Date with Daniel

1916 Words

Daisy's pov: Today is Daniel's turn to take me out, I don't know what he planned but he told me to put on a light dress, comfortable to move in, so I put on some jean shorts and a white t-shirt and set out on the road to wherever he is taking me. He kept it a secret and his mouth zipped no matter how much I asked saying ''You need to wait to find it out'' He grinned and turned on the radio and sang along with the song. I didn't know any of the lyrics but liked his singing so I did an awful job of lip sync, laughing hard at the words we miss. Finally, a song I recognised came and I sang along with it, Daniel gave me an impressed smile and sang along with me, doing weird dance movements with one hand while the other was on the steering wheel. We sang all the way to the place, we stopped

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