Chapter Eleven

2520 Words
*** Damien's PoV "I take it we don't like him very much?" Gianna murmured from beside me, her irritation clear as day on her beautiful features now that we were away from the man. A smile broke its way through, the third time this night, which was truly a record for the books, as I nodded in agreement. She was very perceptive, a trait that was certainly impressive. The more I learnt and discovered about this new her, the more intrigued she made me. I wanted to discover this new woman… Or rather what was hidden beneath the layers all this time… "Indeed. He's a slimy old bastard. Certainly not what he puts out, but I know a snake when I see one. No need to fill your thoughts with him, however. He's insignificant." And I truly meant my word. Having Gianna waste her time and energy on him validated the old asshole and I certainly wasn't going to allow that. He will not taint her anymore…not her thoughts or her ability to enjoy the night ahead… "What about that big budget proposal he spoke of…" I leaned forward before I could comprehend my body's actions, my free hand settling on her cheek to caress away some of the stray strands. Her inquisitive nature had been nurtured by her time in Law School. She had always been a curious child. Her brilliance had shone even then with everything she did. Seeing bits and pieces of that young girl in this grown woman did something within me that I could not comprehend, same as whenever I touched her as I did now. Her wide, hazel-green eyes settled on me as she seemed to feel what I felt- the electric connection. Almost like a jolt that seemed to kick-start all of our emotions. She may have a better understanding of it all and that set a seed deep within me- to know what she knew…to understand the world through her eyes… What the f**k is wrong with you, Damien? First time in ten years in her extended presence and you have forgotten all of your plans for her… It was a jarring thought that brought me back as I willed the troubling thoughts and foreign feelings back into a box, shutting it tight as I let the familiar chill clog my thoughts and surge through my veins once more. "It's just that. Business that isn't your concern. Let us focus on the night ahead. A dance should be the perfect way to make everyone here understand that you belong to me and me alone." My words seemed to break whatever spell she had been under from my touch. There was a heady combination within her gaze, a chill from her glare and the familiar fire of her rebellion that I was growing dangerously addicted to. She was quite something and a small part of me almost regretful of my actions, an emotion that hit me like a punch in the gut. Is that how it feels? Doctor Avery might be making good progress after all… "I'd prefer to stab myself in the eye with my high heels than lean into whatever little caveman game you want to play, Mr. Aleksandros." Although her words were hushed, they still delivered the punch with that unmistakable fire that burnt well and true. My jaw clenched at her little jibe. I didn't know why, but her insistence on being formal with me irked the hell out of me in more ways than one and she seemed to enjoy just that, as she granted me her most pleasant fake smile that didn't quite reach her cold eyes. She took a step back, ready to retreat from me. I had no doubt she had made contingencies for the night ahead so as to stay as far away from me. I had spotted one of her friends the moment we arrived. The beautiful red head I recognised as Elena Haren was in the company of her mother for the night and the two were seemingly engaged in active conversation with some of the guests. Everyone in New York knew of Gianna and her friends. A group of heiresses who were sisters more than friends and spent most of their free time together. It was a powerful friendship indeed, enough to get upper society talking. Not many lasting friendships had survived the test of wealth in our world and yet these four women had proven that it was quite possible. Elena Haren was one among the other three, a vibrant character whose beauty was enough to make many pause and openly- shamelessly admire. Yet another layer and aspect to their friendship that many did not fail to notice. The four women were stunning beyond compare, but my mind was settled on the fiery woman before me. Her beauty had not waned in any way in the last ten years. Instead, she had bloomed perfectly, temptingly so. Gianna had the kind of beauty that could bring men to their knees. She was not model petite- no, she was perfect with beautiful curves in all the right places. Her dress for the night managed to leave nothing to the imagination and yet still convey a much needed message- you can look but never touch. Seeing her had brought out a feral need from deep within me, a feeling I had never encountered before. The need for her had been almost maddening and silence had been the only way to battle the urge to pin her against the car and ravish her to my heart's content. She would have certainly fought me. And somehow, I would have enjoyed bringing her to submission…to remind her of what she felt for me once… Craving her had never been part of the plan and yet I was finding that this woman had the power to change the course of my thoughts. It was a dangerous power that stoked the embers of my resentment towards her and yet still encouraged the curious part of me that wanted to learn more about what she was truly capable of. The feral part of me that wanted to own her, body and soul… The two women were yet to spot one another and I would keep it like that for just a little while longer. She will not escape me just yet…I must feel her body against mine to sate the carnal desire to possess her. Maybe then my mind will purge the foolish thoughts of wanting to own her… It was a long shot but I would take it. Anything to free me from these foreign emotions that I could not yet comprehend. A session with Doctor Avery might just be what I need after all. Taking her free hand in my own, I stalled her escape, pulling her subtly back to me as I placed my glass in a passing server's tray and did the same with her own unfinished drink. She seemed less than pleased by my initiative, the fire in her eyes burning even brighter and exhilarating me all the more. She had grown into a force to be reckoned with indeed. "I trust that you understand the importance of this moment. It does not matter how you feel. All that matters is the success of our union and what that will reap for our families in the end. I'm sure you have not forgotten the reason behind our presence here tonight, Gianna." Reminding her of her responsibility seemed to