Chapter Ten

1908 Words
*** Damien's PoV I watched as she took in the event, her beautiful eyes wide with wonder as she admired the set-up. The Black's were known for their outstanding and exclusive parties. They always pulled in the biggest names to the event, which certainly was beneficial when it came to the reason behind the event- charity. Attendance was charged at ten thousand dollars per guest and although the more exclusive VIPs like my family were offered complementary invites, everyone could afford to spare the money in keeping with the theme for the night. My gaze stayed on my date for the night. My fiance, who was more rebellious than I had anticipated her to be. Her little outburst outside her apartment building had been interesting to say the least. It had showcased a new side to her, an unexpected twist that enthralled me more than irritated me. It was rare to find anyone brave enough to stand against me and nothing could have prepared me for it being her- the one woman I was sure I had petrified more than any other. Peeling back these new layers is certainly going to be entertaining… Waiters dressed in matching uniforms passed around the appetisers and drinks, the impeccably dressed guests milling about the grand Hall of the City library that had been transformed into our host for the night. Gianna soaked it all in, reeling herself in once she realised that we were getting more curious stares the deeper we ventured into the party. For a moment, I wanted to make them all look away. To make them regret making her self-conscious and withdrawn. Seeing the wonder and light in her eyes had brought forth a wave of new emotions within me. A longing to see more of what she kept hidden behind this new shell that she had erected around herself. She used to be so expressive when we were children. She wore her emotions on her sleeve, a true open book if I had ever seen one. She was a breath of fresh air and had been the perfect friend for Ariadne, my little sister. She had been broken when Gianna had chosen to come over less and less. It had all been my fault but I had good reason to do it. To cast her away. She could not continue to nurture her little obsession of me…she had to realise that I would never give her what she desired… Even I could see the irony of my current situation. Marrying her had not been part of my plan and although a larger part of me detested her for the situation we were now in and the fragility of my future, there was a part of me that was intrigued by the path we were about to take. A new and completely foreign one. She was doing her part, at least. She would ensure that my family's company would stay within the family. Many wanted to take the position I would hold one day, mainly the man who was currently conversing with the hosts for the night and who sent a pang of irritation and anger through me. Not many could evoke strong emotions from within me. I was incapable of such feelings and yet Brad Keegan, the current Vice President of Adetos, had managed to do just that. I detested him with everything in me, which was probably reason enough for my grandfather to use him to make me follow through with his insane plan. Not marrying Gianna meant that the smug bastard approaching me with his ever leery and fake smile would gain the chance to control my birthright. And I would never let that happen. Not in a million f*****g years. I'd rather put a f*****g bullet in his head than let his slimy hands anywhere near what belongs to me… "Damien! What a wonderful surprise! I did not think you would grace us with your presence, but alas, here you are! I know these kind of events aren't usually your thing." He stated, forcing a chuckle through his botoxed lips, one that grated on my nerves and reminded me of just how much of a snake he truly was. Gianna seemed to catch onto the vibe- be it from my dark mood or seeing through the bastard before us- and stepped closer to me. Something within me took solace in the fact that she found comfort and safety in me. Or it could be the promise I made her in the car…one I intend to keep… Our family tended to stay on the right side of the law but we were, of course,not averse to making hard, dark decisions to protect not only our legacy but our interests. As many wealthy families did, of course. We, however, did it within the realm of reason, of course, and whence there was no other choice. Brad had been one of the handful of people that had tempted me to break that singular rule and end him. It would not be hard, of course…one word to Axle and all the information I needed would be at my fingertips. A visit on a dark night, one gunshot to the head, a perfectly staged scene and a perfectly pliable assailant that fit the profile of a suspect- someone from the long list of people he had pissed off. Everything would fall into place like the perfect puzzle. Tempting. Really f*****g tempting but unwise…stay the course, Damien. You have a plan. See it through…He will Never get what is yours… "It seems you do not know me as well as you believe you do. The Black's have been our family's friend for years. Attending their benefit is as expected of the next