Chapter 10 - Ayden catches feelings

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*Him* Ayden was still rubbing his forehead from where she had headbutted him, he was also pacing.  "So let me get this put the bus driver to sleep on accident and caused...well...this...." He gestured to the smoke plume and the screams and moans from injured people below them.  In the distance there were sirens wailing from the incoming police and ambulances.  Ayden stopped pacing. "Ok Princess, as nice as this little catch up has been, we need to get out of here. The humans do not have a good understanding of the supernatural and given my occupation, I don't want be on the telly."  He picked up his scythe from the ground and dusted it off. He waved his hand Infront of himself to cloak himself from the humans. Elise slowly rolled over onto her hands and knees. Ayden held his hand out to help her up. As soon as she reached out for his hand, Ayden pulled her to himself and then grabbed her around the waist tightly and flew off. He did not want to stick around. This would be someone else's mess to clean up. As he flew, he could feel Elise shivering against his chest. He then felt conscious of her and how thin and light she felt against him. His thoughts made him blush.  His father brought him up to be a gentleman, and these thoughts did not sit well with him. It was at the point he really had a good look at her. She had her eyes scrunched shut but the tears were still there running down her flushed cheeks. Her blonde hair was still in braids but most of it was now in a mess. She was beautiful, and Ayden realised he was in trouble. He shook his head and then found an suitable outcrop and slowly touched down. He still held Elise but now it was making him feel awkward.  He cleared his throat as he let go of her, he looked away bashfully. Elise opened her eyes and the tears poured out. Ayden flinched when he seen her eyes.  They looked like sapphires, the tears only making then sparkle. Yes he was really in trouble. He gulped but she spoke for the first time since they left the accident. "Wh...what will...happen now?" Her voice broke and quivered. In the first time in his life, Ayden felt the compulsion to give someone reassurance and a hug and he wasn't sure weather the idea actually repulsed him. He patted her on the shoulder. "There, there. Don't you magic people have your own government for these kinds of things?" Elise sniffled before she earnestly looked up at him before she stammered.  "Will you help me with my work tonight? I don' myself anymore..." Ayden sighed Menahem's words echoed in his mind. "Let things take their course..." Ayden whispered this to himself but before he caught himself, he had agreed to help her and he facepalmed himself.  He sighed. "Let me see you parchment." She again sniffled before she shakingly handed him her parchment. He unfurled it. It smelled like lavender. He wasn't entirely surprised as lavender was sleep inducing. "Tch...sandmen and thier obsession with sleep." He mumbled under his breath before letting our a yawn.  "Let's see....ok...your next one should be easy. It's a baby and they can't move so you shouldn't have any issues." He gestured for her to come to him and he opened his arms for her. This night was going to be a long one for him. He sighed as Elise hugged him. He tried not to think about her tantalising smell or the way she looks at him with her blue eyes that he could easily get lost in. He concentrated on getting them to her next target. They touched down on the roof and he let Elise go. She fumbled to get her balance but then as she steadied herself she reached for her grimore. She whispered a spell to open a portal. She turned her gaze to him.  "Wait for me." She stepped through and Ayden sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair. "What am I doing? Argh!" He flopped down and sat waiting. "Menahem is going to kill me, not to mention death is going to punish me." He shivered.  The rest of the night Elise remained quiet. She got in and out finishing her targets then marking them off with a shaking hand. Ayden doubted weather she will get over her mistake in a hurry. After her last target was finished and she had it signed off, her parchment glowed and then flew off in a glittery cloud.  She looked down at her shoes before she quietly said "thankyou...for helping me. I'll go home now. Good night.'" she turned around and whistled for her pink cloud. It floated down and she stepped onto it taking off and leaving him behind. Ayden was exasperated but then he was reminded of where he was as crows were looking at him and sqwarked.  Ayden pushed himself upwards and flew towards his favourite place, the clouds to over look humanity.  As he sat down he began to mediate but his silence was soon broken by the beating of wings. He cracked one eye open to see that it was Menahem.  Ayden sighed and quit his meditation before sarcastically remarking "What can I do for you Menahem?" The big bird looked at him with scorn.  "I told you to let things take their course!" Ayden snapped at him. "She was in trouble! She didn't deserve to be chased by a death hound!" Menahem flapped in anger back at him. "That was not your decision to make! Death has now asked me to bring you in." Ayden gulped. He knew this was coming.  "Fine. Let's go." Menahem flapped and then hovered in the air waiting for Ayden. He picked up his sycthe and jumped off his cloud and flew alongside Menahem, heading for the underworld.  They landed on the damp soil. To Ayden it always smelled musty in Deaths office. Cerberus was lazily sitting in his bed two out of the three heads were asleep. The last one spotted him and his tail began to wag in excitement. Ayden patted him behind the ears and his back paw began to scratch the air in excitement. "Whose a good boy then?" Ayden spoke in a baby voice to the dog. Cerberus licked his fingers but then noticed Menahem next to Ayden and he began to growl, this got the attention of the other two heads who sleepily growled in reply as well. Menahem huffed. "That damn dog...not much of a guard dog if he likes you." Just then the black double doors to deaths office creaked open and his eerie voice wafted from the room. "Come in Ayden....we have discuss....."
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