Chapter 9 - Awkwardness

1155 Words
*Her*  After the day she had, Elise just threw her bag I to the bed and then flopped onto the bed also. She put her pillow over her head to middle her scream but her mother still heard it and came running. "Are you on sweetheart? Rough day?" Elise groaned and rolled over onto her back. "I'm fine mum. I'm just....tired." Her mum leant against the door frame.  "It's ok. I understand, but know you can talk to me anytime ok?" Elise nodded. "Thanks mum, but I really am just tired." Her mum sighed. "Well dinner will be ready in an hour so maybe you should ha E a rest untill then. Don't push yourself too hard ok?"  Elise only nodded before she closed her eyes from exhaustion.  Her mother woke her up by gently shaking her. "Honey, it's 8 o'clock. You need to eat something." Elise groaned. "mmmh.....ok...." She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and followed her mother downstairs.  Her father was sitting in the lounge reading the newspaper. His glasses were down his nose so he looked down his nose through his glasses at her.  "Evening princess." She nodded. "Hi daddy."  She moved into the kitchen and sat at the island bench. Her mother pushed a plate full of pasta towards her and dangled a fork Infront of her face.  Elise snatched it and began to dig into her dinner.  When she finished she burped in the most unlady like fashion. "Thankyou mum for my dinner." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. They still were glazed over from exhaustion. She put her plate in the sink and grabbed a glass to fill with water. She went back up to her room and took her books out of her bag. She looked at the clock and figured she had a few hours before she would be given her new parchment for her next shift.  She sat at her desk and began to read but the she found she couldn't concentrate and in fact her eyes Bagan to get heavy. She yawned. "Only for ten minutes...." She closed her eyes and collapsed on top of her books. She was woken up by a prickling on her cheek. She groggily opened one eye to see a piece of paper floating in front of her. She closed her eyes again before through the fog of sleep she realised it was her parchment. She sat bolt upright and desperato looked at the clock on her wall.  "Crap....I'm a little late...." She stood up, closed her eyes and clicked her fingers. When she opened her eyes again she was standing in her work uniform. "I'll never get tired of that!" She giggled to herself. She whistled like Ayden and taught her and her pink cloud floated in through her window. She grabbed her parchment and sat down on her cloud. As she leaned in the direction for it to float put the window she glanced at her list. Her first task was a toddler, who according to her parchment, "Is too excited to be visiting his grandfather for him to sleep." Elise smiled to herself. Children were the cutest to out to sleep.  She stood up on her cloud and steadied herself before she flew in the direction of her first target.  She flew in through his window and found him jumping up and down on his bed. He cheerily spoke to her. "Hello. Me no sleep!" He had the biggest grin on his face. Elise laughed. "That's why I'm here little one." His face turned sour and he was about to scream when Elise reached for her dream dust and threw it at him. He collapsed on his bed. Elise gently moved him and tucked him in under his blankets.  "Sleep tight." She smiled again before she marked him off her list. As she stepped up onto her cloud she looked at her next target.  "A tourist on the F23 bus, heading for the temple on the mountain top....hmm"  Elise grabbed her grimore she found the spell to draw a map in the air and she waved her hand as she said the spell to produce a map with a blinking red light moving on it. "found you." She flew off on the cloud in the direction of the bus.  She landed on top of the bus and she struggled to read who it was she was supposed to be putting to sleep. The parchment was flapping in the wind. "Seat 5B. Gotcha!" She conjured a portal to let herself into the moving bus. As she stepped through there were alot of surprised people.  She forgot to make herself invisible.  She made her way down the isle to her target however, when the bus driver looked in the mirror, he was shocked that she just appeared and slammed on his brakes. Just as Elise found her target, she had reached into her Dre dust bag and hand a sprinkle of dream dust but when the driver stepped on the brakes, she had lurched forwards and it was like everything was in slow maothion for Elise.  The dream dust had lurched into the air and it landed on the bus driver and the first few rows of passengers, knocking then clean out.  Elise gasped as the bus again lurched forwards as the bus driver was asleep at the wheel. Elise was thrown backwards through her portal. It took her back out to the top of the bus but as the bus was hurtling along she had to hold onto the side of the bus. She looked over towards the front to find that the bus was on a straight path towards a cliff. She closed her eyes and whistled for her cloud but her whistle was drowned out by the wind. The bus went up and over the cliffside and Elise couldn't hold on any longer as she was thrown sideways. She went sailing through the air. She didn't know if it was shock but before she passed out she swore she seen Aydens face.  She was awoken by a stinging on her cheeks and she groaned. She was sore all over. As she opened her eyes she was startled and headbutted a worried Ayden. They both rubbed Thier foreheads.  Ayden sighed. "As I was saying...I have a bone to pick with you." Elise was still rubbing her forehead before she scowled. "What is it?" Ayden picked up his scythe. And stood up. He still had a red mark on his forehead from where they butted heads. Elise sat up and checked her body over for injuries. Thankfully she only had scratches. Ayden cleared his throat. "Why were you on that bus?" Elise rolled her eyes. "Well...I had my target on that bus, and I was supposed to put him to sleep, but kinda....put the bus driver to sleep instead..?" There was dead silence between them. 
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