
1641 Words

I turned to find the Mistress standing behind me, looking at me with so much anger that I was scared I would melt. ''I was searching for you everywhere and here you are! wandering around in alphas' house of all places, how dare you come here!'' She screeched, and glared at me, taking a step towards me. This woman is scarier than all the alphas combined! ''Are you here to steal something? tell me what did you take!?'' She shouted, yanking my hand from my side, her grip was so painful. ''I didn't take anything '' I said, trying to free my hand but she was way too strong for my underweight body. ''Don't lie! I saw you looking at the cupboard, tell me what you took or, I will make your life a living hell!'' She shouted in my face. I could feel Dahlia getting restless, wanting to come out

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