Waking the luna

1691 Words

Dean's POV: After a long blissful night with my Daisy, I slept like a stone. By the time I woke up, the sun was shining through the blinds of the curtains on the window. I groaned and turned away, burying my face into my Daisy's luscious curls. Her mouthwatering scent of mint and chocolate chip cookies is enough to wake me up and get hungry. I turned to check the time, it was 8:45. Yawn! I turned to go back to sleep. Wait! 8:45?! I sat up abruptly. "s**t!" I turned to see Daisy and my brothers still asleep, I shook Daisy to wake her but she didn't respond. That's right, we wore her out yesterday. Shit! I turned to shake my brothers awake, Darius woke up but Daniel and Declan turned around and fell asleep again. I threw the pillow on their faces. "Wake up sit heads!" I shoute

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