Head of the Aleksandros family. I believe you must know that I have taken over my grandfather's responsibilities." I raised a brow incredulously at him, watching as his jaw subtly clenched at my condescending tone and the mention of the power I held that was far superior than his own. He was much older than me, which made him believe he had the right to my respect or my birthright. He's a f*****g i***t….And will never possess an ounce of the power he wants to have… "Of course. It will be a tumultuous couple of months as we make the transition. However, I am sure you must have everything under control. Including the big budget project you must present to the board before your ascension to CEO. I am looking forward to your presentation as are many of the board members." The veiled threat was there, buried deep within his sugar-coated words. He would be playing his own cards in the background, trying to find a way to lobby for my incompetence and lack of 'experience' due to my young age if I failed. He wanted to take over, to 'hold the company for me until I was ready' which was all a large pile of s**t. He wanted Adetos and he would never get it. The big budget project was a tradition for ascension in Adetos, a way to ensure that the next Head of the company understood its needs and could act accordingly. That they were experienced enough to carry on the legacy. Never had anyone outside the family taken charge of Adetos at any point. I would not be the first to let that happen. Grandfather had, however, been concerned about that coming to pass. In his letter, he had explained the need for me to showcase understanding far beyond the numbers whence I made my presentation. He claimed I was too analytical- which sounded dumb because a multi-billion dollar enterprise needed an analytical approach- and that I needed to showcase more emotion and feeling- all things I was completely incapable of. And so he had decided to give me a 'little help'- his words, not mine- in the form of my fiancé. To him, Gianna was the answer. Partnering with her family would ensure the project part of the presentation was handled. Gaining a contract with Aero-Max was an outstanding idea. A path with multiple ventures that would certainly be lucrative for us. He had insisted in his letter that marrying Gianna would work well for the emotional part of the presentation, but that made absolutely no sense to me. Neither does this whole damn f****d up situation but here we are… I could not deny, however, that I looked forward to seeing Brad's reaction once I revealed my project. He would try to find inconsistencies, maybe even claim that my marriage to Gianna was a plan to ensure I gained control of Adetos by securing the Aero- Max contract- which it is but he doesn't need to know that- but he would have no proof. Nothing to give him the edge. And so I presently gave him a tight smile, revealing nothing of my true plans. He would, of course, suspect with Gianna's presence by my side tonight, but he would have no way of stopping me. Everything had already been set in motion. His gaze seemed to register my date, his leery eyes taking her in before lingering on her bare thigh and exposed chest a little too long for my f*****g pleasure. I gritted my teeth, keeping my calm and refusing to indulge the part of me that really REALLY wanted to put a f*****g bullet in his disgusting brain. He doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as her, let alone be in her presence… "Ah, and who is your date for the night? I must say, it is rare to see you step out with a companion and certainly one as breathtaking. I am Brad Keegan, my dear. VP of Adetos." He offered his hand and I watched as the decorum ingrained into Gianna won out as she reluctantly gave him her hand to shake. I certainly wouldn't have faulted her for choosing to leave him hanging. In fact, I might have applauded her but I knew she was raised better, unfortunately. The disgusting dog had the nerve to linger but my fiancé held her own, granting him a small kind smile as her gaze spoke volumes of how she felt about the bastard. "Gianna Maximiliano. A pleasure." Her control was impeccable as she held her own, but it was waning and fast. Amusement and a deep sated pleasure flooded my veins as I momentarily watched them before my own irritation intervened. Grabbing a tumbler of whisky for myself and a glass of red wine for my girl, I stepped in between them, ensuring Brad's grip was gone before handing over the wine to Gianna, who seemed relieved at my intervention. Not that she needed it…my fiery star would have decked him right in the face if I hadn't stepped in and we wouldn't want her to over-exert herself for a foolish dog. "Gianna is my date for the night. We were about to say hello to the hosts, so if you'll excuse us…" I stated, watching as his gaze settled on the necklace around her neck, his eyes widening almost comically as I led us away from him, the ghost of a smile settling over my lips. Of course, he knew my family's tradition. Good…let him stew on that and realise there is nothing he can do to stop this… ***
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