always tame her considerably, a sight that both irked and intrigued me. True enough, the fire that I had stoked seemed to disappear as a familiar blankness settled over her features. For some reason, mention of her part in all of this seemed to sate her wild emotions. It was almost as if she was a doll, a puppet that could be controlled and manoeuvred into every possible whim. And it all had to do with her family. I do not understand this…although she has been refuting her part in this adamantly, I am sure that she intervened in some way or another in this ploy of marriage. She certainly didn't rebel against it during the dinner a week ago. She clearly wants this and yet she still fights against me. Maybe she thinks that will make me more amenable to her…she loved me ten years ago and I doubt that her feelings have changed, no matter how much she pretends to be aversed to my very presence. She can't fool me so easily… And yet something still didn't sit well with the summation I had made of this situation. Something didn't add up but I chose to file it away for later as I focused on my fiancé, who simply released what could only be construed as a tired sigh before she gestured at the dance floor where some couples were slow dancing the night away. "Shall we, then?" Her acceptance should have excited me and yet I felt nothing if not a twinge of disappointment. With a nod, I led her to the middle just as the song shifted from slow to a classical number, a cover of what seemed to be a famous song. Gianna's eyes seemed to lighten a fraction, a small smile gracing her lips, her gaze restoring its vibrance as she seemed to spot someone on the dance floor. Following it, I latched onto the source of her excitement. Elena Haren waved excitedly at her close friend with a vibrant smile that seemed to take the companion beside her aback. Mrs. Haren was nowhere in sight now that her daughter was on the dance floor and neither was 'Aitana' or whatever the blonde's name was. Axle held Elena's hand now, an indecipherable look on him as he watched the beautiful woman before him, as did many of the guests, who seemed to be enthralled by the two women in our presence. It seems my little plan to keep them apart isn't going quite as planned, but no matter… All I need is this moment with her and Axle will do well to distract Miss Haren… Gianna and her friend seemed to share a silent message in the way women always did before she turned to face me, each of us preparing to glide across the room in a modern waltz of sorts. I had no doubt in my mind that she could do it. Despite her drifting gaze to the crowd that seemed to be fixated on us and the nerves that seemed to assail her as she clenched and unbleached her free hand, I knew that she could do it. It was not a surprise that the guests around were stunned by this new development. I rarely danced at events, only doing so with members of my family, which included my mother and my little sister. Outside of that, I had never been interested in anything other than the networking and business that such gatherings would bring. So, what better way to announce that Gianna would be joining the Aleksandros family than by dancing with her tonight…She was the first woman outside my family I had ever done this with and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would enjoy it… "Eyes on me, Gianna. We are the only ones here in this moment. Keep your gaze on me." I muttered, pulling her close before wrapping one hand around her waist as she placed hers on my shoulder. I intertwined our free hands together, leading her through the dance as we glided across the floor. As expected, she was an excellent dancer, matching my every move as I turned us. I am glad that she is my first…this is truly exhilarating… Her eyes never left mine as we turned at the second bridge of the song, gliding softly across the floor as we stayed in this moment together. No one else was here but us and the intensity of the moment was set deeply into my very soul as the music hit a crescendo and the last chorus hit. I lifted her into my arms, turning us as she placed her hand on my cheek, almost reverently as she granted me the most genuine of smiles I had yet to receive from her. It brought back a flood of memories and stole the breath right from my lungs. Seeing her here, in this moment, wearing that necklace, brought a surge of emotions I could barely understand. Instead, I focused only on us in this moment, returning her smile with a small one of my own as I placed her back on the floor before spinning her once more, admiring the way she seemed to fit every part of me. Bringing her back to me, I set my hand firmly on her back, lowering her as the song came to an abrupt halt, the last strings playing as we stared vividly into each other’s eyes. My other hand was secured on her bare thigh, sending familiar jolts through both of us as I slowly lifted her and kept her flush to me. We breathed heavily against each other, stuck in the moment before it was broken by thunderous applause. A smile tugged on my lips as I lifted her hand, placing a chaste kiss on it as she watched me, unblinking, clearly feeling everything I felt in this moment. "Thank you for the dance, Asteri Mou. You were incredible. And if I haven't said it yet, you look absolutely stunning tonight." She seemed genuinely stunned by my words, a hitch in her breath as I leaned closer and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek, an action that even I did before thinking twice about it. She, however, did not back away but instead granted me a sliver of that genuine smile once more. One I was quickly getting addicted to. "Thank you, Damien." I barely had time to process the fact that she had used my first name and the burst of energy that engulfed my chest before a flash of red drew us apart and Elena Haren pulled her friend into a tight hug. The two women were gone just as quickly, disappearing towards the flood of guests who couldn't keep their eyes off the pair. A low whistle beside me pulled my attention back to Axle, who stood beside me now, his gaze firmly fixed on Elena as he spoke. "That was quite the soft launch, my friend. There is certainly no doubt in anyone's mind here who she belongs to. I haven’t felt this emotion in a long time. An emotion I know many of the guests here mirror. Envy." Although a small part of me wanted to tell him to back the hell off from Gianna, I knew he was not referring to my fiancé. No, he had set his sights on someone else and she didn't seem to be as interested in him… Welcome to the club, friend…it seems we have our work cut out for us… ***
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