Date with Declan

2402 Words

From there on, things took a swerving turn on my life turning it upside down. I have seen the alphas in many ways, playful, arrogant, sweet, funny even angry but for the first time, I saw the romantic side of them. They were keen on being true to their promises to win me over by many means and spoiling me rotten was one of them, They made me feel like their queen, a literal one at that, all I had to do was nod and they would bring it to me on their knees. Their intense urge to please me is fascinating to me with even more clothes and shoes, including jewellery though it felt like an overdo, I'm not much of a jewel person but their selections were so good to turn it down. They even suggested modifying the room to my liking and I did like the idea. I liked the room as it was but it was

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