both stay as far away from each other as we always have." I tried to reason with him, to get him to work with me. I, of course, had contigencies but this would be the easiest way for us to end this arrangement. He was unreadable, even more so than before but his body language was electric, almost charged. His gaze never strayed from my own and although it unnerved me, I refused to back down. This was a pivotal moment and showing weakness was not an option. No matter how much I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for the forseeable future... "Still as naive and childish as ever, I see. So I will explain this in a way that you can understand and comprehend seeing as you clearly know nothing of the business world..." He took steps towards me, refusing to back down even when I retreated. Soon enough, I was cornered, leaning against the side of my driver's door whilst he stood mere inches away from me. The cold edge of his voice that matched the storm in his eyes brought back memories and blanked my mind as I processed his words, including the veiled insults. "What we have here is an arrangement that cannot be broken by childish whims. You may not be able to stand me and yes, I had equally hoped to stay as far away from you as possible but I am mature enough to understand the implications of our union. I will not let you jeopardize this business deal so find a way to get over your reservations because this is happening. You are mine, Gianna, and you will be mine until the end of your days. Never forget that." He lingered, if only for a moment, making sure I understood and comprehended his words before he turned away and entered his car, driving away and leaving me to stew in the wake of the bomb he had unleashed. A part of me had been hopeful that he would take the bait. That he would accept to work with me to end this arrangement. But the unwavering determination in his gaze had been there. His conviction was firm. He would not be letting me go. I entered my car, numbly driving out of my home and towards the city as I mulled over my options. It was clear enough I would have to find another way. Let's just hope I can survive him until then...that I can leave with my heart and soul intact this time... ***
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