Chapter 18 - The things we do

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*Him* It had now turned into a week and half that Ayden had not bumped into Elise. It was starting to bother him. He was on his usual cloud, brooding over his thoughts. "Why does thinking about her, and....missing her....pain me so? Does that really I mean I love her? Argh! It's can't be possible...damn Max for putting thoughts like this in my head! I have to find her, to see her! It's the only way I know she is safe from the hell hounds....yes, to see if she's safe." He nodded his head trying to convince himself. Max was not annoying him at the moment so he chose now to find her. He flew towards her territory, unsure where she might be. He touched down on a hotel roof for the vantage point. He focused on the different auras of the people around trying to find the one that shone the brightest to him. He found her, her aura was sparkling from a kilometre away. He sighed in relief that she was ok. He flew to the university's main buildings' rooftop and watched her from a distance. He laughed when he seen she was asleep in class and was drooling on her textbook. Ayden jumped as max landed silently beside him and spoke. "So what are we looking at? she in this building... which classroom?" Ayden glared at Max. "Good thing you are already dead, or I would've killed you myself." Max shrugs. "You love me." Ayden punched him in the arm. "Hey, what gives...? So....which one is she? I want to see the pretty young lady too." Max causally was swinging his scythe with his pinky finger, showing off. Ayden stood up and dusted himself off. "You'll meet her...eventually. Now come on we have time to fill in." Ayden flew off and dropped down In front of some human stores. Him and Max were cloaked so the humans couldn't see. They could still see their own reflections in the shop windows though. They walked passed a men's store and there was a navy blue suit on the mannequin. Under the suit was a crisp white shirt and a red tie. Ayden nodded approvingly. However, next to that mannequin was another one with cargo shorts and an obscenely bright floral shirt. Ayden balnched. "Is this what men are wearing these days?" Max laughed. "Hey they wore crazier things in the seventies. I kinda like it." He clicked his fingers and his clothes under his black cloak changed. "See does it suit me?" Ayden rolled his eyes and walked on. They briefly paused in front of a tattoo parlour. In its windows, one could see tattoo inspirations on boards along the walls. Ayden scoffed. "Is that really how humans perceive us these days? Man...things have changed through the centuries..." Max squinted and then his face lit up. "Look at that one!" He pointed his finger and Ayden tried to follow where he was pointing. "Which one?" Max remained excited. "That one! The one with the ghost doggies! Oh it's so cute!" Ayden looked at his friend mortified. "Since when have reapers been associated with cute?!" Ayden seen Max laugh. "that's so funny cause that one reminds me of Felix." Ayden was dumbfounded as he coxked his head to the side. "Who's Felix?" Max winked. "Oh you'll see...Come on. You might be able to skim some souls off of him....for a price..." Ayden had a sudden sense of foreboding as he shook his body. Max was still swinging his scythe around playfully. "Come on...the guy usually hangs around only a few places....let's try the park first." Ayden mouthed to himself. "Why the park...?" And took off after Max. They touched down in front of a fountain. Max stood on the edge, and began to take a few steps like a child would while learning to balance. Ayden rolled his eyes again. "And...there he is..." Max pointed to his right and Ayden followed his finger to see a kindly looking gentleman feeding pigeons. He was sitting on a park bench but when he stood up, Ayden could see his scythe sitting next to him. The guy also had a red collar which meant he was from a different division, to their own. Ayden growled at Max. "He doesn't reap..." Max didn't give Ayden the chance to finish. "Human's. Yeah he gets the animal souls." He jumped down off the fountain and started to gleefully walk in Felix's direction. "Come on, I'll introduce you." Ayden reluctantly walked behind Max. Felix turns asax waltzed happily up to him. The pigeon's scattered. " what do I owe the pleasure?" Max hugged him. "I have someone who needs to borrow some souls." Max released him from his hug and they both turned to Ayden. "This cheerful little fella is Ayden. He's in a pickle and wants to finish his soul quota sooner..." Felix lifted one of his eyebrows in surprise. "You guys deal with humans though. My speciality is animals." He flicked his coat aside to reveal the rainbow on the inside. Ayden whistled. "Your... colourful..." Felix smiled and Ayden gulped. Felix only had a select few teeth. "Humans say that when their animals due they go over the rainbow bridge...oh and I don't mind a few souls here and there...burning exchange...." He flicks his hand and a pink collar and chain appears. Ayden becomes mortified. "You have got to be kidding me." Felix gets a freaky toothless grin. "Be my pet for the day." Ayden sighs and then looks long and hard at Max. "Do not tell anyone about this." For a full day, Ayden suffered through the humiliation of playing Felix's pet, however he did get two extra souls crossed off his quota even if they were animals. Once Felix released him from the collar, he clapped Ayden on the shoulder. "Your alright kid. Come to see me anytime you need extra souls, I'll ha E the collar waiting for you." He winked and Ayden shuddered before flying off without Max. Menahem was watching from the shadows and whispered into the wind.... "Be careful Ayden and saty away from Elise."
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